const models = require('../../../models'); const errors = require('@tryghost/errors'); const limitService = require('../../../services/limits'); const i18n = require('../../../lib/common/i18n'); const authenticateContentApiKey = async function authenticateContentApiKey(req, res, next) { // allow fallthrough to other auth methods or final ensureAuthenticated check if (!req.query || !req.query.key) { return next(); } if (req.query.key.constructor === Array) { return next(new errors.BadRequestError({ message: i18n.t('errors.middleware.auth.invalidRequest'), code: 'INVALID_REQUEST' })); } let key = req.query.key; try { const apiKey = await models.ApiKey.findOne({secret: key}, {withRelated: ['integration']}); if (!apiKey) { return next(new errors.UnauthorizedError({ message: i18n.t('errors.middleware.auth.unknownContentApiKey'), code: 'UNKNOWN_CONTENT_API_KEY' })); } if (apiKey.get('type') !== 'content') { return next(new errors.UnauthorizedError({ message: i18n.t('errors.middleware.auth.invalidApiKeyType'), code: 'INVALID_API_KEY_TYPE' })); } // CASE: blocking all non-internal: "custom" and "builtin" integration requests when the limit is reached if (limitService.isLimited('customIntegrations') && (apiKey.relations.integration && !['internal'].includes(apiKey.relations.integration.get('type')))) { // NOTE: using "checkWouldGoOverLimit" instead of "checkIsOverLimit" here because flag limits don't have // a concept of measuring if the limit has been surpassed await limitService.errorIfWouldGoOverLimit('customIntegrations'); } // authenticated OK, store the api key on the request for later checks and logging req.api_key = apiKey; next(); } catch (err) { if (err instanceof errors.HostLimitError) { next(err); } else { next(new errors.InternalServerError({err})); } } }; module.exports = { authenticateContentApiKey };