// # Task automation for Ghost // // Run various tasks when developing for and working with Ghost. // // **Usage instructions:** can be found in the [Custom Tasks](#custom%20tasks) section or by running `grunt --help`. // // **Debug tip:** If you have any problems with any Grunt tasks, try running them with the `--verbose` command var _ = require('lodash'), colors = require('colors'), fs = require('fs-extra'), getTopContribs = require('top-gh-contribs'), path = require('path'), Promise = require('bluebird'), request = require('request'), escapeChar = process.platform.match(/^win/) ? '^' : '\\', cwd = process.cwd().replace(/( |\(|\))/g, escapeChar + '$1'), buildDirectory = path.resolve(cwd, '.build'), distDirectory = path.resolve(cwd, '.dist'), // ## Build File Patterns // A list of files and patterns to include when creating a release zip. // This is read from the `.npmignore` file and all patterns are inverted as the `.npmignore` // file defines what to ignore, whereas we want to define what to include. buildGlob = (function () { /*jslint stupid:true */ return fs.readFileSync('.npmignore', {encoding: 'utf8'}).split('\n').map(function (pattern) { if (pattern[0] === '!') { return pattern.substr(1); } return '!' + pattern; }); }()), // ## List of files we want to lint through jshint and jscs to make sure // they conform to our desired code styles. lintFiles = { // Linting files for server side or shared javascript code. server: { files: { src: [ '*.js', '!config*.js', // note: i added this, do we want this linted? 'core/*.js', 'core/server/**/*.js', 'core/shared/**/*.js', '!core/shared/vendor/**/*.js' ] } }, // Linting files for client side javascript code. client: { files: { src: [ 'core/client/**/*.js', '!core/client/docs/js/*.js', '!core/client/assets/vendor/**/*.js', '!core/client/tpl/**/*.js' ] } }, clientTests: { files: { src: [ 'core/test/client/**/*.js' ] } }, // Linting files for test code. test: { files: { src: [ 'core/test/**/*.js', '!core/test/client/**/*.js' ] } } }, // ## Grunt configuration configureGrunt = function (grunt) { // *This is not useful but required for jshint* colors.setTheme({silly: 'rainbow'}); // #### Load all grunt tasks // // Find all of the task which start with `grunt-` and load them, rather than explicitly declaring them all require('matchdep').filterDev(['grunt-*', '!grunt-cli']).forEach(grunt.loadNpmTasks); var cfg = { // #### Common paths used by tasks paths: { build: buildDirectory, releaseBuild: path.join(buildDirectory, 'release'), dist: distDirectory, releaseDist: path.join(distDirectory, 'release') }, // Standard build type, for when we have nightlies again. buildType: 'Build', // Load package.json so that we can create correctly versioned releases. pkg: grunt.file.readJSON('package.json'), // ### grunt-contrib-watch // Watch files and livereload in the browser during development. // See the [grunt dev](#live%20reload) task for how this is used. watch: { shared: { files: ['core/shared/**/*.js'], tasks: ['concat:dev'] }, emberTemplates: { files: ['core/client/**/*.hbs'], tasks: ['emberTemplates:dev'] }, ember: { files: ['core/client/**/*.js', 'core/test/client/**/*.js'], tasks: ['clean:tmp', 'transpile', 'concat_sourcemap:dev', 'concat_sourcemap:tests'] }, sass: { files: [ 'core/client/assets/sass/**/*.scss' ], tasks: ['css'] }, livereload: { files: [ 'content/themes/casper/assets/css/*.css', 'content/themes/casper/assets/js/*.js', 'core/client/assets/css/*.css', 'core/built/scripts/*.js' ], options: { livereload: true } }, express: { files: ['core/server.js', 'core/server/**/*.js'], tasks: ['express:dev'], options: { // **Note:** Without this option specified express won't be reloaded nospawn: true } } }, // ### grunt-express-server // Start a Ghost expess server for use in development and testing express: { options: { script: 'index.js', output: 'Ghost is running' }, dev: { options: {} }, test: { options: { node_env: 'testing' } } }, // ### grunt-contrib-jshint // Linting rules, run as part of `grunt validate`. See [grunt validate](#validate) and its subtasks for // more information. jshint: (function () { return _.merge({ server: { options: { jshintrc: '.jshintrc' } }, client: { options: { jshintrc: 'core/client/.jshintrc' } }, clientTests: { options: { jshintrc: 'core/test/client/.jshintrc' } }, test: { options: { jshintrc: 'core/test/.jshintrc' } } }, lintFiles); })(), // ### grunt-jscs // Code style rules, run as part of `grunt validate`. See [grunt validate](#validate) and its subtasks for // more information. jscs: (function () { var jscsConfig = _.merge({ server: { options: { config: '.jscsrc' } }, client: { options: { config: '.jscsrc', esnext: true } }, clientTests: { options: { config: '.jscsrc', esnext: true } }, test: { options: { config: '.jscsrc' } } }, lintFiles); return jscsConfig; })(), // ### grunt-mocha-cli // Configuration for the mocha test runner, used to run unit, integration and route tests as part of // `grunt validate`. See [grunt validate](#validate) and its sub tasks for more information. mochacli: { options: { ui: 'bdd', reporter: grunt.option('reporter') || 'spec', timeout: '15000', save: grunt.option('reporter-output') }, // #### All Unit tests unit: { src: [ 'core/test/unit/**/*_spec.js' ] }, // ##### Groups of unit tests server: { src: ['core/test/unit/**/server*_spec.js'] }, helpers: { src: ['core/test/unit/server_helpers/*_spec.js'] }, showdown: { src: ['core/test/unit/**/showdown*_spec.js'] }, perm: { src: ['core/test/unit/**/permissions_spec.js'] }, migrate: { src: [ 'core/test/unit/**/export_spec.js', 'core/test/unit/**/import_spec.js' ] }, storage: { src: ['core/test/unit/**/storage*_spec.js'] }, // #### All Integration tests integration: { src: [ 'core/test/integration/**/model*_spec.js', 'core/test/integration/**/api*_spec.js', 'core/test/integration/*_spec.js' ] }, // ##### Model integration tests model: { src: ['core/test/integration/**/model*_spec.js'] }, // ##### API integration tests api: { src: ['core/test/integration/**/api*_spec.js'] }, // #### All Route tests routes: { src: [ 'core/test/functional/routes/**/*_test.js' ] }, // #### All Module tests module: { src: [ 'core/test/functional/module/**/*_test.js' ] } }, // ### grunt-shell // Command line tools where it's easier to run a command directly than configure a grunt plugin shell: { // #### Run bower install // Used as part of `grunt init`. See the section on [Building Assets](#building%20assets) for more // information. bower: { command: path.resolve(cwd + '/node_modules/.bin/bower --allow-root install'), options: { stdout: true, stdin: false } }, testem: { command: path.resolve(cwd + '/node_modules/.bin/testem ci -f core/test/client/testem.json'), options: { stdout: true, stdin: false } }, test: { command: function (test) { var mochaPath = path.resolve(cwd + '/node_modules/grunt-mocha-cli/node_modules/mocha/bin/mocha'); return mochaPath + ' --timeout=15000 --ui=bdd --reporter=spec core/test/' + test; } }, // #### Generate coverage report // See the `grunt test-coverage` task in the section on [Testing](#testing) for more information. coverage: { command: path.resolve(cwd + '/node_modules/mocha/bin/mocha --timeout 15000 --reporter' + ' html-cov > coverage.html ./core/test/blanket_coverage.js'), execOptions: { env: 'NODE_ENV=' + process.env.NODE_ENV } } }, // ### grunt-sass // compile sass to css sass: { compress: { options: { outputStyle: 'nested', // TODO: Set back to 'compressed' working correctly with our dependencies sourceMap: true }, files: [ {dest: path.resolve('core/client/assets/css/<%= pkg.name %>.min.css'), src: path.resolve('core/client/assets/sass/screen.scss')}, {dest: path.resolve('core/client/docs/dist/css/<%= pkg.name %>.min.css'), src: path.resolve('core/client/assets/sass/screen.scss')} ] } }, // ### grunt-autoprefixer // Autoprefix all the things, for the last 2 versions of major browsers autoprefixer: { options: { silent: true, // suppress logging map: true, // Use and update the sourcemap browsers: ['last 2 versions', '> 1%', 'Explorer 10'] }, ghost: { src: 'core/client/assets/css/<%= pkg.name %>.min.css', dest: 'core/client/assets/css/<%= pkg.name %>.min.css' }, docs: { src: 'core/client/docs/dist/css/<%= pkg.name %>.min.css', dest: 'core/client/docs/dist/css/<%= pkg.name %>.min.css' } }, // ### grunt-ember-templates // Compiles handlebar templates for ember emberTemplates: { dev: { options: { templateBasePath: /core\/client\//, templateFileExtensions: /\.hbs/, templateRegistration: function (name, template) { return grunt.config.process('define(\'ghost/') + name + '\', [\'exports\'], function(__exports__){ __exports__[\'default\'] = ' + template + '; });'; } }, files: { 'core/built/scripts/templates-dev.js': 'core/client/templates/**/*.hbs' } }, prod: { options: { templateBasePath: /core\/client\//, templateFileExtensions: /\.hbs/, templateRegistration: function (name, template) { return