// # Errors /*jslint regexp: true */ var _ = require('lodash'), chalk = require('chalk'), path = require('path'), Promise = require('bluebird'), hbs = require('express-hbs'), NotFoundError = require('./not-found-error'), BadRequestError = require('./bad-request-error'), InternalServerError = require('./internal-server-error'), NoPermissionError = require('./no-permission-error'), MethodNotAllowedError = require('./method-not-allowed-error'), RequestEntityTooLargeError = require('./request-too-large-error'), UnauthorizedError = require('./unauthorized-error'), ValidationError = require('./validation-error'), ThemeValidationError = require('./theme-validation-error'), UnsupportedMediaTypeError = require('./unsupported-media-type-error'), EmailError = require('./email-error'), DataImportError = require('./data-import-error'), TooManyRequestsError = require('./too-many-requests-error'), TokenRevocationError = require('./token-revocation-error'), VersionMismatchError = require('./version-mismatch-error'), IncorrectUsage = require('./incorrect-usage'), Maintenance = require('./maintenance'), DatabaseNotPopulated = require('./database-not-populated'), DatabaseVersion = require('./database-version'), i18n = require('../i18n'), config = require('../config'), errors, // Paths for views userErrorTemplateExists = false; function isValidErrorStatus(status) { return _.isNumber(status) && status >= 400 && status < 600; } function getStatusCode(error) { if (error.statusCode) { return error.statusCode; } if (error.status && isValidErrorStatus(error.status)) { error.statusCode = error.status; return error.statusCode; } if (error.code && isValidErrorStatus(error.code)) { error.statusCode = error.code; return error.statusCode; } error.statusCode = 500; return error.statusCode; } /** * Basic error handling helpers */ errors = { updateActiveTheme: function (activeTheme) { userErrorTemplateExists = config.get('paths').availableThemes[activeTheme].hasOwnProperty('error.hbs'); }, throwError: function (err) { if (!err) { err = new Error(i18n.t('errors.errors.anErrorOccurred')); } if (_.isString(err)) { throw new Error(err); } throw err; }, // ## Reject Error // Used to pass through promise errors when we want to handle them at a later time rejectError: function (err) { return Promise.reject(err); }, logComponentInfo: function (component, info) { if (process.env.NODE_LEVEL === 'DEBUG' || process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development' || process.env.NODE_ENV === 'staging' || process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production') { console.info(chalk.cyan(component + ':', info)); } }, logComponentWarn: function (component, warning) { if (process.env.NODE_LEVEL === 'DEBUG' || process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development' || process.env.NODE_ENV === 'staging' || process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production') { console.info(chalk.yellow(component + ':', warning)); } }, logWarn: function (warn, context, help) { if (process.env.NODE_LEVEL === 'DEBUG' || process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development' || process.env.NODE_ENV === 'staging' || process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production') { warn = warn || i18n.t('errors.errors.noMessageSupplied'); var msgs = [chalk.yellow(i18n.t('errors.errors.warning'), warn), '\n']; if (context) { msgs.push(chalk.white(context), '\n'); } if (help) { msgs.push(chalk.green(help)); } // add a new line msgs.push('\n'); console.log.apply(console, msgs); } }, logError: function (err, context, help) { var self = this, origArgs = _.toArray(arguments).slice(1), stack, msgs, hideStack = false; // DatabaseVersion errors are usually fatal, we output a nice message // And the stack is not at all useful in this case if (err instanceof DatabaseVersion) { hideStack = true; } if (_.isArray(err)) { _.each(err, function (e) { var newArgs = [e].concat(origArgs); errors.logError.apply(self, newArgs); }); return; } stack = err ? err.stack : null; if (!_.isString(err)) { if (_.isObject(err) && _.isString(err.message)) { err = err.message; } else { err = i18n.t('errors.errors.unknownErrorOccurred'); } } // Overwrite error to provide information that this is probably a permission problem // TODO: https://github.com/TryGhost/Ghost/issues/3687 if (err.indexOf('SQLITE_READONLY') !