/* jscs:disable requireCamelCaseOrUpperCaseIdentifiers */ import Ember from 'ember'; import { describeModule, it } from 'ember-mocha'; const {run} = Ember; function K() { return this; } describeModule( 'controller:post-settings-menu', 'Unit: Controller: post-settings-menu', { needs: ['controller:application', 'service:notifications'] }, function () { it('slugValue is one-way bound to model.slug', function () { let controller = this.subject({ model: Ember.Object.create({ slug: 'a-slug' }) }); expect(controller.get('model.slug')).to.equal('a-slug'); expect(controller.get('slugValue')).to.equal('a-slug'); run(function () { controller.set('model.slug', 'changed-slug'); expect(controller.get('slugValue')).to.equal('changed-slug'); }); run(function () { controller.set('slugValue', 'changed-directly'); expect(controller.get('model.slug')).to.equal('changed-slug'); expect(controller.get('slugValue')).to.equal('changed-directly'); }); run(function () { // test that the one-way binding is still in place controller.set('model.slug', 'should-update'); expect(controller.get('slugValue')).to.equal('should-update'); }); }); it('metaTitleScratch is one-way bound to model.meta_title', function () { let controller = this.subject({ model: Ember.Object.create({ meta_title: 'a title' }) }); expect(controller.get('model.meta_title')).to.equal('a title'); expect(controller.get('metaTitleScratch')).to.equal('a title'); run(function () { controller.set('model.meta_title', 'a different title'); expect(controller.get('metaTitleScratch')).to.equal('a different title'); }); run(function () { controller.set('metaTitleScratch', 'changed directly'); expect(controller.get('model.meta_title')).to.equal('a different title'); expect(controller.get('metaTitleScratch')).to.equal('changed directly'); }); run(function () { // test that the one-way binding is still in place controller.set('model.meta_title', 'should update'); expect(controller.get('metaTitleScratch')).to.equal('should update'); }); }); it('metaDescriptionScratch is one-way bound to model.meta_description', function () { let controller = this.subject({ model: Ember.Object.create({ meta_description: 'a description' }) }); expect(controller.get('model.meta_description')).to.equal('a description'); expect(controller.get('metaDescriptionScratch')).to.equal('a description'); run(function () { controller.set('model.meta_description', 'a different description'); expect(controller.get('metaDescriptionScratch')).to.equal('a different description'); }); run(function () { controller.set('metaDescriptionScratch', 'changed directly'); expect(controller.get('model.meta_description')).to.equal('a different description'); expect(controller.get('metaDescriptionScratch')).to.equal('changed directly'); }); run(function () { // test that the one-way binding is still in place controller.set('model.meta_description', 'should update'); expect(controller.get('metaDescriptionScratch')).to.equal('should update'); }); }); describe('seoTitle', function () { it('should be the meta_title if one exists', function () { let controller = this.subject({ model: Ember.Object.create({ meta_title: 'a meta-title', titleScratch: 'should not be used' }) }); expect(controller.get('seoTitle')).to.equal('a meta-title'); }); it('should default to the title if an explicit meta-title does not exist', function () { let controller = this.subject({ model: Ember.Object.create({ titleScratch: 'should be the meta-title' }) }); expect(controller.get('seoTitle')).to.equal('should be the meta-title'); }); it('should be the meta_title if both title and meta_title exist', function () { let controller = this.subject({ model: Ember.Object.create({ meta_title: 'a meta-title', titleScratch: 'a title' }) }); expect(controller.get('seoTitle')).to.equal('a meta-title'); }); it('should revert to the title if explicit meta_title is removed', function () { let controller = this.subject({ model: Ember.Object.create({ meta_title: 'a meta-title', titleScratch: 'a title' }) }); expect(controller.get('seoTitle')).to.equal('a meta-title'); run(function () { controller.set('model.meta_title', ''); expect(controller.get('seoTitle')).to.equal('a title'); }); }); it('should truncate to 70 characters with an appended ellipsis', function () { let longTitle = new Array(100).join('a'); let controller = this.subject({ model: Ember.Object.create() }); expect(longTitle.length).to.equal(99); run(function () { let expected = `${longTitle.substr(0, 70)}…`; controller.set('metaTitleScratch', longTitle); expect(controller.get('seoTitle').toString().length).to.equal(78); expect(controller.get('seoTitle').toString()).to.equal(expected); }); }); }); describe('seoDescription', function () { it('should be the meta_description if one exists', function () { let controller = this.subject({ model: Ember.Object.create({ meta_description: 'a description' }) }); expect(controller.get('seoDescription')).to.equal('a description'); }); it.skip('should be generated from the rendered markdown if not explicitly set', function () { // can't test right now because the rendered markdown is being pulled // from the DOM via jquery }); it('should truncate to 156 characters with an appended ellipsis', function () { let longDescription = new Array(200).join('a'); let controller = this.subject({ model: Ember.Object.create() }); expect(longDescription.length).to.equal(199); run(function () { let expected = `${longDescription.substr(0, 156)}…`; controller.set('metaDescriptionScratch', longDescription); expect(controller.get('seoDescription').toString().length).to.equal(164); expect(controller.get('seoDescription').toString()).to.equal(expected); }); }); }); describe('seoURL', function () { it('should be the URL of the blog if no post slug exists', function () { let controller = this.subject({ config: Ember.Object.create({blogUrl: 'http://my-ghost-blog.com'}), model: Ember.Object.create() }); expect(controller.get('seoURL')).to.equal('http://my-ghost-blog.com/'); }); it('should be the URL of the blog plus the post slug', function () { let controller = this.subject({ config: Ember.Object.create({blogUrl: 'http://my-ghost-blog.com'}), model: Ember.Object.create({slug: 'post-slug'}) }); expect(controller.get('seoURL')).to.equal('http://my-ghost-blog.com/post-slug/'); }); it('should update when the post slug changes', function () { let controller = this.subject({ config: Ember.Object.create({blogUrl: 'http://my-ghost-blog.com'}), model: Ember.Object.create({slug: 'post-slug'}) }); expect(controller.get('seoURL')).to.equal('http://my-ghost-blog.com/post-slug/'); run(function () { controller.set('model.slug', 'changed-slug'); expect(controller.get('seoURL')).to.equal('http://my-ghost-blog.com/changed-slug/'); }); }); it('should truncate a long URL to 70 characters with an appended ellipsis', function () { let blogURL = 'http://my-ghost-blog.com'; let longSlug = new Array(75).join('a'); let controller = this.subject({ config: Ember.Object.create({blogUrl: blogURL}), model: Ember.Object.create({slug: longSlug}) }); let expected; expect(longSlug.length).to.equal(74); expected = `${blogURL}/${longSlug}/`; expected = `${expected.substr(0, 70)}…`; expect(controller.get('seoURL').toString().length).to.equal(78); expect(controller.get('seoURL').toString()).to.equal(expected); }); }); describe('togglePage', function () { it('should toggle the page property', function () { let controller = this.subject({ model: Ember.Object.create({ page: false, isNew: true }) }); expect(controller.get('model.page')).to.not.be.ok; run(function () { controller.send('togglePage'); expect(controller.get('model.page')).to.be.ok; }); }); it('should not save the post if it is still new', function () { let controller = this.subject({ model: Ember.Object.create({ page: false, isNew: true, save() { this.incrementProperty('saved'); return Ember.RSVP.resolve(); } }) }); run(function () { controller.send('togglePage'); expect(controller.get('model.page')).to.be.ok; expect(controller.get('model.saved')).to.not.be.ok; }); }); it('should save the post if it is not new', function () { let controller = this.subject({ model: Ember.Object.create({ page: false, isNew: false, save() { this.incrementProperty('saved'); return Ember.RSVP.resolve(); } }) }); run(function () { controller.send('togglePage'); expect(controller.get('model.page')).to.be.ok; expect(controller.get('model.saved')).to.equal(1); }); }); }); describe('toggleFeatured', function () { it('should toggle the featured property', function () { let controller = this.subject({ model: Ember.Object.create({ featured: false, isNew: true }) }); run(function () { controller.send('toggleFeatured'); expect(controller.get('model.featured')).to.be.ok; }); }); it('should not save the post if it is still new', function () { let controller = this.subject({ model: Ember.Object.create({ featured: false, isNew: true, save() { this.incrementProperty('saved'); return Ember.RSVP.resolve(); } }) }); run(function () { controller.send('toggleFeatured'); expect(controller.get('model.featured')).to.be.ok; expect(controller.get('model.saved')).to.not.be.ok; }); }); it('should save the post if it is not new', function () { let controller = this.subject({ model: Ember.Object.create({ featured: false, isNew: false, save() { this.incrementProperty('saved'); return Ember.RSVP.resolve(); } }) }); run(function () { controller.send('toggleFeatured'); expect(controller.get('model.featured')).to.be.ok; expect(controller.get('model.saved')).to.equal(1); }); }); }); describe('generateAndSetSlug', function () { it('should generate a slug and set it on the destination', function (done) { let controller = this.subject({ slugGenerator: Ember.Object.create({ generateSlug(str) { return Ember.RSVP.resolve(`${str}-slug`); } }), model: Ember.Object.create({slug: ''}) }); run(function () { controller.set('model.titleScratch', 'title'); controller.generateAndSetSlug('model.slug'); expect(controller.get('model.slug')).to.equal(''); Ember.RSVP.resolve(controller.get('lastPromise')).then(function () { expect(controller.get('model.slug')).to.equal('title-slug'); done(); }).catch(done); }); }); it('should not set the destination if the title is "(Untitled)" and the post already has a slug', function (done) { let controller = this.subject({ slugGenerator: Ember.Object.create({ generateSlug(str) { return Ember.RSVP.resolve(`${str}-slug`); } }), model: Ember.Object.create({ slug: 'whatever' }) }); expect(controller.get('model.slug')).to.equal('whatever'); run(function () { controller.set('model.titleScratch', 'title'); Ember.RSVP.resolve(controller.get('lastPromise')).then(function () { expect(controller.get('model.slug')).to.equal('whatever'); done(); }).catch(done); }); }); }); describe('titleObserver', function () { it('should invoke generateAndSetSlug if the post is new and a title has not been set', function (done) { let controller = this.subject({ model: Ember.Object.create({isNew: true}), invoked: 0, generateAndSetSlug() { this.incrementProperty('invoked'); } }); expect(controller.get('invoked')).to.equal(0); expect(controller.get('model.title')).to.not.be.ok; run(function () { controller.set('model.titleScratch', 'test'); controller.titleObserver(); // since titleObserver invokes generateAndSetSlug with a delay of 700ms // we need to make sure this assertion runs after that. // probably a better way to handle this? run.later(function () { expect(controller.get('invoked')).to.equal(1); done(); }, 800); }); }); it('should invoke generateAndSetSlug if the post title is "(Untitled)"', function (done) { let controller = this.subject({ model: Ember.Object.create({ isNew: false, title: '(Untitled)' }), invoked: 0, generateAndSetSlug() { this.incrementProperty('invoked'); } }); expect(controller.get('invoked')).to.equal(0); expect(controller.get('model.title')).to.equal('(Untitled)'); run(function () { controller.set('model.titleScratch', 'test'); controller.titleObserver(); // since titleObserver invokes generateAndSetSlug with a delay of 700ms // we need to make sure this assertion runs after that. // probably a better way to handle this? run.later(function () { expect(controller.get('invoked')).to.equal(1); done(); }, 800); }); }); it('should not invoke generateAndSetSlug if the post is new but has a title', function (done) { let controller = this.subject({ model: Ember.Object.create({ isNew: true, title: 'a title' }), invoked: 0, generateAndSetSlug() { this.incrementProperty('invoked'); } }); expect(controller.get('invoked')).to.equal(0); expect(controller.get('model.title')).to.equal('a title'); run(function () { controller.set('model.titleScratch', 'test'); controller.titleObserver(); // since titleObserver invokes generateAndSetSlug with a delay of 700ms // we need to make sure this assertion runs after that. // probably a better way to handle this? run.later(function () { expect(controller.get('invoked')).to.equal(0); done(); }, 