var when = require("when"), _ = require("underscore"), models = require('../../models'), errors = require('../../errorHandling'), Importer003; Importer003 = function () { _.bindAll(this, "basicImport"); this.version = "003"; this.importFrom = { "000": this.basicImport, "001": this.basicImport, "002": this.basicImport }; }; Importer003.prototype.importData = function (data) { return this.canImport(data) .then(function (importerFunc) { return importerFunc(data); }, function (reason) { return when.reject(reason); }); }; Importer003.prototype.canImport = function (data) { if (data.meta && data.meta.version && this.importFrom[data.meta.version]) { return when.resolve(this.importFrom[data.meta.version]); } return when.reject("Unsupported version of data"); }; function stripProperties(properties, data) { _.each(data, function (obj) { _.each(properties, function (property) { delete obj[property]; }); }); return data; } function defaultProperty(obj, name, defaultVal) { if (!obj[name]) { obj[name] = defaultVal; } return obj; } function preProcessPostTags(tableData) { var postTags, postsWithTags = {}; postTags = tableData.posts_tags; _.each(postTags, function (post_tag) { if (!postsWithTags.hasOwnProperty(post_tag.post_id)) { postsWithTags[post_tag.post_id] = []; } postsWithTags[post_tag.post_id].push(post_tag.tag_id); }); _.each(postsWithTags, function (tag_ids, post_id) { var post, tags; post = _.find(tableData.posts, function (post) { return === parseInt(post_id, 10); }); if (post) { tags = _.filter(tableData.tags, function (tag) { return _.indexOf(tag_ids, !== -1; }); post.tags = []; _.each(tags, function (tag) { // names are unique.. this should get the right tags added // as long as tags are added first; post.tags.push({name:}); }); } }); return tableData; } function importTags(ops, tableData) { tableData = stripProperties(['id', 'meta_keywords'], tableData); _.each(tableData, function (tag) { ops.push(models.Tag.add(tag)); }); } function importPosts(ops, tableData) { tableData = stripProperties(['id'], tableData); _.each(tableData, function (post) { post = defaultProperty(post, "language", "en_US"); post = defaultProperty(post, "featured", false); ops.push(models.Post.add(post)); }); } function importUsers(ops, tableData) { _.each(tableData, function (user) { = user.full_name; = user.url; user.language = 'en_US'; user.status = 'active'; }); tableData = stripProperties(['id', 'full_name', 'url'], tableData); tableData[0].id = 1; ops.push(models.User.edit(tableData[0])); } function importSettings(ops, tableData) { // for settings we need to update individual settings, and insert any missing ones // the one setting we MUST NOT update is the databaseVersion settings var blackList = ['databaseVersion', 'language']; tableData = stripProperties(['id'], tableData); tableData = _.filter(tableData, function (data) { return blackList.indexOf(data.key) === -1; }); _.each(tableData, function (setting) { setting.type = setting.type || 'custom'; }); ops.push(models.Settings.edit(tableData)); } Importer003.prototype.import000 = function (data) { /* When we come from 000 we have the following tables: * - posts * - users * - roles * - roles_users * - permissions * - permissions_users * - permissions_roles * - settings * * The following data changes happened * - posts.language -> defaultTo 'en_US' * - posts.featured -> defaultTo false * - posts.meta_keywords -> removed * - users.full_name -> name * - users.slug -> [added] * - users.location -> [added] * - users.language -> [added] and defaultTo 'en_US' * - users.accessibility -> [added] * - users.status -> [added] and defaultTo 'active' * - users.last_login -> [added] * - users.meta_title -> [added] * - users.meta_description -> [added] * - users.url -> website * - tags.meta_keywords -> [removed] */ // These are all covered by the basic import return this.basicImport(data); }; Importer003.prototype.import001 = function (data) { /* When we come from 001 we have all of 000 changes plus: * - tags * - posts_tags * - custom_data (not used in 003) * - posts_custom_data (not used in 003) */ // These are all covered by the basic import return this.basicImport(data); }; Importer003.prototype.import002 = function (data) { /* When we come from 002 we have all of 001 changes plus: * - Not really sure what changed in 002 */ // These are all covered by the basic import return this.basicImport(data); }; // No data needs modifying, we just import whatever tables are available Importer003.prototype.basicImport = function (data) { var ops = [], tableData =; // Do any pre-processing of relationships (we can't depend on ids) if (tableData.posts_tags && tableData.posts && tableData.tags) { tableData = preProcessPostTags(tableData); } // Import things in the right order: if (tableData.tags && tableData.tags.length) { importTags(ops, tableData.tags); } if (tableData.posts && tableData.posts.length) { importPosts(ops, tableData.posts); } if (tableData.users && tableData.users.length) { importUsers(ops, tableData.users); } if (tableData.settings && tableData.settings.length) { importSettings(ops, tableData.settings); } /** do nothing with these tables, the data shouldn't have changed from the fixtures * permissions * roles * permissions_roles * permissions_users * roles_users */ return when.all(ops).then(function (results) { return when.resolve(results); }, function (err) { return when.reject("Error importing data: " + err.message || err, err.stack); }); }; module.exports = { Importer003: Importer003, importData: function (data) { return new Importer003().importData(data); } };