var should = require('should'), sinon = require('sinon'), _ = require('lodash'), Promise = require('bluebird'), permissions = require('../../server/permissions'), errors = require('../../server/errors'), apiUtils = require('../../server/api/utils'), sandbox = sinon.sandbox.create(); describe('API Utils', function () { afterEach(function () { sandbox.restore(); }); describe('Default Options', function () { it('should provide a set of default options', function () { apiUtils.globalDefaultOptions.should.eql(['context', 'include']); apiUtils.browseDefaultOptions.should.eql(['page', 'limit', 'fields', 'filter', 'order', 'debug']); apiUtils.dataDefaultOptions.should.eql(['data']); apiUtils.idDefaultOptions.should.eql(['id']); }); }); describe('validate', function () { it('should create options when passed no args', function (done) { apiUtils.validate()().then(function (options) { options.should.eql({}); done(); }).catch(done); }); it('should pick data attrs when passed them', function (done) { apiUtils.validate('test', {attrs: ['id']})( {id: 'test', status: 'all', uuid: 'other-test'} ).then(function (options) { options.should.have.ownProperty('data');'id'); options.should.not.have.ownProperty('id');'test');'status'); options.should.not.have.ownProperty('status'); options.should.not.have.ownProperty('uuid'); done(); }).catch(done); }); it('should pick data attrs & leave options if passed', function (done) { apiUtils.validate('test', {attrs: ['id'], opts: ['status', 'uuid']})( {id: 'test', status: 'all', uuid: 'ffecea44-393c-4273-b784-e1928975ecfb'} ).then(function (options) { options.should.have.ownProperty('data');'id'); options.should.not.have.ownProperty('id');'test');'status'); options.should.have.ownProperty('status'); options.status.should.eql('all'); options.should.have.ownProperty('uuid'); options.uuid.should.eql('ffecea44-393c-4273-b784-e1928975ecfb'); done(); }).catch(done); }); it('should check data if an object is passed', function (done) { var object = {test: [{id: 1}]}, checkObjectStub = sandbox.stub(apiUtils, 'checkObject').returns(Promise.resolve(object)); apiUtils.validate('test')(object, {}).then(function (options) {; checkObjectStub.calledWith(object, 'test'); options.should.have.ownProperty('data');'test'); done(); }).catch(done); }); it('should handle options being undefined', function (done) { apiUtils.validate()(undefined).then(function (options) { options.should.eql({}); done(); }).catch(done); }); it('should handle options being undefined when provided with object', function (done) { var object = {test: [{id: 1}]}, checkObjectStub = sandbox.stub(apiUtils, 'checkObject').returns(Promise.resolve(object)); apiUtils.validate('test')(object, undefined).then(function (options) {; checkObjectStub.calledWith(object, 'test'); options.should.have.ownProperty('data');'test'); done(); }).catch(done); }); it('should remove unknown options', function (done) { apiUtils.validate('test')({magic: 'stuff', rubbish: 'stuff'}).then(function (options) { options.should.not.have.ownProperty('data'); options.should.not.have.ownProperty('rubbish'); options.should.not.have.ownProperty('magic'); done(); }).catch(done); }); it('should always allow context & include options', function (done) { apiUtils.validate('test')({context: 'stuff', include: 'stuff'}).then(function (options) { options.should.not.have.ownProperty('data'); options.should.have.ownProperty('context'); options.context.should.eql('stuff'); options.should.have.ownProperty('include'); options.include.should.eql('stuff'); done(); }).catch(done); }); it('should allow page & limit options when browseDefaultOptions passed', function (done) { apiUtils.validate('test', {opts: apiUtils.browseDefaultOptions})( {context: 'stuff', include: 'stuff', page: 1, limit: 5} ).then(function (options) { options.should.not.have.ownProperty('data'); options.should.have.ownProperty('context'); options.context.should.eql('stuff'); options.should.have.ownProperty('include'); options.include.should.eql('stuff'); options.should.have.ownProperty('page');; options.should.have.ownProperty('limit'); options.limit.should.eql(5); done(); }).catch(done); }); it('should allow idDefaultOptions when passed', function (done) { // test read apiUtils.validate('test', {opts: apiUtils.idDefaultOptions})( {id: 5, context: 'stuff'} ).then(function (options) { options.should.not.have.ownProperty('data'); options.should.not.have.ownProperty('include'); options.should.not.have.ownProperty('page'); options.should.not.have.ownProperty('limit'); options.should.have.ownProperty('context'); options.context.should.eql('stuff'); options.should.have.ownProperty('id');; done(); }).catch(done); }); it('should reject if limit is invalid', function (done) { apiUtils.validate('test', {opts: apiUtils.browseDefaultOptions})( {limit: 'none'} ).then(function () { done(new Error('Should have thrown a validation error')); }).catch(function (err) {'errorType', 'ValidationError'); done(); }); }); it('should reject if from