import styleBody from 'ghost/mixins/style-body'; import ShortcutsRoute from 'ghost/mixins/shortcuts-route'; import loadingIndicator from 'ghost/mixins/loading-indicator'; import PaginationRouteMixin from 'ghost/mixins/pagination-route'; var paginationSettings = { status: 'all', staticPages: 'all', page: 1 }; var PostsRoute = Ember.Route.extend(SimpleAuth.AuthenticatedRouteMixin, ShortcutsRoute, styleBody, loadingIndicator, PaginationRouteMixin, { classNames: ['manage'], model: function () { // using `.filter` allows the template to auto-update when new models are pulled in from the server. // we just need to 'return true' to allow all models by default. return'post', paginationSettings, function () { return true; }); }, setupController: function (controller, model) { this._super(controller, model); this.setupPagination(paginationSettings); }, shortcuts: { 'up': 'moveUp', 'down': 'moveDown' }, actions: { openEditor: function (post) { this.transitionTo('editor.edit', post); }, moveUp: function () { window.alert('@todo keyboard post navigation: up'); }, moveDown: function () { window.alert('@todo keyboard post navigation: down'); } } }); export default PostsRoute;