var User, Users, _ = require('underscore'), uuid = require('node-uuid'), when = require('when'), errors = require('../errorHandling'), nodefn = require('when/node/function'), bcrypt = require('bcryptjs'), Posts = require('./post').Posts, ghostBookshelf = require('./base'), Role = require('./role').Role, Permission = require('./permission').Permission, http = require('http'), crypto = require('crypto'); function validatePasswordLength(password) { try { ghostBookshelf.validator.check(password, "Your password must be at least 8 characters long.").len(8); } catch (error) { return when.reject(error); } return when.resolve(); } function generatePasswordHash(password) { // Generate a new salt return (salt) { // Hash the provided password with bcrypt return, password, salt); }); } User = ghostBookshelf.Model.extend({ tableName: 'users', permittedAttributes: [ 'id', 'uuid', 'name', 'slug', 'password', 'email', 'image', 'cover', 'bio', 'website', 'location', 'accessibility', 'status', 'language', 'meta_title', 'meta_description', 'last_login', 'created_at', 'created_by', 'updated_at', 'updated_by' ], validate: function () { ghostBookshelf.validator.check(this.get('email'), "Please enter a valid email address. That one looks a bit dodgy.").isEmail(); ghostBookshelf.validator.check(this.get('bio'), "We're not writing a novel here! I'm afraid your bio has to stay under 200 characters.").len(0, 200); if (this.get('website') && this.get('website').length > 0) { ghostBookshelf.validator.check(this.get('website'), "Looks like your website is not actually a website. Try again?").isUrl(); } ghostBookshelf.validator.check(this.get('location'), 'This seems a little too long! Please try and keep your location under 150 characters.').len(0, 150); return true; }, creating: function () { var self = this;; if (!this.get('slug')) { // Generating a slug requires a db call to look for conflicting slugs return this.generateSlug(User, this.get('name')) .then(function (slug) { self.set({slug: slug}); }); } }, saving: function () { // disabling sanitization until we can implement a better version // this.set('name', this.sanitize('name')); // this.set('email', this.sanitize('email').toLocaleLowerCase()); // this.set('location', this.sanitize('location')); // this.set('website', this.sanitize('website')); // this.set('bio', this.sanitize('bio')); this.set('email', this.get('email').toLocaleLowerCase()); return ghostBookshelf.Model.prototype.saving.apply(this, arguments); }, posts: function () { return this.hasMany(Posts, 'created_by'); }, roles: function () { return this.belongsToMany(Role); }, permissions: function () { return this.belongsToMany(Permission); } }, { /** * Naive user add * @param _user * * Hashes the password provided before saving to the database. */ add: function (_user) { var self = this, // Clone the _user so we don't expose the hashed password unnecessarily userData = _.extend({}, _user); /** * This only allows one user to be added to the database, otherwise fails. * @param {object} user * @author javorszky */ return validatePasswordLength(userData.password).then(function () { return self.forge().fetch(); }).then(function (user) { // Check if user exists if (user) { return when.reject(new Error('A user is already registered. Only one user for now!')); } }).then(function () { // Generate a new password hash return generatePasswordHash(_user.password); }).then(function (hash) { // Assign the hashed password userData.password = hash; // LookupGravatar return self.gravatarLookup(userData); }).then(function (userData) { // Save the user with the hashed password return, userData); }).then(function (addedUser) { // Assign the userData to our created user so we can pass it back userData = addedUser; // Add this user to the admin role (assumes admin = role_id: 1) return userData.roles().attach(1); }).then(function (addedUserRole) { /*jslint unparam:true*/ // Return the added user as expected return when.resolve(userData); }); /** * Temporarily replacing the function below with another one that checks * whether there's anyone registered at all. This is due to #138 * @author javorszky */ // return this.forge({email:}).fetch().then(function (user) { // if (user !== null) { // return when.reject(new Error('A user with that email address already exists.')); // } // return, _user.password, null, null).then(function (hash) { // userData.password = hash; //, userRoles); // return, userData); // }, errors.logAndThrowError); // }, errors.logAndThrowError); }, setWarning: function (user) { var status = user.get('status'), regexp = /warn-(\d+)/i, level; if (status === 'active') { user.set('status', 'warn-1'); level = 1; } else { level = parseInt(status.match(regexp)[1], 10) + 1; if (level > 3) { user.set('status', 'locked'); } else { user.set('status', 'warn-' + level); } } return when( () { return 5 - level; }); }, // Finds the user by email, and checks the password check: function (_userdata) { var self = this, s; return this.forge({ email: }).fetch({require: true}).then(function (user) { if (user.get('status') !== 'locked') { return,, user.get('password')).then(function (matched) { if (!matched) { return when(self.setWarning(user)).then(function (remaining) { s = (remaining > 1) ? 's' : ''; return when.reject(new Error('Your password is incorrect.
