/** * # Utils * Parts of the model code which can be split out and unit tested */ const _ = require('lodash'); const Promise = require('bluebird'); const ObjectId = require('bson-objectid'); const errors = require('@tryghost/errors'); /** * Attach wrapper (please never call attach manual!) * * We register the creating event to be able to hook into the model creation process of Bookshelf. * We need to load the model again, because of a known bookshelf issue: * see https://github.com/tgriesser/bookshelf/issues/629 * (withRelated option causes a null value for the foreign key) * * roles [1,2] * roles [{id: 1}, {id: 2}] * roles [{role_id: 1}] * roles [BookshelfModel] */ const attach = function attach(Model, effectedModelId, relation, modelsToAttach, options) { options = options || {}; let fetchedModel; const localOptions = {transacting: options.transacting}; return Model.forge({id: effectedModelId}).fetch(localOptions) .then(function successFetchedModel(_fetchedModel) { fetchedModel = _fetchedModel; if (!fetchedModel) { throw new errors.NotFoundError({level: 'critical', help: effectedModelId}); } fetchedModel.related(relation).on('creating', function (collection, data) { data.id = ObjectId.generate(); }); return Promise.resolve(modelsToAttach) .then(function then(models) { models = _.map(models, function mapper(model) { if (model.id) { return model.id; } else if (!_.isObject(model)) { return model.toString(); } else { return model; } }); return fetchedModel.related(relation).attach(models, localOptions); }); }) .finally(function () { if (!fetchedModel) { return; } fetchedModel.related(relation).off('creating'); }); }; const detach = function detach(Model, effectedModelId, relation, modelsToAttach, options) { options = options || {}; let fetchedModel; const localOptions = {transacting: options.transacting}; return Model.forge({id: effectedModelId}).fetch(localOptions) .then(function successFetchedModel(_fetchedModel) { fetchedModel = _fetchedModel; if (!fetchedModel) { throw new errors.NotFoundError({level: 'critical', help: effectedModelId}); } return Promise.resolve(modelsToAttach) .then(function then(models) { models = _.map(models, function mapper(model) { if (model.id) { return model.id; } else if (!_.isObject(model)) { return model.toString(); } else { return model; } }); return fetchedModel.related(relation).detach(models, localOptions); }); }); }; module.exports.attach = attach; module.exports.detach = detach;