grunt.config.process('define(\'ghost/') + name + '\', [\'exports\'], function(__exports__){ __exports__[\'default\'] = ' + template + '; });'; } }, files: { 'core/built/scripts/templates.js': 'core/client/templates/**/*.hbs' } } }, // ### grunt-es6-module-transpiler // Compiles Ember es6 modules transpile: { client: { type: 'amd', moduleName: function (path) { return 'ghost/' + path; }, files: [{ expand: true, cwd: 'core/client/', src: ['**/*.js', '!loader.js', '!config-*.js'], dest: '.tmp/ember-transpiled/' }] }, tests: { type: 'amd', moduleName: function (path) { return 'ghost/tests/' + path; }, files: [{ expand: true, cwd: 'core/test/client/', src: ['**/*.js'], dest: '.tmp/ember-tests-transpiled/' }] } }, // ### grunt-concat-sourcemap // Concatenates transpiled ember app concat_sourcemap: { dev: { src: ['.tmp/ember-transpiled/**/*.js', 'core/client/loader.js'], dest: 'core/built/scripts/ghost-dev.js', options: { sourcesContent: true } }, tests: { src: ['.tmp/ember-tests-transpiled/**/*.js'], dest: 'core/built/scripts/ghost-tests.js', options: { sourcesContent: true } }, prod: { src: ['.tmp/ember-transpiled/**/*.js', 'core/built/scripts/templates.js', 'core/client/loader.js'], dest: 'core/built/scripts/ghost.js', options: { sourcesContent: true } } }, // ### grunt-docker // Generate documentation from code docker: { docs: { dest: 'docs', src: ['.'], options: { onlyUpdated: true, exclude: 'node_modules,.git,.tmp,bower_components,content,*built,*test,*doc*,*vendor,' + 'config.js,coverage.html,.travis.yml,*.min.css,screen.css', extras: ['fileSearch'] } } }, // ### grunt-contrib-clean // Clean up files as part of other tasks clean: { built: { src: [ 'core/built/**', 'core/client/assets/img/contributors/**', 'core/client/templates/-contributors.hbs' ] }, release: { src: ['<%= paths.releaseBuild %>/**'] }, css: { src: [ 'core/client/assets/css/**', 'core/client/docs/dist/css/**' ] }, test: { src: ['content/data/ghost-test.db'] }, tmp: { src: ['.tmp/**'] } }, // ### grunt-contrib-copy // Copy files into their correct locations as part of building assets, or creating release zips copy: { dev: { files: [{ cwd: 'bower_components/jquery/dist/', src: 'jquery.js', dest: 'core/built/public/', expand: true }, { src: 'core/client/config-dev.js', dest: 'core/client/config.js' }] }, prod: { files: [{ cwd: 'bower_components/jquery/dist/', src: 'jquery.js', dest: 'core/built/public/', expand: true }, { src: 'core/client/config-prod.js', dest: 'core/client/config.js' }] }, release: { files: [{ cwd: 'bower_components/jquery/dist/', src: 'jquery.js', dest: 'core/built/public/', expand: true }, { src: 'core/client/config-prod.js', dest: 'core/client/config.js' }, { expand: true, src: buildGlob, dest: '<%= paths.releaseBuild %>/' }] } }, // ### grunt-contrib-compress // Zip up files for builds / releases compress: { release: { options: { archive: '<%= paths.releaseDist %>/Ghost-<%= pkg.version %>.zip' }, expand: true, cwd: '<%= paths.releaseBuild %>/', src: ['**'] } }, // ### grunt-contrib-concat // concatenate multiple JS files into a single file ready for use concat: { dev: { nonull: true, dest: 'core/built/scripts/vendor-dev.js', src: [ 'bower_components/loader.js/loader.js', 'bower_components/jquery/dist/jquery.js', 'bower_components/handlebars/handlebars.js', 'bower_components/ember/ember.js', 'bower_components/ember-data/ember-data.js', 'bower_components/ember-resolver/dist/ember-resolver.js', 'bower_components/ic-ajax/dist/globals/main.js', 'bower_components/ember-load-initializers/ember-load-initializers.js', 'bower_components/validator-js/validator.js', 'bower_components/codemirror/lib/codemirror.js', 'bower_components/codemirror/addon/mode/overlay.js', 'bower_components/codemirror/mode/markdown/markdown.js', 'bower_components/codemirror/mode/gfm/gfm.js', 'bower_components/showdown-ghost/src/showdown.js', 'bower_components/moment/moment.js', 'bower_components/keymaster/keymaster.js', 'bower_components/device/lib/device.js', 'bower_components/jquery-ui/ui/jquery-ui.js', 'bower_components/jquery-file-upload/js/jquery.fileupload.js', 'bower_components/fastclick/lib/fastclick.js', 'bower_components/nprogress/nprogress.js', 'bower_components/ember-simple-auth/simple-auth.js', 'bower_components/ember-simple-auth/simple-auth-oauth2.js', 'bower_components/google-caja/html-css-sanitizer-bundle.js', 'bower_components/nanoscroller/bin/javascripts/jquery.nanoscroller.js', 'core/shared/lib/showdown/extensions/ghostimagepreview.js', 