/* global console */ import MarkerManager from 'ghost/mixins/marker-manager'; import PostModel from 'ghost/models/post'; import boundOneWay from 'ghost/utils/bound-one-way'; // this array will hold properties we need to watch // to know if the model has been changed (`controller.isDirty`) var watchedProps = ['scratch', 'model.isDirty']; Ember.get(PostModel, 'attributes').forEach(function (name) { watchedProps.push('model.' + name); }); // watch if number of tags changes on the model watchedProps.push('tags.[]'); var EditorControllerMixin = Ember.Mixin.create(MarkerManager, { init: function () { var self = this; this._super(); window.onbeforeunload = function () { return self.get('isDirty') ? self.unloadDirtyMessage() : null; }; }, /** * By default, a post will not change its publish state. * Only with a user-set value (via setSaveType action) * can the post's status change. */ willPublish: boundOneWay('isPublished'), // set by the editor route and `isDirty`. useful when checking // whether the number of tags has changed for `isDirty`. previousTagNames: null, tagNames: function () { return this.get('tags').mapBy('name'); }.property('tags.[]'), // compares previousTagNames to tagNames tagNamesEqual: function () { var tagNames = this.get('tagNames'), previousTagNames = this.get('previousTagNames'), hashCurrent, hashPrevious; // beware! even if they have the same length, // that doesn't mean they're the same. if (tagNames.length !== previousTagNames.length) { return false; } // instead of comparing with slow, nested for loops, // perform join on each array and compare the strings hashCurrent = tagNames.join(''); hashPrevious = previousTagNames.join(''); return hashCurrent === hashPrevious; }, // an ugly hack, but necessary to watch all the model's properties // and more, without having to be explicit and do it manually isDirty: Ember.computed.apply(Ember, watchedProps.concat(function (key, value) { if (arguments.length > 1) { return value; } var model = this.get('model'), markdown = this.get('markdown'), scratch = this.getMarkdown().withoutMarkers, changedAttributes; if (!this.tagNamesEqual()) { this.set('previousTagNames', this.get('tagNames')); return true; } // since `scratch` is not model property, we need to check // it explicitly against the model's markdown attribute if (markdown !== scratch) { return true; } // models created on the client always return `isDirty: true`, // so we need to see which properties have actually changed. if (model.get('isNew')) { changedAttributes = Ember.keys(model.changedAttributes()); if (changedAttributes.length) { return true; } return false; } // even though we use the `scratch` prop to show edits, // which does *not* change the model's `isDirty` property, // `isDirty` will tell us if the other props have changed, // as long as the model is not new (model.isNew === false). if (model.get('isDirty')) { return true; } return false; })), // used on window.onbeforeunload unloadDirtyMessage: function () { return '==============================\n\n' + 'Hey there! It looks like you\'re in the middle of writing' + ' something and you haven\'t saved all of your content.' + '\n\nSave before you go!\n\n' + '=============================='; }, actions: { save: function () { var status = this.get('willPublish') ? 'published' : 'draft', model = this.get('model'), self = this; // set markdown equal to what's in the editor, minus the image markers. this.set('markdown', this.getMarkdown().withoutMarkers); this.set('status', status); return model.save().then(function () { model.updateTags(); // `updateTags` triggers `isDirty => true`. // for a saved model it would otherwise be false. self.set('isDirty', false); self.notifications.showSuccess('Post status saved as ' + model.get('status') + '.'); return model; }, function (errors) { self.notifications.showErrors(errors); }); }, setSaveType: function (newType) { if (newType === 'publish') { this.set('willPublish', true); } else if (newType === 'draft') { this.set('willPublish', false); } else { console.warn('Received invalid save type; ignoring.'); } }, // set from a `sendAction` on the codemirror component, // so that we get a reference for handling uploads. setCodeMirror: function (codemirrorComponent) { var codemirror = codemirrorComponent.get('codemirror'); this.set('codemirrorComponent', codemirrorComponent); this.set('codemirror', codemirror); }, // fired from the gh-markdown component when an image upload starts disableCodeMirror: function () { this.get('codemirrorComponent').disableCodeMirror(); }, // fired from the gh-markdown component when an image upload finishes enableCodeMirror: function () { this.get('codemirrorComponent').enableCodeMirror(); }, // Match the uploaded file to a line in the editor, and update that line with a path reference // ensuring that everything ends up in the correct place and format. handleImgUpload: function (e, result_src) { var editor = this.get('codemirror'), line = this.findLine(Ember.$(e.currentTarget).attr('id')), lineNumber = editor.getLineNumber(line), match = line.text.match(/\([^\n]*\)?/), replacement = '(http://)'; if (match) { // simple case, we have the parenthesis editor.setSelection( {line: lineNumber, ch: match.index + 1}, {line: lineNumber, ch: match.index + match[0].length - 1} ); } else { match = line.text.match(/\]/); if (match) { editor.replaceRange( replacement, {line: lineNumber, ch: match.index + 1}, {line: lineNumber, ch: match.index + 1} ); editor.setSelection( {line: lineNumber, ch: match.index + 2}, {line: lineNumber, ch: match.index + replacement.length } ); } } editor.replaceSelection(result_src); } } }); export default EditorControllerMixin;