/** * Test the ghostdown extension * * Only ever runs on the client (i.e in the editor) * Server processes showdown without it so there can never be an image upload form in a post. */ /*globals describe, it */ var gdPath = "../../client/assets/vendor/showdown/extensions/ghostdown.js", should = require('should'), ghostdown = require(gdPath); describe("Ghostdown showdown extensions", function () { it("should export an array of methods for processing", function () { ghostdown.should.be.a("function"); ghostdown().should.be.an.instanceof(Array); ghostdown().forEach(function (processor) { processor.should.be.a("object"); processor.should.have.property("type"); processor.should.have.property("filter"); processor.type.should.be.a("string"); processor.filter.should.be.a("function"); }); }); it("should accurately detect images in markdown", function () { [ "![]", "![]()", "![image and another,/ image]", "![image and another,/ image]()", "![image and another,/ image](http://dsurl.stuff)", "![](http://dsurl.stuff)", "![][]", "![image and another,/ image][stuff]", "![][stuff]", "![image and another,/ image][]" ] .forEach(function (imageMarkup) { var processedMarkup = ghostdown().reduce(function (prev, processor) { return processor.filter(prev); }, imageMarkup); // The image is the entire markup, so the image box should be too processedMarkup.should.match(/^\n*$/); }); }); it("should correctly include an image", function () { [ "![image and another,/ image](http://dsurl.stuff)", "![](http://dsurl.stuff)", "![image and another,/ image][test]\n\n[test]: http://dsurl.stuff", "![][test]\n\n[test]: http://dsurl.stuff" ] .forEach(function (imageMarkup) { var processedMarkup = ghostdown().reduce(function (prev, processor) { return processor.filter(prev); }, imageMarkup); processedMarkup.should.match(/