// # Notifications API // RESTful API for creating notifications var Promise = require('bluebird'), _ = require('lodash'), ObjectId = require('bson-objectid'), pipeline = require('../lib/promise/pipeline'), permissions = require('../services/permissions'), canThis = permissions.canThis, localUtils = require('./utils'), common = require('../lib/common'), settingsAPI = require('./settings'), // Holds the persistent notifications notificationsStore = [], notifications; /** * ## Notification API Methods * * **See:** [API Methods](constants.js.html#api%20methods) */ notifications = { /** * ### Browse * Fetch all notifications * @returns {Promise(Notifications)} */ browse: function browse(options) { return canThis(options.context).browse.notification().then(function () { return {notifications: notificationsStore}; }, function () { return Promise.reject(new common.errors.NoPermissionError({message: common.i18n.t('errors.api.notifications.noPermissionToBrowseNotif')})); }); }, /** * ### Add * * * **takes:** a notification object of the form * * If notification message already exists, we return the existing notification object. * * ``` * msg = { notifications: [{ * status: 'alert', // A String. Can be 'alert' or 'notification' * type: 'error', // A String. Can be 'error', 'success', 'warn' or 'info' * message: 'This is an error', // A string. Should fit in one line. * location: '', // A String. Should be unique key to the notification, usually takes the form of "noun.verb.message", eg: "user.invite.already-invited" * dismissible: true // A Boolean. Whether the notification is dismissible or not. * custom: true // A Boolean. Whether the notification is a custom message intended for particular Ghost versions. * }] }; * ``` */ add: function add(object, options) { var tasks; /** * ### Handle Permissions * We need to be an authorised user to perform this action * @param {Object} options * @returns {Object} options */ function handlePermissions(options) { if (permissions.parseContext(options.context).internal) { return Promise.resolve(options); } return canThis(options.context).add.notification().then(function () { return options; }, function () { return Promise.reject(new common.errors.NoPermissionError({message: common.i18n.t('errors.api.notifications.noPermissionToAddNotif')})); }); } /** * ### Save Notifications * Save the notifications * @param {Object} options * @returns {Object} options */ function saveNotifications(options) { var defaults = { dismissible: true, location: 'bottom', status: 'alert' }, addedNotifications = [], existingNotification; _.each(options.data.notifications, function (notification) { notification = _.assign(defaults, notification, { id: ObjectId.generate() }); existingNotification = _.find(notificationsStore, {message: notification.message}); if (!existingNotification) { notificationsStore.push(notification); addedNotifications.push(notification); } else { addedNotifications.push(existingNotification); } }); return { notifications: addedNotifications }; } tasks = [ localUtils.validate('notifications'), handlePermissions, saveNotifications ]; return pipeline(tasks, object, options); }, /** * ### Destroy * Remove a specific notification * * @param {{id (required), context}} options * @returns {Promise} */ destroy: function destroy(options) { var tasks; /** * Adds the id of notification to "seen_notifications" array. * @param {Object} notification * @return {*|Promise} */ function markAsSeen(notification) { var context = {internal: true}; return settingsAPI.read({key: 'seen_notifications', context: context}).then(function then(response) { var seenNotifications = JSON.parse(response.settings[0].value); seenNotifications = _.uniqBy(seenNotifications.concat([notification.id])); return settingsAPI.edit({ settings: [{ key: 'seen_notifications', value: seenNotifications }] }, {context: context}); }); } /** * ### Handle Permissions * We need to be an authorised user to perform this action * @param {Object} options * @returns {Object} options */ function handlePermissions(options) { return canThis(options.context).destroy.notification().then(function () { return options; }, function () { return Promise.reject(new common.errors.NoPermissionError({message: common.i18n.t('errors.api.notifications.noPermissionToDestroyNotif')})); }); } function destroyNotification(options) { var notification = _.find(notificationsStore, function (element) { return element.id === options.id; }); if (notification && !notification.dismissible) { return Promise.reject( new common.errors.NoPermissionError({message: common.i18n.t('errors.api.notifications.noPermissionToDismissNotif')}) ); } if (!notification) { return Promise.reject(new common.errors.NotFoundError({message: common.i18n.t('errors.api.notifications.notificationDoesNotExist')})); } notificationsStore = _.reject(notificationsStore, function (element) { return element.id === options.id; }); if (notification.custom) { return markAsSeen(notification); } } tasks = [ localUtils.validate('notifications', {opts: localUtils.idDefaultOptions}), handlePermissions, destroyNotification ]; return pipeline(tasks, options); }, /** * ### DestroyAll * Clear all notifications, used for tests * * @private Not exposed over HTTP * @returns {Promise} */ destroyAll: function destroyAll(options) { return canThis(options.context).destroy.notification().then(function () { notificationsStore = []; return notificationsStore; }, function (err) { return Promise.reject(new common.errors.NoPermissionError({ err: err, context: common.i18n.t('errors.api.notifications.noPermissionToDestroyNotif') })); }); } }; module.exports = notifications;