{{#gh-view-title openMobileMenu="openMobileMenu"}}Labs{{/gh-view-title}}

Important note: Labs is a testing ground for experimental features which aren't quite ready for primetime. They may change, break or inexplicably disappear at any time.

Export the blog settings and data.

{{partial "import-errors"}} {{gh-file-upload id="importfile" classNames="flex" uploadButtonText=uploadButtonText onUpload="onUpload"}}

Import from another Ghost installation. If you import a user, this will replace the current user & log you out.

Delete all posts and tags from the database.

{{#gh-spin-button id="sendtestemail" class="btn btn-blue" action="sendTestEmail" submitting=submitting}}Send{{/gh-spin-button}}

Sends a test email to your address.

Enable Beta Features

{{#if showDeleteAllModal}} {{gh-fullscreen-modal "delete-all" close=(action "toggleDeleteAllModal") modifier="action wide"}} {{/if}}