'core/shared/lib/showdown/extensions/ghostgfm.js', 'core/shared/lib/showdown/extensions/ghostfootnotes.js', 'core/shared/lib/showdown/extensions/ghosthighlight.js' ] }, prod: { nonull: true, dest: 'core/built/scripts/vendor.js', src: [ 'bower_components/loader.js/loader.js', 'bower_components/jquery/dist/jquery.js', 'bower_components/handlebars/handlebars.runtime.js', 'bower_components/ember/ember.prod.js', 'bower_components/ember-data/ember-data.prod.js', 'bower_components/ember-resolver/dist/ember-resolver.js', 'bower_components/ic-ajax/dist/globals/main.js', 'bower_components/ember-load-initializers/ember-load-initializers.js', 'bower_components/validator-js/validator.js', 'bower_components/codemirror/lib/codemirror.js', 'bower_components/codemirror/addon/mode/overlay.js', 'bower_components/codemirror/mode/markdown/markdown.js', 'bower_components/codemirror/mode/gfm/gfm.js', 'bower_components/showdown-ghost/src/showdown.js', 'bower_components/moment/moment.js', 'bower_components/keymaster/keymaster.js', 'bower_components/device/lib/device.js', 'bower_components/jquery-ui/ui/jquery-ui.js', 'bower_components/jquery-file-upload/js/jquery.fileupload.js', 'bower_components/fastclick/lib/fastclick.js', 'bower_components/nprogress/nprogress.js', 'bower_components/ember-simple-auth/simple-auth.js', 'bower_components/ember-simple-auth/simple-auth-oauth2.js', 'bower_components/google-caja/html-css-sanitizer-bundle.js', 'bower_components/nanoscroller/bin/javascripts/jquery.nanoscroller.js', 'core/shared/lib/showdown/extensions/ghostimagepreview.js', 'core/shared/lib/showdown/extensions/ghostgfm.js', 'core/shared/lib/showdown/extensions/ghostfootnotes.js', 'core/shared/lib/showdown/extensions/ghosthighlight.js' ] } }, // ### grunt-contrib-uglify // Minify concatenated javascript files ready for production uglify: { prod: { options: { sourceMap: true }, files: { 'core/built/public/jquery.min.js': 'core/built/public/jquery.js', 'core/built/scripts/vendor.min.js': 'core/built/scripts/vendor.js', 'core/built/scripts/ghost.min.js': 'core/built/scripts/ghost.js' } }, release: { options: { sourceMap: false }, files: { 'core/built/public/jquery.min.js': 'core/built/public/jquery.js', 'core/built/scripts/vendor.min.js': 'core/built/scripts/vendor.js', 'core/built/scripts/ghost.min.js': 'core/built/scripts/ghost.js' } } }, // ### grunt-update-submodules // Grunt task to update git submodules update_submodules: { default: { options: { params: '--init' } } } }; // Load the configuration grunt.initConfig(cfg); // ## Utilities // // ### Spawn Casper.js // Custom test runner for our Casper.js functional tests // This really ought to be refactored into a separate grunt task module grunt.registerTask('spawnCasperJS', function (target) { target = _.contains(['client', 'setup'], target) ? target + '/' : undefined; var done = this.async(), options = ['host', 'noPort', 'port', 'email', 'password'], args = ['test'] .concat(grunt.option('target') || target || ['client/']) .concat(['--includes=base.js', '--log-level=debug', '--port=2369']); // Forward parameters from grunt to casperjs _.each(options, function processOption(option) { if (grunt.option(option)) { args.push('--' + option + '=' + grunt.option(option)); } }); if (grunt.option('fail-fast')) { args.push('--fail-fast'); } // Show concise logs in Travis as ours are getting too long if (grunt.option('concise') || process.env.TRAVIS) { args.push('--concise'); } else { args.push('--verbose'); } grunt.util.spawn({ cmd: 'casperjs', args: args, opts: { cwd: path.resolve('core/test/functional'), stdio: 'inherit' } }, function (error, result, code) { /*jshint unused:false*/ if (error) { grunt.fail.fatal(result.stdout); } grunt.log.writeln(result.stdout); done(); }); }); // # Custom Tasks // Ghost has a number of useful tasks that we use every day in development. Tasks marked as *Utility* are used // by grunt to perform current actions, but isn't useful to developers. // // Skip ahead to the section on: // // * [Building assets](#building%20assets): // `grunt init`, `grunt` & `grunt prod` or live reload with `grunt dev` // * [Testing](#testing): // `grunt validate`, the `grunt test-*` sub-tasks or generate a coverage report with `grunt test-coverage`. // ### Help // Run `grunt help` on the commandline to get a print out of the available tasks and details of // what each one does along with any available options. This is an alias for `grunt --help` grunt.registerTask('help', 'Outputs help information if you type `grunt help` instead of `grunt --help`', function () { console.log('Type `grunt --help` to get the details of available grunt tasks, ' + 'or alternatively visit https://github.com/TryGhost/Ghost/wiki/Grunt-Toolkit'); }); // ### Documentation // Run `grunt docs` to generate annotated source code using the documentation described in the code comments. grunt.registerTask('docs', 'Generate Docs', ['docker']); // ## Testing // Ghost has an extensive set of test suites. The following section documents the various types of tests // and how to run them. // // TLDR; run `grunt validate` // #### Set Test Env *(Utility Task)* // Set the NODE_ENV to 'testing' unless the environment is already set to TRAVIS. // This ensures that the tests get run under the correct environment, using the correct database, and // that they work as expected. Trying to run tests with no ENV set will throw an error to do with `client`. grunt.registerTask('setTestEnv', 'Use "testing" Ghost config; unless we are running on travis (then show queries for debugging)', function () { process.env.NODE_ENV = process.env.TRAVIS ? process.env.NODE_ENV : 'testing'; cfg.express.test.options.node_env = process.env.NODE_ENV; }); // #### Ensure Config *(Utility Task)* // Make sure that we have a `config.js` file when running tests // Ghost requires a `config.js` file to specify the database settings etc. Ghost comes with an example file: // `config.example.js` which is copied and renamed to `config.js` by the bootstrap process grunt.registerTask('ensureConfig', function () { var config = require('./core/server/config'), done = this.async(); config.load().then(function () { done(); }).catch(function (err) { grunt.fail.fatal(err.stack); }); }); // #### Reset Database to "New" state *(Utility Task)* // Drops all database tables and then runs the migration process to put the database // in a "new" state. grunt.registerTask('cleanDatabase', function () { var done = this.async(), models = require('./core/server/models'), migration = require('./core/server/data/migration'); migration.reset().then(function () { return models.init(); }).then(function () { return migration.init(); }).then(function () { done(); }).catch(function (err) { grunt.fail.fatal(err.stack); }); }); grunt.registerTask('test', function (test) { if (!test) { grunt.log.write('no test provided'); } grunt.task.run('setTestEnv', 'shell:test:' + test); }); // ### Validate // **Main testing task** // // `grunt validate` will build, lint and test your local Ghost codebase. // // `grunt validate` is one of the most important and useful grunt tasks that we have available to use. It // manages the build of your environment and then calls `grunt test` // // `grunt validate` is called by `npm test` and is used by Travis. grunt.registerTask('validate', 'Run tests and lint code', ['init', 'test-all']); // ### Test // **Main testing task** // // `grunt test` will lint and test your pre-built local Ghost codebase. // // `grunt test` runs jshint and jscs as well as the 4 test suites. See the individual sub tasks below for // details of each of the test suites. // grunt.registerTask('test-all', 'Run tests and lint code', ['jshint', 'jscs', 'test-routes', 'test-module', 'test-unit', 'test-integration', 'test-functional', 'shell:testem']); // ### Lint // // `grunt lint` will run the linter and the code style checker so you can make sure your code is pretty grunt.registerTask('lint', 'Run the code style checks and linter', ['jshint', 'jscs']); // ### Unit Tests *(sub task)* // `grunt test-unit` will run just the unit tests // // Provided you already have a `config.js` file, you can run individual sections from // [mochacli](#grunt-mocha-cli) by running: // // `NODE_ENV=testing grunt mochacli:section` // // If you need to run an individual unit test file, you can do so, providing you have mocha installed globally // by using a command in the form: // // `NODE_ENV=testing mocha --timeout=15000 --ui=bdd --reporter=spec core/test/unit/config_spec.js` // // Unit tests are run with [mocha](http://mochajs.org/) using // [should](https://github.com/visionmedia/should.js) to describe the tests in a highly readable style. // Unit tests do **not** touch the database. // A coverage report can be generated for these tests using the `grunt test-coverage` task. grunt.registerTask('test-unit', 'Run unit tests (mocha)', ['clean:test', 'setTestEnv', 