var _ = require('lodash'), errors = require('../../errors'), filters = require('../../filters'), safeString = require('../../utils/index').safeString, labs = require('../../utils/labs'), handleError = require('./error'), fetchData = require('./fetch-data'), formatResponse = require('./format-response'), setResponseContext = require('./context'), setRequestIsSecure = require('./secure'), templates = require('./templates'); function renderChannel(req, res, next) { // Parse the parameters we need from the URL var channelOpts = req.channelConfig, pageParam = !== undefined ? : 1, slugParam = req.params.slug ? safeString(req.params.slug) : undefined; // Ensure we at least have an empty object for postOptions channelOpts.postOptions = channelOpts.postOptions || {}; // Set page on postOptions for the query made later = pageParam; channelOpts.slugParam = slugParam; // this is needed here because the channel config is cloned, // and thus changes to labs flags don't update the config // Once internal tags is moved out of labs the functionality can be // moved back into the channel config if (labs.isSet('internalTags') && === 'tag') { channelOpts.postOptions.filter = 'tags:\'%s\'+tags.visibility:\'public\''; = {slug: '%s', visibility: 'public'}; } // Call fetchData to get everything we need from the API return fetchData(channelOpts).then(function handleResult(result) { // If page is greater than number of pages we have, go straight to 404 if (pageParam > result.meta.pagination.pages) { return next(new errors.NotFoundError()); } // @TODO: figure out if this can be removed, it's supposed to ensure that absolutely URLs get generated // correctly for the various objects, but I believe it doesn't work and a different approach is needed. setRequestIsSecure(req, result.posts); _.each(, function (data) { setRequestIsSecure(req, data); }); // @TODO: properly design these filters filters.doFilter('prePostsRender', result.posts, res.locals).then(function then(posts) { var view ='activeTheme'), channelOpts); // Do final data formatting and then render result.posts = posts; result =; setResponseContext(req, res); res.render(view, result); }); }).catch(handleError(next)); } module.exports = renderChannel;