is invalid', function (done) { apiUtils.validate('test', {opts: ['from']})( {from: true} ).then(function () { done(new Error('Should have thrown a validation error')); }).catch(function (err) {'errorType', 'ValidationError'); done(); }); }); }); describe('validateOptions', function () { var valid, invalid; function check(key, valid, invalid) { _.each(valid, function (value) { var options = {}; options[key] = value; apiUtils.validateOptions(options).should.eql([]); }); _.each(invalid, function (value) { var options = {}, errors; options[key] = value; errors = apiUtils.validateOptions(options);; errors.should.have.enumerable('0')'errorType', 'ValidationError'); }); } it('can validate `id`', function () { valid = [1, '1', 304, '304']; invalid = ['test', 'de305d54']; check('id', valid, invalid); }); it('can validate `uuid`', function () { valid = ['de305d54-75b4-431b-adb2-eb6b9e546014']; invalid = ['de305d54-75b4-431b-adb2']; check('uuid', valid, invalid); }); it('can validate `page`', function () { valid = [1, '1', 304, '304']; invalid = ['me', 'test', 'de305d54', -1, '-1']; check('page', valid, invalid); }); it('can validate `limit`', function () { valid = [1, '1', 304, '304', 'all']; invalid = ['me', 'test', 'de305d54', -1, '-1']; check('limit', valid, invalid); }); it('can validate `slug` or `status` or `author` etc as a-z, 0-9, - and _', function () { valid = ['hello-world', 'hello', '1-2-3', 1, '-1', -1, 'hello_world']; invalid = ['hello~world', '!things', '?other-things', 'thing"', '`ticks`']; check('slug', valid, invalid); check('status', valid, invalid); check('author', valid, invalid); }); it('gives no errors for `context`, `include` and `data`', function () { apiUtils.validateOptions({ context: {user: 1}, include: '"super,@random!,string?and', data: {object: 'thing'} }).should.eql([]); }); }); describe('prepareInclude', function () { it('should handle empty items', function () { apiUtils.prepareInclude('', []).should.eql([]); }); it('should be empty if there are no allowed includes', function () { apiUtils.prepareInclude('a,b,c', []).should.eql([]); }); it('should return correct includes', function () { apiUtils.prepareInclude('a,b,c', ['a']).should.eql(['a']); apiUtils.prepareInclude('a,b,c', ['a', 'c']).should.eql(['a', 'c']); apiUtils.prepareInclude('a,b,c', ['a', 'd']).should.eql(['a']); apiUtils.prepareInclude('a,b,c', ['d']).should.eql([]); }); }); describe('convertOptions', function () { it('should not call prepareInclude if there is no include option', function () { var prepareIncludeStub = sandbox.stub(apiUtils, 'prepareInclude'); apiUtils.convertOptions(['a', 'b', 'c'])({}).should.eql({});; }); it('should pass options.include to prepareInclude if provided', function () { var expectedResult = ['a', 'b'], prepareIncludeStub = sandbox.stub(apiUtils, 'prepareInclude').returns(expectedResult), allowed = ['a', 'b', 'c'], options = {include: 'a,b'}, actualResult; actualResult = apiUtils.convertOptions(allowed)(_.clone(options));; prepareIncludeStub.calledWith(options.include, allowed); actualResult.should.have.hasOwnProperty('include');; actualResult.include.should.eql(expectedResult); }); }); describe('checkObject', function () { it('throws an error if the object is empty', function (done) { apiUtils.checkObject({}, 'test').then(function () { done('This should have thrown an error'); }).catch(function (error) { should.exist(error); error.errorType.should.eql('BadRequestError'); done(); }); }); it('throws an error if the object key is empty', function (done) { apiUtils.checkObject({test: []}, 'test').then(function () { done('This should have thrown an error'); }).catch(function (error) { should.exist(error); error.errorType.should.eql('BadRequestError'); done(); }); }); it('throws an error if the object key is array with empty object', function (done) { apiUtils.checkObject({test: [{}]}, 'test').then(function () { done('This should have thrown an error'); }).catch(function (error) { should.exist(error); error.errorType.should.eql('BadRequestError'); done(); }); }); it('passed through a simple, correct object', function (done) { var object = {test: [{id: 1}]}; apiUtils.checkObject(_.cloneDeep(object), 'test').then(function (data) { should.exist(data); data.should.have.ownProperty('test'); object.should.eql(data); done(); }).catch(done); }); it('should do author_id to author conversion for posts', function (done) { var object = {posts: [{id: 1, author: 4}]}; apiUtils.checkObject(_.cloneDeep(object), 'posts').then(function (data) { should.exist(data); data.should.have.ownProperty('posts'); data.should.not.eql(object);; data.posts[0].should.have.ownProperty('author_id'); data.posts[0].should.not.have.ownProperty('author'); done(); }).catch(done); }); it('should not do author_id to author conversion for posts if not needed', function (done) { var object = {posts: [{id: 1, author_id: 4}]}; apiUtils.checkObject(_.cloneDeep(object), 'posts').then(function (data) { should.exist(data); data.should.have.ownProperty('posts'); data.should.eql(object);; data.posts[0].should.have.ownProperty('author_id'); data.posts[0].should.not.have.ownProperty('author'); done(); }).catch(done); }); it('should throw error if invalid editId if provided', function (done) { var object = {test: [{id: 1}]}; apiUtils.checkObject(_.cloneDeep(object), 'test', 3).then(function () { done('This should have thrown an error'); }).catch(function (error) { should.exist(error); error.errorType.should.eql('BadRequestError'); done(); }); }); it('should ignore undefined editId', function (done) { var object = {test: [{id: 1}]}; apiUtils.checkObject(_.cloneDeep(object), 'test', undefined).then(function (data) { should.exist(data); data.should.eql(object); done(); }).catch(done); }); it('should ignore editId if object has no id', function (done) { var object = {test: [{uuid: 1}]}; apiUtils.checkObject(_.cloneDeep(object), 'test', 3).then(function (data) { should.exist(data); data.should.eql(object); done(); }).catch(done); }); it('will delete null values from object', function (done) { var object = {test: [{id: 1, key: null}]}; apiUtils.checkObject(_.cloneDeep(object), 'test').then(function (data) { should.not.exist(data.test[0].key); should.exist(data.test[0].id); done(); }).catch(done); }); it('will not break if the expected object is a string', function (done) { var object = {test: ['something']}; apiUtils.checkObject(_.cloneDeep(object), 'test').then(function (data) { data.test[0].should.eql('something'); done(); }).catch(done); }); }); describe('checkFileExists', function () { it('should return true if file exists in input', function () { apiUtils.checkFileExists({mimetype: 'file', path: 'path'}); }); it('should return false if file does not exist in input', function () { apiUtils.checkFileExists({}); }); it('should return false if file is incorrectly structured', function () { apiUtils.checkFileExists({type: 'file'}); }); }); describe('checkFileIsValid', function () { it('returns true if file has valid extension and type', function () { apiUtils.checkFileIsValid({name: 'test.txt', mimetype: 'text'}, ['text'], ['.txt']); apiUtils.checkFileIsValid({name: 'test.jpg', mimetype: 'jpeg'}, ['text', 'jpeg'], ['.txt', '.jpg']); }); it('returns false if file has invalid extension', function () { apiUtils.checkFileIsValid({name: 'test.txt', mimetype: 'text'}, ['text'], ['.tar']); apiUtils.checkFileIsValid({name: 'test', mimetype: 'text'}, ['text'], ['.txt']); }); it('returns false if file has invalid type', function () { apiUtils.checkFileIsValid({name: 'test.txt', mimetype: 'text'}, ['archive'], ['.txt']); }); }); describe('isPublicContext', function () { it('should call out to permissions', function () { var permsStub = sandbox.stub(permissions, 'parseContext').returns({public: true}); apiUtils.detectPublicContext({context: 'test'});; permsStub.calledWith('test'); }); }); describe('applyPublicPermissions', function () { it('should call out to permissions', function () { var permsStub = sandbox.stub(permissions, 'applyPublicRules'); apiUtils.applyPublicPermissions('test', {});; permsStub.calledWith('test', {}); }); }); describe('handlePublicPermissions', function () { it('should return empty options if passed empty options', function (done) { apiUtils.handlePublicPermissions('tests', 'test')({}).then(function (options) { options.should.eql({context: {app: null, external: false, internal: false, public: true, user: null}}); done(); }).catch(done); }); it('should treat no context as public', function (done) { var aPPStub = sandbox.stub(apiUtils, 'applyPublicPermissions').returns(Promise.resolve({})); apiUtils.handlePublicPermissions('tests', 'test')({}).then(function (options) { aPPStub.calledOnce.should.eql(true); options.should.eql({context: {app: null, external: false, internal: false, public: true, user: null}}); done(); }).catch(done); }); it('should treat user context as NOT public', function (done) { var cTMethodStub = { test: { test: sandbox.stub().returns(Promise.resolve()) } }, cTStub = sandbox.stub(permissions, 'canThis').returns(cTMethodStub); apiUtils.handlePublicPermissions('tests', 'test')({context: {user: 1}}).then(function (options) { cTStub.calledOnce.should.eql(true); cTMethodStub.test.test.calledOnce.should.eql(true); options.should.eql({context: {app: null, external: false, internal: false, public: false, user: 1}}); done(); }).catch(done); }); it('should throw a permissions error if permission is not granted', function (done) { var cTMethodStub = { test: { test: sandbox.stub().returns(Promise.reject(new errors.NoPermissionError())) } }, cTStub = sandbox.stub(permissions, 'canThis').returns(cTMethodStub); apiUtils.handlePublicPermissions('tests', 'test')({context: {user: 1}}).then(function () { done(new Error('should throw error when no permissions')); }).catch(function (err) { cTStub.calledOnce.should.eql(true); cTMethodStub.test.test.calledOnce.should.eql(true); err.errorType.should.eql('NoPermissionError'); done(); }); }); }); });