'ensureConfig', 'mochacli:unit']); // ### Integration tests *(sub task)* // `grunt test-integration` will run just the integration tests // // Provided you already have a `config.js` file, you can run just the model integration tests by running: // // `NODE_ENV=testing grunt mochacli:model` // // Or just the api integration tests by running: // // `NODE_ENV=testing grunt mochacli:api` // // Integration tests are run with [mocha](http://mochajs.org/) using // [should](https://github.com/visionmedia/should.js) to describe the tests in a highly readable style. // Integration tests are different to the unit tests because they make requests to the database. // // If you need to run an individual integration test file you can do so, providing you have mocha installed // globally, by using a command in the form (replace path to api_tags_spec.js with the test file you want to // run): // // `NODE_ENV=testing mocha --timeout=15000 --ui=bdd --reporter=spec core/test/integration/api/api_tags_spec.js` // // Their purpose is to test that both the api and models behave as expected when the database layer is involved. // These tests are run against sqlite3, mysql and pg on travis and ensure that differences between the databases // don't cause bugs. At present, pg often fails and is not officially supported. // // A coverage report can be generated for these tests using the `grunt test-coverage` task. grunt.registerTask('test-integration', 'Run integration tests (mocha + db access)', ['clean:test', 'setTestEnv', 'ensureConfig', 'mochacli:integration']); // ### Route tests *(sub task)* // `grunt test-routes` will run just the route tests // // If you need to run an individual route test file, you can do so, providing you have a `config.js` file and // mocha installed globally by using a command in the form: // // `NODE_ENV=testing mocha --timeout=15000 --ui=bdd --reporter=spec core/test/functional/routes/admin_test.js` // // Route tests are run with [mocha](http://mochajs.org/) using // [should](https://github.com/visionmedia/should.js) and [supertest](https://github.com/visionmedia/supertest) // to describe and create the tests. // // Supertest enables us to describe requests that we want to make, and also describe the response we expect to // receive back. It works directly with express, so we don't have to run a server to run the tests. // // The purpose of the route tests is to ensure that all of the routes (pages, and API requests) in Ghost // are working as expected, including checking the headers and status codes received. It is very easy and // quick to test many permutations of routes / urls in the system. grunt.registerTask('test-routes', 'Run functional route tests (mocha)', ['clean:test', 'setTestEnv', 'ensureConfig', 'mochacli:routes']); // ### Module tests *(sub task)* // `grunt test-module` will run just the module tests // // The purpose of the module tests is to ensure that Ghost can be used as an npm module and exposes all // required methods to interact with it. grunt.registerTask('test-module', 'Run functional module tests (mocha)', ['clean:test', 'setTestEnv', 'ensureConfig', 'mochacli:module']); // ### Functional tests for the setup process // `grunt test-functional-setup will run just the functional tests for the setup page. // // Setup only works with a brand new database, so it needs to run isolated from the rest of // the functional tests. grunt.registerTask('test-functional-setup', 'Run functional tests for setup', ['clean:test', 'setTestEnv', 'ensureConfig', 'cleanDatabase', 'express:test', 'spawnCasperJS:setup', 'express:test:stop'] ); // ### Functional tests *(sub task)* // `grunt test-functional` will run just the functional tests // // You can use the `--target` argument to run any individual test file, or the admin or frontend tests: // // `grunt test-functional --target=client/editor_test.js` - run just the editor tests // // `grunt test-functional --target=client/` - run all of the tests in the client directory // // Functional tests are run with [phantom.js](http://phantomjs.org/) and defined using the testing api from // [casper.js](http://docs.casperjs.org/en/latest/testing.html). // // An express server is started with the testing environment set, and then a headless phantom.js browser is // used to make requests to that server. The Casper.js API then allows us to describe the elements and // interactions we expect to appear on the page. // // The purpose of the