/*globals describe, it*/ /*jshint expr:true*/ var should = require('should'), utils = require('../../server/utils'); // To stop jshint complaining should.equal(true, true); describe('Safe String', function () { var safeString = utils.safeString, options = {}; it('should remove beginning and ending whitespace', function () { var result = safeString(' stringwithspace ', options); result.should.equal('stringwithspace'); }); it('should remove non ascii characters', function () { var result = safeString('howtowin✓', options); result.should.equal('howtowin'); }); it('should replace spaces with dashes', function () { var result = safeString('how to win', options); result.should.equal('how-to-win'); }); it('should replace most special characters with dashes', function () { var result = safeString('a:b/c?d#e[f]g!h$i&j(k)l*m+n,o;p=q\\r%su|v^w~x£y"z@1.2', options); result.should.equal('a-b-c-d-e-f-g-h-i-j-k-l-m-n-o-p-q-r-s-t-u-v-w-x-y-z-1-2'); }); it('should remove special characters at the beginning of a string', function () { var result = safeString('.Not special', options); result.should.equal('not-special'); }); it('should remove apostrophes ', function () { var result = safeString('how we shouldn\'t be', options); result.should.equal('how-we-shouldnt-be'); }); it('should convert to lowercase', function () { var result = safeString('This has Upper Case', options); result.should.equal('this-has-upper-case'); }); it('should convert multiple dashes into a single dash', function () { var result = safeString('This :) means everything', options); result.should.equal('this-means-everything'); }); it('should remove trailing dashes from the result', function () { var result = safeString('This.', options); result.should.equal('this'); }); it('should handle pound signs', function () { var result = safeString('WHOOPS! I spent all my £ again!', options); result.should.equal('whoops-i-spent-all-my-again'); }); it('should properly handle unicode punctuation conversion', function () { var result = safeString('に間違いがないか、再度確認してください。再読み込みしてください。', options); result.should.equal('nijian-wei-iganaika-zai-du-que-ren-sitekudasai-zai-du-miip-misitekudasai'); }); it('should not lose or convert dashes if options are passed with truthy importing flag', function () { var result, options = {importing: true}; result = safeString('-slug-with-starting-ending-and---multiple-dashes-', options); result.should.equal('-slug-with-starting-ending-and---multiple-dashes-'); }); it('should still remove/convert invalid characters when passed options with truthy importing flag', function () { var result, options = {importing: true}; result = safeString('-slug-&with-✓-invalid-characters-に\'', options); result.should.equal('-slug--with--invalid-characters-ni'); }); });