import {expect} from 'chai'; import {renderHook, act} from '@testing-library/react-hooks'; import {usePagination, PaginationMeta, PaginationData} from '../../../src/hooks/usePagination'; describe('usePagination', function () { const initialMeta: PaginationMeta = { limit: 10, pages: 5, total: 50, next: null, prev: null }; it('should initialize with the given meta and page', function () { const {result} = renderHook(() => usePagination({ meta: initialMeta, limit: 10, page: 1, setPage: () => {} }) ); const expectedData: PaginationData = { page: 1, pages: initialMeta.pages, total:, limit: initialMeta.limit, setPage: result.current.setPage, nextPage: result.current.nextPage, prevPage: result.current.prevPage }; expect(result.current).to.deep.equal(expectedData); }); it('should update page correctly when nextPage and prevPage are called', function () { let currentPage = 1; const setPage = (newPage: number) => { currentPage = newPage; }; const {result} = renderHook(() => usePagination({ meta: initialMeta, limit: 10, page: currentPage, setPage }) ); act(() => { result.current.nextPage(); }); expect(currentPage).to.equal(2); act(() => { result.current.prevPage(); }); expect(currentPage).to.equal(1); }); it('should update page correctly when setPage is called', function () { let currentPage = 3; const setPage = (newPage: number) => { currentPage = newPage; }; const {result} = renderHook(() => usePagination({ meta: initialMeta, limit: 10, page: currentPage, setPage }) ); const newPage = 5; act(() => { result.current.setPage(newPage); }); expect(currentPage).to.equal(newPage); }); it('should handle edge cases where meta.pages < page when setting meta', function () { let currentPage = 5; const setPage = (newPage: number) => { currentPage = newPage; }; const {rerender} = renderHook( ({meta}) => usePagination({ meta, limit: 10, page: currentPage, setPage }), {initialProps: {meta: initialMeta}} ); const updatedMeta: PaginationMeta = { limit: 10, pages: 4, total: 40, next: null, prev: null }; act(() => { rerender({meta: updatedMeta}); }); expect(currentPage).to.equal(4); }); });