import Ember from 'ember'; import setScrollClassName from 'ghost/utils/set-scroll-classname'; var EditorScroll = Ember.Mixin.create({ /** * Determine if the cursor is at the end of the textarea */ isCursorAtEnd: function () { var selection = this.$().getSelection(), value = this.getValue(), linesAtEnd = 3, stringAfterCursor, match; stringAfterCursor = value.substring(selection.end); /* jscs: disable */ match = stringAfterCursor.match(/\n/g); /* jscs: enable */ if (!match || match.length < linesAtEnd) { return true; } return false; }, /** * Build an object that represents the scroll state */ getScrollInfo: function () { var scroller = this.get('element'), scrollInfo = { top: scroller.scrollTop, height: scroller.scrollHeight, clientHeight: scroller.clientHeight, diff: scroller.scrollHeight - scroller.clientHeight, padding: 50, isCursorAtEnd: this.isCursorAtEnd() }; return scrollInfo; }, /** * Calculate if we're within scrollInfo.padding of the end of the document, and scroll the rest of the way */ adjustScrollPosition: function () { // If we're receiving change events from the end of the document, i.e the user is typing-at-the-end, update the // scroll position to ensure both panels stay in view and in sync var scrollInfo = this.getScrollInfo(); if (scrollInfo.isCursorAtEnd && (scrollInfo.diff >= && (scrollInfo.diff < + scrollInfo.padding)) { += scrollInfo.padding; // Scroll the left pane this.$().scrollTop(; } }, /** * Send the scrollInfo for scrollEvents to the view so that the preview pane can be synced */ scrollHandler: function () { this.set('scrollThrottle',, function () { this.set('scrollInfo', this.getScrollInfo()); }, 10)); }, /** * once the element is in the DOM bind to the events which control scroll behaviour */ attachScrollHandlers: function () { var $el = this.$(); $el.on('keypress',, this.adjustScrollPosition)); $el.on('scroll',, this.scrollHandler)); $el.on('scroll',$el, setScrollClassName, { target: Ember.$('.js-entry-markdown'), offset: 10 })); }, /** * once the element has been removed from the DOM unbind from the events which control scroll behaviour */ detachScrollHandlers: function () { this.$().off('keypress'); this.$().off('scroll');'scrollThrottle')); }, didInsertElement: function () { this.attachScrollHandlers(); }, willDestroyElement: function () { this.detachScrollHandlers(); } }); export default EditorScroll;