functional tests is to ensure that Ghost is working as is expected from a user perspective // including buttons and other important interactions in the admin UI. grunt.registerTask('test-functional', 'Run functional interface tests (CasperJS)', ['clean:test', 'setTestEnv', 'ensureConfig', 'cleanDatabase', 'express:test', 'spawnCasperJS', 'express:test:stop', 'test-functional-setup'] ); // ### Coverage // `grunt test-coverage` will generate a report for the Unit and Integration Tests. // // This is not currently done as part of CI or any build, but is a tool we have available to keep an eye on how // well the unit and integration tests are covering the code base. // Ghost does not have a minimum coverage level - we're more interested in ensuring important and useful areas // of the codebase are covered, than that the whole codebase is covered to a particular level. // // Key areas for coverage are: helpers and theme elements, apps / GDK, the api and model layers. grunt.registerTask('test-coverage', 'Generate unit and integration (mocha) tests coverage report', ['clean:test', 'setTestEnv', 'ensureConfig', 'shell:coverage']); // ## Building assets // // Ghost's GitHub repository contains the un-built source code for Ghost. If you're looking for the already // built release zips, you can get these from the [release page](https://github.com/TryGhost/Ghost/releases) on // GitHub or from https://ghost.org/download. These zip files are created using the [grunt release](#release) // task. // // If you want to work on Ghost core, or you want to use the source files from GitHub, then you have to build // the Ghost assets in order to make them work. // // There are a number of grunt tasks available to help with this. Firstly after fetching an updated version of // the Ghost codebase, after running `npm install`, you will need to run [grunt init](#init%20assets). // // For production blogs you will need to run [grunt prod](#production%20assets). // // For updating assets during development, the tasks [grunt](#default%20asset%20build) and // [grunt dev](#live%20reload) are available. // // #### Master Warning *(Utility Task)* // Warns git users not ot use the `master` branch in production. // `master` is an unstable branch and shouldn't be used in production as you run the risk of ending up with a // database in an unrecoverable state. Instead there is a branch called `stable` which is the equivalent of the // release zip for git users. grunt.registerTask('master-warn', 'Outputs a warning to runners of grunt prod, that master shouldn\'t be used for live blogs', function () { console.log('>', 'Always two there are, no more, no less. A master and a'.red, 'stable'.red.bold + '.'.red); console.log('Use the', 'stable'.bold, 'branch for live blogs.', 'Never'.bold, 'master!'); }); // ### Ember Build *(Utility Task)* // All tasks related to building the Ember client code including transpiling ES6 modules and building templates grunt.registerTask('emberBuildDev', 'Build Ember JS & templates for development', ['clean:tmp', 'buildAboutPage', 'emberTemplates:dev', 'transpile', 'concat_sourcemap:dev', 'concat_sourcemap:tests']); // ### Ember Build *(Utility Task)* // All tasks related to building the Ember client code including transpiling ES6 modules and building templates grunt.registerTask('emberBuildProd', 'Build Ember JS & templates for production', ['clean:tmp', 'buildAboutPage', 'emberTemplates:prod', 'transpile', 'concat_sourcemap:prod']); // ### CSS Build *(Utility Task)* // Build the CSS files from the SCSS files grunt.registerTask('css', 'Build Client CSS', ['sass', 'autoprefixer']); // ### Build About Page *(Utility Task)* // Builds the github contributors partial template used on the Settings/About page, // and downloads the avatar for each of the users. // Run by any task that compiles the ember assets (emberBuildDev, emberBuildProd) // or manually via `grunt buildAboutPage`. // Change which version you're working against by setting the "releaseTag" below. // // Only builds if the contributors template does not exist. // To force a build regardless, supply the --force option. // `grunt buildAboutPage --force` grunt.registerTask('buildAboutPage', 'Compile assets for the About Ghost page', function () { var done = this.async(), templatePath = 'core/client/templates/-contributors.hbs', ninetyDaysAgo = Date.now() - (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 90); if (fs.existsSync(templatePath) && !grunt.option('force')) { grunt.log.writeln('Contributors template already exists.'); grunt.log.writeln('Skipped'.bold); return done(); } grunt.verbose.writeln('Downloading release and contributor information from GitHub'); getTopContribs({ user: 'tryghost', repo: 'ghost', releaseDate: ninetyDaysAgo, count: 20 }).then(function makeContributorTemplate(contributors) { var contributorTemplate = '