' + remaining + ' attempt' + s + ' remaining!')); }); } return when(user.set('status', 'active').save()).then(function (user) { return user; }); }, errors.logAndThrowError); } return when.reject(new Error('Your account is locked due to too many ' + 'login attempts. Please reset your password to log in again by clicking ' + 'the "Forgotten password?" link!')); }, function (error) { /*jslint unparam:true*/ return when.reject(new Error('There is no user with that email address.')); }); }, /** * Naive change password method * @param {object} _userdata email, old pw, new pw, new pw2 * */ changePassword: function (_userdata) { var self = this, userid = _userdata.currentUser, oldPassword = _userdata.oldpw, newPassword = _userdata.newpw, ne2Password = _userdata.ne2pw, user = null; if (newPassword !== ne2Password) { return when.reject(new Error('Your new passwords do not match')); } return validatePasswordLength(newPassword).then(function () { return self.forge({id: userid}).fetch({require: true}); }).then(function (_user) { user = _user; return, oldPassword, user.get('password')); }).then(function (matched) { if (!matched) { return when.reject(new Error('Your password is incorrect')); } return; }).then(function (salt) { return, newPassword, salt); }).then(function (hash) {{password: hash}); return user; }); }, generateResetToken: function (email, expires, dbHash) { return this.forge({email: email.toLocaleLowerCase()}).fetch({require: true}).then(function (foundUser) { var hash = crypto.createHash('sha256'), text = ""; // Token: // BASE64(TIMESTAMP + email + HASH(TIMESTAMP + email + oldPasswordHash + dbHash )) hash.update(String(expires)); hash.update(email.toLocaleLowerCase()); hash.update(foundUser.get('password')); hash.update(String(dbHash)); text += [expires, email, hash.digest('base64')].join('|'); return new Buffer(text).toString('base64'); }); }, validateToken: function (token, dbHash) { // TODO: Is there a chance the use of ascii here will cause problems if oldPassword has weird characters? var tokenText = new Buffer(token, 'base64').toString('ascii'), parts, expires, email; parts = tokenText.split('|'); // Check if invalid structure if (!parts || parts.length !== 3) { return when.reject(new Error("Invalid token structure")); } expires = parseInt(parts[0], 10); email = parts[1]; if (isNaN(expires)) { return when.reject(new Error("Invalid token expiration")); } // This is easy to fake, but still check anyway. if (expires < { return when.reject(new Error("Expired token")); } return this.generateResetToken(email, expires, dbHash).then(function (generatedToken) { // Check for matching tokens if (token === generatedToken) { return when.resolve(email); } return when.reject(new Error("Invalid token")); }); }, resetPassword: function (token, newPassword, ne2Password, dbHash) { var self = this; if (newPassword !== ne2Password) { return when.reject(new Error("Your new passwords do not match")); } return validatePasswordLength(newPassword).then(function () { // Validate the token; returns the email address from token return self.validateToken(token, dbHash); }).then(function (email) { // Fetch the user by email, and hash the password at the same time. return when.join( self.forge({email: email.toLocaleLowerCase()}).fetch({require: true}), generatePasswordHash(newPassword) ); }).then(function (results) { // Update the user with the new password hash var foundUser = results[0], passwordHash = results[1];{password: passwordHash, status: 'active'}); return foundUser; }); }, effectivePermissions: function (id) { return{id: id}, { withRelated: ['permissions', 'roles.permissions'] }) .then(function (foundUser) { var seenPerms = {}, rolePerms ='roles').models, function (role) { return role.related('permissions').models; }), allPerms = []; rolePerms.push(foundUser.related('permissions').models); _.each(rolePerms, function (rolePermGroup) { _.each(rolePermGroup, function (perm) { var key = perm.get('action_type') + '-' + perm.get('object_type') + '-' + perm.get('object_id'); // Only add perms once if (seenPerms[key]) { return; } allPerms.push(perm); seenPerms[key] = true; }); }); return when.resolve(allPerms); }, errors.logAndThrowError); }, gravatarLookup: function (userData) { var gravatarUrl = '//' + crypto.createHash('md5').update('hex') + "?d=404", checkPromise = when.defer(); http.get('http:' + gravatarUrl, function (res) { if (res.statusCode !== 404) { userData.image = gravatarUrl; } checkPromise.resolve(userData); }).on('error', function () { //Error making request just continue. checkPromise.resolve(userData); }); return checkPromise.promise; } }); Users = ghostBookshelf.Collection.extend({ model: User }); module.exports = { User: User, Users: Users };