const should = require('should'); const _ = require('lodash'); const hbs = require('../../../../../../core/frontend/services/theme-engine/engine'); // Stuff we are testing const helpers = require('../../../../../../core/frontend/services/helpers'); describe('Helpers', function () { const hbsHelpers = ['each', 'if', 'unless', 'with', 'helperMissing', 'blockHelperMissing', 'log', 'lookup', 'block', 'contentFor']; const ghostHelpers = [ 'asset', 'author', 'authors', 'body_class', 'cancel_link', 'concat', 'content', 'date', 'encode', 'excerpt', 'facebook_url', 'foreach', 'get', 'ghost_foot', 'ghost_head', 'has', 'img_url', 'is', 'lang', 'link', 'link_class', 'meta_description', 'meta_title', 'navigation', 'next_post', 'page_url', 'pagination', 'plural', 'post_class', 'prev_post', 'price', 'raw', 'reading_time', 't', 'tags', 'title', 'twitter_url', 'url' ]; const experimentalHelpers = ['match', 'products']; const expectedHelpers = _.concat(hbsHelpers, ghostHelpers, experimentalHelpers); describe('Load Core Helpers', function () { before(function () { hbs.express4(); helpers.init(); }); // This will work when we finish refactoring it('should have exactly the right helpers', function () { const foundHelpers = _.keys(hbs.handlebars.helpers); const missingHelpers = _.difference(expectedHelpers, foundHelpers); const unexpectedHelpers = _.difference(foundHelpers, expectedHelpers);;; }); }); });