const ghostBookshelf = require('./base'); let Permission, Permissions; Permission = ghostBookshelf.Model.extend({ tableName: 'permissions', relationships: ['roles'], relationshipBelongsTo: { roles: 'roles' }, /** * The base model keeps only the columns, which are defined in the schema. * We have to add the relations on top, otherwise bookshelf-relations * has no access to the nested relations, which should be updated. */ permittedAttributes: function permittedAttributes() { let filteredKeys = ghostBookshelf.Model.prototype.permittedAttributes.apply(this, arguments); this.relationships.forEach((key) => { filteredKeys.push(key); }); return filteredKeys; }, roles: function roles() { return this.belongsToMany('Role', 'permissions_roles', 'permission_id', 'role_id'); }, users: function users() { return this.belongsToMany('User'); } }); Permissions = ghostBookshelf.Collection.extend({ model: Permission }); module.exports = { Permission: ghostBookshelf.model('Permission', Permission), Permissions: ghostBookshelf.collection('Permissions', Permissions) };