800); }); }); }); describe('updateSlug', function () { it('should reset slugValue to the previous slug when the new slug is blank or unchanged', function () { let controller = this.subject({ model: Ember.Object.create({ slug: 'slug' }) }); run(function () { // unchanged controller.set('slugValue', 'slug'); controller.send('updateSlug', controller.get('slugValue')); expect(controller.get('model.slug')).to.equal('slug'); expect(controller.get('slugValue')).to.equal('slug'); }); run(function () { // unchanged after trim controller.set('slugValue', 'slug '); controller.send('updateSlug', controller.get('slugValue')); expect(controller.get('model.slug')).to.equal('slug'); expect(controller.get('slugValue')).to.equal('slug'); }); run(function () { // blank controller.set('slugValue', ''); controller.send('updateSlug', controller.get('slugValue')); expect(controller.get('model.slug')).to.equal('slug'); expect(controller.get('slugValue')).to.equal('slug'); }); }); it('should not set a new slug if the server-generated slug matches existing slug', function (done) { let controller = this.subject({ slugGenerator: Ember.Object.create({ generateSlug(str) { let promise = Ember.RSVP.resolve(str.split('#')[0]); this.set('lastPromise', promise); return promise; } }), model: Ember.Object.create({ slug: 'whatever' }) }); run(function () { controller.set('slugValue', 'whatever#slug'); controller.send('updateSlug', controller.get('slugValue')); Ember.RSVP.resolve(controller.get('lastPromise')).then(function () { expect(controller.get('model.slug')).to.equal('whatever'); done(); }).catch(done); }); }); it('should not set a new slug if the only change is to the appended increment value', function (done) { let controller = this.subject({ slugGenerator: Ember.Object.create({ generateSlug(str) { let sanitizedStr = str.replace(/[^a-zA-Z]/g, ''); let promise = Ember.RSVP.resolve(`${sanitizedStr}-2`); this.set('lastPromise', promise); return promise; } }), model: Ember.Object.create({ slug: 'whatever' }) }); run(function () { controller.set('slugValue', 'whatever!'); controller.send('updateSlug', controller.get('slugValue')); Ember.RSVP.resolve(controller.get('lastPromise')).then(function () { expect(controller.get('model.slug')).to.equal('whatever'); done(); }).catch(done); }); }); it('should set the slug if the new slug is different', function (done) { let controller = this.subject({ slugGenerator: Ember.Object.create({ generateSlug(str) { let promise = Ember.RSVP.resolve(str); this.set('lastPromise', promise); return promise; } }), model: Ember.Object.create({ slug: 'whatever', save: K }) }); run(function () { controller.set('slugValue', 'changed'); controller.send('updateSlug', controller.get('slugValue')); Ember.RSVP.resolve(controller.get('lastPromise')).then(function () { expect(controller.get('model.slug')).to.equal('changed'); done(); }).catch(done); }); }); it('should save the post when the slug changes and the post is not new', function (done) { let controller = this.subject({ slugGenerator: Ember.Object.create({ generateSlug(str) { let promise = Ember.RSVP.resolve(str); this.set('lastPromise', promise); return promise; } }), model: Ember.Object.create({ slug: 'whatever', saved: 0, isNew: false, save() { this.incrementProperty('saved'); } }) }); run(function () { controller.set('slugValue', 'changed'); controller.send('updateSlug', controller.get('slugValue')); Ember.RSVP.resolve(controller.get('lastPromise')).then(function () { expect(controller.get('model.slug')).to.equal('changed'); expect(controller.get('model.saved')).to.equal(1); done(); }).catch(done); }); }); it('should not save the post when the slug changes and the post is new', function (done) { let controller = this.subject({ slugGenerator: Ember.Object.create({ generateSlug(str) { let promise = Ember.RSVP.resolve(str); this.set('lastPromise', promise); return promise; } }), model: Ember.Object.create({ slug: 'whatever', saved: 0, isNew: true, save() { this.incrementProperty('saved'); } }) }); run(function () { controller.set('slugValue', 'changed'); controller.send('updateSlug', controller.get('slugValue')); Ember.RSVP.resolve(controller.get('lastPromise')).then(function () { expect(controller.get('model.slug')).to.equal('changed'); expect(controller.get('model.saved')).to.equal(0); done(); }).catch(done); }); }); }); } );