import {MOCKED_SITE_URL, MockedApi, initialize, mockAdminAuthFrame} from '../utils/e2e'; import {expect, test} from '@playwright/test'; const admin = MOCKED_SITE_URL + '/ghost/'; test.describe('Auth Frame', async () => { test('renders the auth frame', async ({page}) => { const mockedApi = new MockedApi({}); await initialize({ mockedApi, page, publication: 'Publisher Weekly', admin }); const iframeElement = await page.locator('iframe[data-frame="admin-auth"]'); await expect(iframeElement).toHaveCount(1); }); test('has no admin options', async ({page}) => { const mockedApi = new MockedApi({}); mockedApi.addComment({ html: '
This is comment 1
' }); mockedApi.addComment({ html: 'This is comment 2
' }); mockedApi.addComment({ html: 'This is comment 3
' }); mockedApi.addComment({ html: 'This is comment 4
' }); mockedApi.addComment({ html: 'This is comment 5
' }); const {frame} = await initialize({ mockedApi, page, publication: 'Publisher Weekly', admin }); const iframeElement = await page.locator('iframe[data-frame="admin-auth"]'); await expect(iframeElement).toHaveCount(1); const comments = await frame.getByTestId('comment-component'); await expect(comments).toHaveCount(5); const moreButtons = await frame.getByTestId('more-button'); await expect(moreButtons).toHaveCount(0); }); test('has admin options when signed in to Ghost admin', async ({page}) => { const mockedApi = new MockedApi({}); mockedApi.addComment({ html: 'This is comment 1
' }); mockedApi.addComment({ html: 'This is comment 2
' }); mockedApi.addComment({ html: 'This is comment 3
' }); mockedApi.addComment({ html: 'This is comment 4
' }); mockedApi.addComment({ html: 'This is comment 5
' }); await mockAdminAuthFrame({ admin, page }); const {frame} = await initialize({ mockedApi, page, publication: 'Publisher Weekly', admin }); const iframeElement = await page.locator('iframe[data-frame="admin-auth"]'); await expect(iframeElement).toHaveCount(1); // Check if more actions button is visible on each comment const comments = await frame.getByTestId('comment-component'); await expect(comments).toHaveCount(5); const moreButtons = await frame.getByTestId('more-button'); await expect(moreButtons).toHaveCount(5); // Click the 2nd button await moreButtons.nth(1).click(); await moreButtons.nth(1).getByText('Hide comment').click(); // Check comment2 is replaced with a hidden message const secondComment = comments.nth(1); await expect(secondComment).toHaveText('This comment has been hidden.'); await expect(secondComment).not.toContainText('This is comment 2'); // Check can show it again await moreButtons.nth(1).click(); await moreButtons.nth(1).getByText('Show comment').click(); await expect(secondComment).toContainText('This is comment 2'); }); test('has admin options when signed in to Ghost admin and as a member', async ({page}) => { const mockedApi = new MockedApi({}); mockedApi.setMember({}); mockedApi.addComment({ html: 'This is comment 1
' }); mockedApi.addComment({ html: 'This is comment 2
' }); mockedApi.addComment({ html: 'This is comment 3
' }); mockedApi.addComment({ html: 'This is comment 4
' }); mockedApi.addComment({ html: 'This is comment 5
' }); await mockAdminAuthFrame({ admin, page }); const {frame} = await initialize({ mockedApi, page, publication: 'Publisher Weekly', admin }); const iframeElement = await page.locator('iframe[data-frame="admin-auth"]'); await expect(iframeElement).toHaveCount(1); // Check if more actions button is visible on each comment const comments = await frame.getByTestId('comment-component'); await expect(comments).toHaveCount(5); const moreButtons = await frame.getByTestId('more-button'); await expect(moreButtons).toHaveCount(5); // Click the 2nd button await moreButtons.nth(1).click(); await moreButtons.nth(1).getByText('Hide comment').click(); // Check comment2 is replaced with a hidden message const secondComment = comments.nth(1); await expect(secondComment).toHaveText('This comment has been hidden.'); await expect(secondComment).not.toContainText('This is comment 2'); // Check can show it again await moreButtons.nth(1).click(); await moreButtons.nth(1).getByText('Show comment').click(); await expect(secondComment).toContainText('This is comment 2'); }); });