const jwt = require('jsonwebtoken'); const url = require('url'); const models = require('../../../models'); const errors = require('@tryghost/errors'); const limitService = require('../../../services/limits'); const {legacyApiPathMatch} = require('../../../services/api-version-compatibility'); const tpl = require('@tryghost/tpl'); const _ = require('lodash'); const messages = { incorrectAuthHeaderFormat: 'Authorization header format is "Authorization: Ghost [token]"', invalidTokenWithMessage: 'Invalid token: {message}', invalidToken: 'Invalid token', adminApiKidMissing: 'Admin API kid missing.', unknownAdminApiKey: 'Unknown Admin API Key', invalidApiKeyType: 'Invalid API Key type' }; let JWT_OPTIONS_DEFAULTS = { algorithms: ['HS256'], maxAge: '5m' }; /** * Remove 'Ghost' from raw authorization header and extract the JWT token. * Eg. Authorization: Ghost ${JWT} * @param {string} header */ const _extractTokenFromHeader = function extractTokenFromHeader(header) { const [scheme, token] = header.split(' '); if (/^Ghost$/i.test(scheme)) { return token; } }; /** * Extract JWT token from admin API URL query * Eg. ${ADMIN_API_URL}/?token=${JWT} * @param {string} reqUrl */ const _extractTokenFromUrl = function extractTokenFromUrl(reqUrl) { const {query} = url.parse(reqUrl, true); return query.token; }; const authenticate = (req, res, next) => { // CASE: we don't have an Authorization header so allow fallthrough to other // auth middleware or final "ensure authenticated" check if (!req.headers || !req.headers.authorization) { req.api_key = null; return next(); } const token = _extractTokenFromHeader(req.headers.authorization); if (!token) { return next(new errors.UnauthorizedError({ message: tpl(messages.incorrectAuthHeaderFormat), code: 'INVALID_AUTH_HEADER' })); } return authenticateWithToken(req, res, next, {token, JWT_OPTIONS: JWT_OPTIONS_DEFAULTS}); }; const authenticateWithUrl = (req, res, next) => { const token = _extractTokenFromUrl(req.originalUrl); if (!token) { return next(new errors.UnauthorizedError({ message: tpl(messages.invalidTokenWithMessage, {message: 'No token found in URL'}), code: 'INVALID_JWT' })); } // CASE: Scheduler publish URLs can have long maxAge but controllerd by expiry and neverBefore return authenticateWithToken(req, res, next, {token, JWT_OPTIONS: _.omit(JWT_OPTIONS_DEFAULTS, 'maxAge')}); }; /** * Admin API key authentication flow: * 1. extract the JWT token from the `Authorization: Ghost xxxx` header or from URL(for schedules) * 2. decode the JWT to extract the api_key id from the "key id" header claim * 3. find a matching api_key record * 4. verify the JWT (matching secret, matching URL path, not expired) * 5. place the api_key object on `req.api_key` * * There are some specifcs of the JWT that we expect: * - the "Key ID" header parameter should be set to the id of the api_key used to sign the token * * - the "Audience" claim should match the requested API path * */ const authenticateWithToken = async (req, res, next, {token, JWT_OPTIONS}) => { const decoded = jwt.decode(token, {complete: true}); if (!decoded || !decoded.header) { return next(new errors.BadRequestError({ message: tpl(messages.invalidToken), code: 'INVALID_JWT' })); } const apiKeyId = decoded.header.kid; if (!apiKeyId) { return next(new errors.BadRequestError({ message: tpl(messages.adminApiKidMissing), code: 'MISSING_ADMIN_API_KID' })); } try { const apiKey = await models.ApiKey.findOne({id: apiKeyId}, {withRelated: ['integration']}); if (!apiKey) { return next(new errors.UnauthorizedError({ message: tpl(messages.unknownAdminApiKey), code: 'UNKNOWN_ADMIN_API_KEY' })); } if (apiKey.get('type') !== 'admin') { return next(new errors.UnauthorizedError({ message: tpl(messages.invalidApiKeyType), code: 'INVALID_API_KEY_TYPE' })); } // CASE: blocking all non-internal: "custom" and "builtin" integration requests when the limit is reached if (limitService.isLimited('customIntegrations') && (apiKey.relations.integration && !['internal'].includes(apiKey.relations.integration.get('type')))) { // NOTE: using "checkWouldGoOverLimit" instead of "checkIsOverLimit" here because flag limits don't have // a concept of measuring if the limit has been surpassed await limitService.errorIfWouldGoOverLimit('customIntegrations'); } // Decoding from hex and transforming into bytes is here to // keep comparison of the bytes that are stored in the secret. // Useful context: // const secret = Buffer.from(apiKey.get('secret'), 'hex'); // Using req.originalUril means we get the right url even if version-rewrites have happened const {version, api} = legacyApiPathMatch(req.originalUrl); // ensure the token was meant for this api let options; if (version) { // CASE: legacy versioned api request options = Object.assign({ audience: new RegExp(`/?${version}/${api}/?$`) }, JWT_OPTIONS); } else { options = Object.assign({ audience: new RegExp(`/?${api}/?$`) }, JWT_OPTIONS); } try { jwt.verify(token, secret, options); } catch (err) { if ( === 'TokenExpiredError' || === 'JsonWebTokenError') { return next(new errors.UnauthorizedError({ message: tpl(messages.invalidTokenWithMessage, {message: err.message}), code: 'INVALID_JWT', err })); } // unknown error return next(new errors.InternalServerError({err})); } // authenticated OK if (apiKey.get('user_id')) { // fetch the user and store it on the request for later checks and logging const user = await models.User.findOne( {id: apiKey.get('user_id'), status: 'active'}, {require: true} ); req.user = user; next(); return; } // store the api key on the request for later checks and logging req.api_key = apiKey; next(); } catch (err) { if (err instanceof errors.HostLimitError) { next(err); } else { next(new errors.InternalServerError({err})); } } }; module.exports = { authenticate, authenticateWithUrl };