  • \n \n' + ' " alt="<%name%>">\n' + ' \n
  • '; grunt.verbose.writeln('Creating contributors template.'); grunt.file.write(templatePath, // Map contributors to the template. _.map(contributors, function (contributor) { return contributorTemplate .replace(/<%githubUrl%>/g, contributor.githubUrl) .replace(/<%name%>/g, contributor.name); }).join('\n') ); grunt.verbose.writeln('Downloading images for top contributors'); return Promise.promisify(fs.mkdirs)('core/client/assets/img/contributors').then(function () { return contributors; }); }).then(function downloadContributorImages(contributors) { var downloadImagePromise = function (url, name) { return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { request(url) .pipe(fs.createWriteStream('core/client/assets/img/contributors/' + name)) .on('close', resolve) .on('error', reject); }); }; return Promise.all(_.map(contributors, function (contributor) { return downloadImagePromise(contributor.avatarUrl + '&s=60', contributor.name); })); }).catch(function (error) { grunt.log.error(error); }).finally(done); }); // ### Init assets // `grunt init` - will run an initial asset build for you // // Grunt init runs `bower install` as well as the standard asset build tasks which occur when you run just // `grunt`. This fetches the latest client side dependencies, and moves them into their proper homes. // // This task is very important, and should always be run and when fetching down an updated code base just after // running `npm install`. // // `bower` does have some quirks, such as not running as root. If you have problems please try running // `grunt init --verbose` to see if there are any errors. grunt.registerTask('init', 'Prepare the project for development', ['shell:bower', 'update_submodules', 'default']); // ### Production assets // `grunt prod` - will build the minified assets used in production. // // It is otherwise the same as running `grunt`, but is only used when running Ghost in the `production` env. grunt.registerTask('prod', 'Build JS & templates for production', ['concat:prod', 'copy:prod', 'emberBuildProd', 'uglify:prod', 'master-warn']); // ### Default asset build // `grunt` - default grunt task // // Compiles concatenates javascript files for the admin UI into a handful of files instead // of many files, and makes sure the bower dependencies are in the right place. grunt.registerTask('default', 'Build JS & templates for development', ['concat:dev', 'copy:dev', 'css', 'emberBuildDev']); // ### Live reload // `grunt dev` - build assets on the fly whilst developing // // If you want Ghost to live reload for you whilst you're developing, you can do this by running `grunt dev`. // This works hand-in-hand with the [livereload](http://livereload.com/) chrome extension. // // `grunt dev` manages starting an express server and restarting the server whenever core files change (which // require a server restart for the changes to take effect) and also manage reloading the browser whenever // frontend code changes. // // Note that the current implementation of watch only works with casper, not other themes. grunt.registerTask('dev', 'Dev Mode; watch files and restart server on changes', ['default', 'express:dev', 'watch']); // ### Release // Run `grunt release` to create a Ghost release zip file. // Uses the files specified by `.npmignore` to know what should and should not be included. // Runs the asset generation tasks for both development and production so that the release can be used in // either environment, and packages all the files up into a zip. grunt.registerTask('release', 'Release task - creates a final built zip\n' + ' - Do our standard build steps \n' + ' - Copy files to release-folder/#/#{version} directory\n' + ' - Clean out unnecessary files (travis, .git*, etc)\n' + ' - Zip files in release-folder to dist-folder/#{version} directory', ['init', 'concat:prod', 'copy:prod', 'emberBuildProd', 'uglify:release', 'clean:release', 'copy:release', 'compress:release']); }; // Export the configuration module.exports = configureGrunt;