/* jscs:disable requireCamelCaseOrUpperCaseIdentifiers */ import Ember from 'ember'; import DS from 'ember-data'; import ApplicationSerializer from 'ghost/serializers/application'; const {EmbeddedRecordsMixin} = DS; export default ApplicationSerializer.extend(EmbeddedRecordsMixin, { // settings for the EmbeddedRecordsMixin. attrs: { tags: {embedded: 'always'} }, normalize(typeClass, hash, prop) { // this is to enable us to still access the raw author_id // without requiring an extra get request (since it is an // async relationship). hash.author_id = hash.author; return this._super(typeClass, hash, prop); }, normalizeSingleResponse(store, primaryModelClass, payload) { let root = this.keyForAttribute(primaryModelClass.modelName); let pluralizedRoot = Ember.String.pluralize(primaryModelClass.modelName); payload[root] = payload[pluralizedRoot][0]; delete payload[pluralizedRoot]; return this._super(...arguments); }, normalizeArrayResponse() { return this._super(...arguments); }, serializeIntoHash(hash, type, record, options) { options = options || {}; options.includeId = true; // We have a plural root in the API let root = Ember.String.pluralize(type.modelName); let data = this.serialize(record, options); // Properties that exist on the model but we don't want sent in the payload delete data.uuid; delete data.html; // Inserted locally as a convenience. delete data.author_id; // Read-only virtual property. delete data.url; hash[root] = [data]; } });