const Command = require('./command'); const chalk = require('chalk'); // we use logins as the basis for our offset const datum = { table: 'members_login_events', column: 'created_at' }; const helpText = `Updates the Ghost db and shifts all dates up to present day. By default the offset is based on the date of the last member login.\n ${'warning')} This is a destructive operation for testing purposes only. DO NOT run it against a database you care about.`; module.exports = class TimeTravel extends Command { setup() {; this.argument('--offset', {type: 'number', desc: 'Specify a date offset (in days)'}); this.argument('--force', {type: 'boolean', desc: 'Continue without confirmation'}); } async handle(argv = {}) { const _ = require('lodash'); // knex has to be loaded _after_ the call to setup() // the db connection requires nconf which passes argv to yargs, // which intercepts --help and stops execution const knex = require('../server/data/db/connection'); const schema = require('../server/data/schema'); const {DateTime} = require('luxon'); if (!argv.offset) { const datumPoint = await knex(datum.table) .max(datum.column, {as: datum.column}) .first(); if (!datumPoint[datum.column]) { this.error('No data to use as baseline. Use --offset instead'); knex.destroy(); return; } argv.offset = Math.floor( DateTime.utc() .diff(DateTime.fromJSDate(datumPoint[datum.column]), 'days') .toObject() .days ); } const dateOffset = argv.offset;`Timetravel will use an offset of +${dateOffset} days`); this.warn('This is a destructive command that will modify your database.'); const confirm = argv.force || await this.confirm('Are you sure you want to continue?'); if (!confirm) { this.warn('Aborting'); process.exit(1); } // map schema to {table: [dateTimeColumn,...]} const dateTimeFields = _.pickBy( _.mapValues(schema.tables, (table) => { return _.keys(_.pickBy(table, (spec) => { return spec.type === 'dateTime'; })); }), fields => fields.length > 0 ); const totalFields = _.reduce(dateTimeFields, (result, value) => { return result + value.length; }, 0); const progressBar = this.progressBar(totalFields); const db = await knex.transaction(); for (const table in dateTimeFields) { for (const column of dateTimeFields[table]) { progressBar.update({status: `Updating ${table}.${column}`}); await db(table) .update(column, db.raw(`DATE_ADD(${column}, interval ${dateOffset} day)`)); progressBar.increment(); } }`Updated ${totalFields} fields`); await db.commit(); knex.destroy(); } };