import Ember from 'ember'; var PostItemView = Ember.View.extend({ classNameBindings: ['active', 'isFeatured:featured', 'isPage:page'], active: null, isFeatured: Ember.computed.alias('controller.model.featured'), isPage: Ember.computed.alias(''), doubleClick: function () { this.get('controller').send('openEditor'); }, click: function () { this.get('controller').send('showPostContent'); }, scrollIntoView: function () { if (!this.get('active')) { return; } var element = this.$(), offset = element.offset().top, elementHeight = element.height(), container = Ember.$('.js-content-scrollbox'), containerHeight = container.height(), currentScroll = container.scrollTop(), isBelowTop, isAboveBottom, isOnScreen; isAboveBottom = offset < containerHeight; isBelowTop = offset > elementHeight; isOnScreen = isBelowTop && isAboveBottom; if (!isOnScreen) { // Scroll so that element is centered in container // 40 is the amount of padding on the container container.clearQueue().animate({ scrollTop: currentScroll + offset - 40 - containerHeight / 2 }); } }, willDestroyElement: function () { // removes the scrollIntoView observer this.removeObserver('active', this, this.scrollIntoView); }, didInsertElement: function () { // adds the scrollIntoView observer this.addObserver('active', this, this.scrollIntoView); } }); export default PostItemView;