const stripeService = require('../stripe'); const settingsCache = require('../../../shared/settings-cache'); const MembersApi = require('@tryghost/members-api'); const logging = require('@tryghost/logging'); const mail = require('../mail'); const models = require('../../models'); const signinEmail = require('./emails/signin'); const signupEmail = require('./emails/signup'); const subscribeEmail = require('./emails/subscribe'); const updateEmail = require('./emails/updateEmail'); const SingleUseTokenProvider = require('./SingleUseTokenProvider'); const urlUtils = require('../../../shared/url-utils'); const labsService = require('../../../shared/labs'); const MAGIC_LINK_TOKEN_VALIDITY = 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000; const ghostMailer = new mail.GhostMailer(); module.exports = createApiInstance; function createApiInstance(config) { const membersApiInstance = MembersApi({ tokenConfig: config.getTokenConfig(), auth: { getSigninURL: config.getSigninURL.bind(config), allowSelfSignup: config.getAllowSelfSignup(), tokenProvider: new SingleUseTokenProvider(models.SingleUseToken, MAGIC_LINK_TOKEN_VALIDITY) }, mail: { transporter: { sendMail(message) { if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') { logging.warn(message.text); } let msg = Object.assign({ from: config.getAuthEmailFromAddress(), subject: 'Signin', forceTextContent: true }, message); return ghostMailer.send(msg); } }, getSubject(type) { const siteTitle = settingsCache.get('title'); switch (type) { case 'subscribe': return `📫 Confirm your subscription to ${siteTitle}`; case 'signup': return `🙌 Complete your sign up to ${siteTitle}!`; case 'updateEmail': return `📫 Confirm your email update for ${siteTitle}!`; case 'signin': default: return `🔑 Secure sign in link for ${siteTitle}`; } }, getText(url, type, email) { const siteTitle = settingsCache.get('title'); switch (type) { case 'subscribe': return ` Hey there, You're one tap away from subscribing to ${siteTitle} — please confirm your email address with this link: ${url} For your security, the link will expire in 24 hours time. All the best! The team at ${siteTitle} --- Sent to ${email} If you did not make this request, you can simply delete this message. You will not be subscribed. `; case 'signup': return ` Hey there! Thanks for signing up for ${siteTitle} — use this link to complete the sign up process and be automatically signed in: ${url} For your security, the link will expire in 24 hours time. See you soon! The team at ${siteTitle} --- Sent to ${email} If you did not make this request, you can simply delete this message. You will not be signed up, and no account will be created for you. `; case 'updateEmail': return ` Hey there, Please confirm your email address with this link: ${url} For your security, the link will expire in 24 hours time. --- Sent to ${email} If you did not make this request, you can simply delete this message. This email address will not be used. `; case 'signin': default: return ` Hey there, Welcome back! Use this link to securely sign in to your ${siteTitle} account: ${url} For your security, the link will expire in 24 hours time. See you soon! The team at ${siteTitle} --- Sent to ${email} If you did not make this request, you can safely ignore this email. `; } }, getHTML(url, type, email) { const siteTitle = settingsCache.get('title'); const siteUrl = urlUtils.urlFor('home', true); const domain = urlUtils.urlFor('home', true).match(new RegExp('^https?://([^/:?#]+)(?:[/:?#]|$)', 'i')); const siteDomain = (domain && domain[1]); const accentColor = settingsCache.get('accent_color'); switch (type) { case 'subscribe': return subscribeEmail({url, email, siteTitle, accentColor, siteDomain, siteUrl}); case 'signup': return signupEmail({url, email, siteTitle, accentColor, siteDomain, siteUrl}); case 'updateEmail': return updateEmail({url, email, siteTitle, accentColor, siteDomain, siteUrl}); case 'signin': default: return signinEmail({url, email, siteTitle, accentColor, siteDomain, siteUrl}); } } }, paymentConfig: { stripe: config.getStripePaymentConfig() }, models: { /** * Settings do not have their own models, so we wrap the webhook in a "fake" model */ StripeWebhook: { async upsert(data, options) { const settings = [{ key: 'members_stripe_webhook_id', value: data.webhook_id }, { key: 'members_stripe_webhook_secret', value: data.secret }]; await models.Settings.edit(settings, options); } }, StripeCustomer: models.MemberStripeCustomer, StripeCustomerSubscription: models.StripeCustomerSubscription, Member: models.Member, MemberSubscribeEvent: models.MemberSubscribeEvent, MemberPaidSubscriptionEvent: models.MemberPaidSubscriptionEvent, MemberLoginEvent: models.MemberLoginEvent, MemberEmailChangeEvent: models.MemberEmailChangeEvent, MemberPaymentEvent: models.MemberPaymentEvent, MemberStatusEvent: models.MemberStatusEvent, MemberProductEvent: models.MemberProductEvent, MemberAnalyticEvent: models.MemberAnalyticEvent, StripeProduct: models.StripeProduct, StripePrice: models.StripePrice, Product: models.Product, Settings: models.Settings }, stripeAPIService: stripeService.api, logger: logging, labsService: labsService }); return membersApiInstance; }