== -1) { context = i18n.t('errors.errors.databaseIsReadOnly'); help = i18n.t('errors.errors.checkDatabase'); } // TODO: Logging framework hookup // Eventually we'll have better logging which will know about envs // you can use DEBUG=true when running tests and need error stdout if ((process.env.NODE_LEVEL === 'DEBUG' || process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development' || process.env.NODE_ENV === 'staging' || process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production')) { msgs = [chalk.red(i18n.t('errors.errors.error'), err), '\n']; if (context) { msgs.push(chalk.white(context), '\n'); } if (help) { msgs.push(chalk.green(help)); } // add a new line msgs.push('\n'); if (stack && !hideStack) { msgs.push(stack, '\n'); } console.error.apply(console, msgs); } }, logErrorAndExit: function (err, context, help) { this.logError(err, context, help); // Exit with 0 to prevent npm errors as we have our own process.exit(0); }, logAndThrowError: function (err, context, help) { this.logError(err, context, help); this.throwError(err, context, help); }, logAndRejectError: function (err, context, help) { this.logError(err, context, help); return this.rejectError(err, context, help); }, logErrorWithRedirect: function (msg, context, help, redirectTo, req, res) { /*jshint unused:false*/ var self = this; return function () { self.logError(msg, context, help); if (_.isFunction(res.redirect)) { res.redirect(redirectTo); } }; }, /** * ### Format HTTP Errors * Converts the error response from the API into a format which can be returned over HTTP * * @private * @param {Array} error * @return {{errors: Array, statusCode: number}} */ formatHttpErrors: function formatHttpErrors(error) { var statusCode = 500, errors = []; if (!_.isArray(error)) { error = [].concat(error); } _.each(error, function each(errorItem) { var errorContent = {}; // TODO: add logic to set the correct status code statusCode = getStatusCode(errorItem); errorContent.message = _.isString(errorItem) ? errorItem : (_.isObject(errorItem) ? errorItem.message : i18n.t('errors.errors.unknownApiError')); errorContent.errorType = errorItem.errorType || 'InternalServerError'; if (errorItem.errorType === 'ThemeValidationError' && errorItem.errorDetails) { errorContent.errorDetails = errorItem.errorDetails; } errors.push(errorContent); }); return {errors: errors, statusCode: statusCode}; }, formatAndRejectAPIError: function (error, permsMessage) { if (!error) { return this.rejectError( new this.NoPermissionError(permsMessage || i18n.t('errors.errors.notEnoughPermission')) ); } if (_.isString(error)) { return this.rejectError(new this.NoPermissionError(error)); } if (error.errorType) { return this.rejectError(error); } // handle database errors if (error.code && (error.errno || error.detail)) { error.db_error_code = error.code; error.errorType = 'DatabaseError'; error.statusCode = 500; return this.rejectError(error); } return this.rejectError(new this.InternalServerError(error)); }, handleAPIError: function errorHandler(err, req, res, next) { /*jshint unused:false */ var httpErrors = this.formatHttpErrors(err); this.logError(err); // Send a properly formatted HTTP response containing the errors res.status(httpErrors.statusCode).json({errors: httpErrors.errors}); }, renderErrorPage: function (statusCode, err, req, res, next) { /*jshint unused:false*/ var self = this, defaultErrorTemplatePath = path.resolve(config.get('paths').adminViews, 'user-error.hbs'); function parseStack(stack) { if (!_.isString(stack)) { return stack; } // TODO: split out line numbers var stackRegex = /\s*at\s*(\w+)?\s*\(([^\)]+)\)\s*/i; return ( stack .split(/[\r\n]+/) .slice(1) .map(function (line) { var parts = line.match(stackRegex); if (!parts) { return null; } return { function: parts[1], at: parts[2] }; }) .filter(function (line) { return !!line; }) ); } // Render the error! function renderErrorInt(errorView) { var stack = null; // Not Found and Maintenance Errors don't need a stack trace if (statusCode !== 404 && statusCode !