const errors = require('@tryghost/errors'); const _ = require('lodash'); const should = require('should'); const sinon = require('sinon'); const Promise = require('bluebird'); const validators = require('../../../../../../../core/server/api/v3/utils/validators'); const models = require('../../../../../../../core/server/models'); describe('Unit: v3/utils/validators/input/posts', function () { before(function () { return models.init(); }); beforeEach(function () { const memberFindPageStub = sinon.stub(models.Member, 'findPage').returns(Promise.reject()); memberFindPageStub.withArgs({filter: 'label:vip', limit: 1}).returns(Promise.resolve()); }); afterEach(function () { sinon.restore(); }); describe('add', function () { const apiConfig = { docName: 'posts', method: 'add' }; describe('required fields', function () { it('should fail with no data', function () { const frame = { options: {}, data: {} }; return validators.input.posts.add(apiConfig, frame) .then(Promise.reject) .catch((err) => { err.errorType.should.equal('ValidationError'); }); }); it('should fail with no posts', function () { const frame = { options: {}, data: { tags: [] } }; return validators.input.posts.add(apiConfig, frame) .then(Promise.reject) .catch((err) => { err.errorType.should.equal('ValidationError'); }); }); it('should fail with no posts in array', function () { const frame = { options: {}, data: { posts: [] } }; return validators.input.posts.add(apiConfig, frame) .then(Promise.reject) .catch((err) => { err.errorType.should.equal('ValidationError'); }); }); it('should fail with more than post', function () { const frame = { options: {}, data: { posts: [], tags: [] } }; return validators.input.posts.add(apiConfig, frame) .then(Promise.reject) .catch((err) => { err.errorType.should.equal('ValidationError'); }); }); it('should fail without required fields', function () { const frame = { options: {}, data: { posts: [{ what: 'a fail' }] } }; return validators.input.posts.add(apiConfig, frame) .then(Promise.reject) .catch((err) => { err.errorType.should.equal('ValidationError'); }); }); it('should pass with required fields', function () { const frame = { options: {}, data: { posts: [{ title: 'pass', authors: [{id: 'correct'}] }] } }; return validators.input.posts.add(apiConfig, frame); }); it('should remove `strip`able fields and leave regular fields', function () { const frame = { options: {}, data: { posts: [{ title: 'pass', authors: [{id: 'correct'}], id: 'strip me', created_at: 'strip me', created_by: 'strip me', updated_by: 'strip me', published_by: 'strip me' }] } }; let result = validators.input.posts.add(apiConfig, frame); should.exist([0].title); should.exist([0].authors); should.not.exist([0].id); should.not.exist([0].created_at); should.not.exist([0].created_by); should.not.exist([0].updated_by); should.not.exist([0].published_by); return result; }); }); describe('field formats', function () { const fieldMap = { title: [123, new Date(), _.repeat('a', 2001)], slug: [123, new Date(), _.repeat('a', 192)], mobiledoc: [123, new Date(), 'a'], feature_image: [123, new Date(), 'random words'], featured: [123, new Date(), 'abc'], status: [123, new Date(), 'abc'], locale: [123, new Date(), _.repeat('a', 7)], visibility: [123, new Date(), 'abc'], meta_title: [123, new Date(), _.repeat('a', 301)], meta_description: [123, new Date(), _.repeat('a', 501)] }; Object.keys(fieldMap).forEach((key) => { it(`should fail for bad ${key}`, function () { const badValues = fieldMap[key]; const checks = => { const post = {}; post[key] = value; if (key !== 'title') { post.title = 'abc'; } const frame = { options: {}, data: { posts: [post] } }; return validators.input.posts.add(apiConfig, frame) .then(Promise.reject) .catch((err) => { err.errorType.should.equal('ValidationError'); }); }); return Promise.all(checks); }); }); it('should pass for valid NQL visibility', function () { const frame = { options: {}, data: { posts: [{ title: 'pass', authors: [{id: 'correct'}], visibility: 'label:vip' }] } }; return validators.input.posts.add(apiConfig, frame); }); }); describe('authors structure', function () { it('should require properties', function () { const frame = { options: {}, data: { posts: [ { title: 'cool', authors: {} } ] } }; return validators.input.posts.add(apiConfig, frame) .then(Promise.reject) .catch((err) => { err.errorType.should.equal('ValidationError'); }); }); it('should require id', function () { const frame = { options: {}, data: { posts: [ { title: 'cool', authors: [{ name: 'hey' }] } ] } }; return validators.input.posts.add(apiConfig, frame) .then(Promise.reject) .catch((err) => { err.errorType.should.equal('ValidationError'); }); }); it('should pass', function () { const frame = { options: {}, data: { posts: [ { title: 'cool', authors: [{ id: 'correct', name: 'ja' }] } ] } }; return validators.input.posts.add(apiConfig, frame); }); }); }); describe('edit', function () { const apiConfig = { docName: 'posts', method: 'edit' }; describe('required fields', function () { it('should fail with no data', function () { const frame = { options: {}, data: {} }; return validators.input.posts.edit(apiConfig, frame) .then(Promise.reject) .catch((err) => { err.errorType.should.equal('ValidationError'); }); }); it('should fail with no posts', function () { const frame = { options: {}, data: { tags: [] } }; return validators.input.posts.edit(apiConfig, frame) .then(Promise.reject) .catch((err) => { err.errorType.should.equal('ValidationError'); }); }); it('should fail with more than post', function () { const frame = { options: {}, data: { posts: [], tags: [] } }; return validators.input.posts.edit(apiConfig, frame) .then(Promise.reject) .catch((err) => { err.errorType.should.equal('ValidationError'); }); }); it('should pass with some fields', function () { const frame = { options: {}, data: { posts: [{ title: 'pass', updated_at: new Date().toISOString() }] } }; return validators.input.posts.edit(apiConfig, frame); }); }); describe('authors structure', function () { it('should require properties', function () { const frame = { options: {}, data: { posts: [ { title: 'cool', authors: {} } ] } }; return validators.input.posts.edit(apiConfig, frame) .then(Promise.reject) .catch((err) => { err.errorType.should.equal('ValidationError'); }); }); it('should require id', function () { const frame = { options: {}, data: { posts: [ { title: 'cool', authors: [{ name: 'hey' }] } ] } }; return validators.input.posts.edit(apiConfig, frame) .then(Promise.reject) .catch((err) => { err.errorType.should.equal('ValidationError'); }); }); it('should pass with valid authors', function () { const frame = { options: {}, data: { posts: [ { title: 'cool', updated_at: new Date().toISOString(), authors: [{ id: 'correct', name: 'ja' }] } ] } }; return validators.input.posts.edit(apiConfig, frame); }); it('should pass without authors', function () { const frame = { options: {}, data: { posts: [ { title: 'cool', updated_at: new Date().toISOString() } ] } }; return validators.input.posts.edit(apiConfig, frame); }); it('should pass with authors as array with strings', function () { const frame = { options: {}, data: { posts: [ { authors: ['email1', 'email2'], updated_at: new Date().toISOString() } ] } }; return validators.input.posts.edit(apiConfig, frame); }); it('should pass with authors as array with strings & objects', function () { const frame = { options: {}, data: { posts: [ { authors: ['email1', {email: 'email'}], updated_at: new Date().toISOString() } ] } }; return validators.input.posts.edit(apiConfig, frame); }); }); }); });