/*global CodeMirror */ import MarkerManager from 'ghost/mixins/marker-manager'; import mobileCodeMirror from 'ghost/utils/codemirror-mobile'; import setScrollClassName from 'ghost/utils/set-scroll-classname'; import codeMirrorShortcuts from 'ghost/utils/codemirror-shortcuts'; codeMirrorShortcuts.init(); var onChangeHandler = function (cm, changeObj) { var line, component = cm.component, checkLine = _.bind(component.checkLine, component), checkMarkers = _.bind(component.checkMarkers, component); // fill array with a range of numbers for (line = changeObj.from.line; line < changeObj.from.line + changeObj.text.length; line += 1) { checkLine(line, changeObj.origin); } // Is this a line which may have had a marker on it? checkMarkers(); cm.component.set('value', cm.getValue()); }; var onScrollHandler = function (cm) { var scrollInfo = cm.getScrollInfo(), component = cm.component; scrollInfo.codemirror = cm; // throttle scroll updates component.throttle = Ember.run.throttle(component, function () { this.set('scrollInfo', scrollInfo); }, 10); }; var Codemirror = Ember.TextArea.extend(MarkerManager, { didInsertElement: function () { Ember.run.scheduleOnce('afterRender', this, this.afterRenderEvent); }, afterRenderEvent: function () { var initMarkers = _.bind(this.initMarkers, this); // replaces CodeMirror with TouchEditor only if we're on mobile mobileCodeMirror.createIfMobile(); this.initCodemirror(); this.codemirror.eachLine(initMarkers); this.sendAction('setCodeMirror', this); }, // this needs to be placed on the 'afterRender' queue otherwise CodeMirror gets wonky initCodemirror: function () { // create codemirror var codemirror = CodeMirror.fromTextArea(this.get('element'), { mode: 'gfm', tabMode: 'indent', tabindex: '2', cursorScrollMargin: 10, lineWrapping: true, dragDrop: false, extraKeys: { Home: 'goLineLeft', End: 'goLineRight' } }); codemirror.component = this; // save reference to this // propagate changes to value property codemirror.on('change', onChangeHandler); // on scroll update scrollPosition property codemirror.on('scroll', onScrollHandler); codemirror.on('scroll', Ember.run.bind(Ember.$('.CodeMirror-scroll'), setScrollClassName, { target: Ember.$('.entry-markdown'), offset: 10 })); this.set('codemirror', codemirror); }, disableCodeMirror: function () { var codemirror = this.get('codemirror'); codemirror.setOption('readOnly', 'nocursor'); codemirror.off('change', onChangeHandler); }, enableCodeMirror: function () { var codemirror = this.get('codemirror'); codemirror.setOption('readOnly', false); // clicking the trash button on an image dropzone causes this function to fire. // this line is a hack to prevent multiple event handlers from being attached. codemirror.off('change', onChangeHandler); codemirror.on('change', onChangeHandler); }, removeThrottle: function () { Ember.run.cancel(this.throttle); }.on('willDestroyElement'), removeCodemirrorHandlers: function () { // not sure if this is needed. var codemirror = this.get('codemirror'); codemirror.off('change', onChangeHandler); codemirror.off('scroll'); }.on('willDestroyElement'), clearMarkerManagerMarkers: function () { this.clearMarkers(); }.on('willDestroyElement') }); export default Codemirror;