== 503 && process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' && err.stack) { stack = parseStack(err.stack); } res.status(statusCode).render((errorView || 'error'), { message: err.message || err, // We have to use code here, as it's the variable passed to the template // And error templates can be customised... therefore this constitutes API // In future I recommend we make this be used for a combo-version of statusCode & errorCode code: statusCode, // Adding this as being distinctly, the status code, as opposed to any other code see #6526 statusCode: statusCode, stack: stack }, function (templateErr, html) { if (!templateErr) { return res.status(statusCode).send(html); } // There was an error trying to render the error page, output the error self.logError(templateErr, i18n.t('errors.errors.errorWhilstRenderingError'), i18n.t('errors.errors.errorTemplateHasError')); // And then try to explain things to the user... // Cheat and output the error using handlebars escapeExpression return res.status(500).send( '
' + i18n.t('errors.errors.encounteredError') + '
' + '' + hbs.handlebars.Utils.escapeExpression(templateErr.message || templateErr) + '' + '
' + i18n.t('errors.errors.whilstTryingToRender') + '
' + statusCode + ' ' + '' + hbs.handlebars.Utils.escapeExpression(err.message || err) + '' ); }); } if (statusCode >= 500) { this.logError(err, i18n.t('errors.errors.renderingErrorPage'), i18n.t('errors.errors.caughtProcessingError')); } // Are we admin? If so, don't worry about the user template if ((res.isAdmin && req.user && req.user.id) || userErrorTemplateExists === true) { return renderErrorInt(); } // We're not admin and the template doesn't exist. Render the default. return renderErrorInt(defaultErrorTemplatePath); }, error404: function (req, res, next) { var message = i18n.t('errors.errors.pageNotFound'); // do not cache 404 error res.set({'Cache-Control': 'no-cache, private, no-store, must-revalidate, max-stale=0, post-check=0, pre-check=0'}); if (req.method === 'GET') { this.renderErrorPage(404, message, req, res, next); } else { res.status(404).send(message); } }, error500: function (err, req, res, next) { var statusCode = getStatusCode(err), returnErrors = []; // 500 errors should never be cached res.set({'Cache-Control': 'no-cache, private, no-store, must-revalidate, max-stale=0, post-check=0, pre-check=0'}); if (statusCode === 404) { return this.error404(req, res, next); } if (req.method === 'GET') { if (!err || !(err instanceof Error)) { next(); } errors.renderErrorPage(statusCode, err, req, res, next); } else { if (!_.isArray(err)) { err = [].concat(err); } _.each(err, function (errorItem) { var errorContent = {}; errorContent.message = _.isString(errorItem) ? errorItem : (_.isObject(errorItem) ? errorItem.message : i18n.t('errors.errors.unknownError')); errorContent.errorType = errorItem.errorType || 'InternalServerError'; returnErrors.push(errorContent); }); res.status(statusCode).json({errors: returnErrors}); } } }; // Ensure our 'this' context for methods and preserve method arity by // using Function#bind for expressjs _.each([ 'logWarn', 'logComponentInfo', 'logComponentWarn', 'rejectError', 'throwError', 'logError', 'logAndThrowError', 'logAndRejectError', 'logErrorAndExit', 'logErrorWithRedirect', 'handleAPIError', 'formatAndRejectAPIError', 'formatHttpErrors', 'renderErrorPage', 'error404', 'error500' ], function (funcName) { errors[funcName] = errors[funcName].bind(errors); }); module.exports = errors; module.exports.NotFoundError = NotFoundError; module.exports.BadRequestError = BadRequestError; module.exports.InternalServerError = InternalServerError; module.exports.NoPermissionError = NoPermissionError; module.exports.UnauthorizedError = UnauthorizedError; module.exports.ValidationError = ValidationError; module.exports.ThemeValidationError = ThemeValidationError; module.exports.RequestEntityTooLargeError = RequestEntityTooLargeError; module.exports.UnsupportedMediaTypeError = UnsupportedMediaTypeError; module.exports.EmailError = EmailError; module.exports.DataImportError = DataImportError; module.exports.MethodNotAllowedError = MethodNotAllowedError; module.exports.TooManyRequestsError = TooManyRequestsError; module.exports.TokenRevocationError = TokenRevocationError; module.exports.VersionMismatchError = VersionMismatchError; module.exports.IncorrectUsage = IncorrectUsage; module.exports.Maintenance = Maintenance; module.exports.DatabaseNotPopulated = DatabaseNotPopulated; module.exports.DatabaseVersion = DatabaseVersion;