import Ember from 'ember'; const {Component, computed} = Ember; const {reads} = computed; function K() { return this; } export default Component.extend({ content: null, prompt: null, optionValuePath: 'id', optionLabelPath: 'title', selection: null, action: K, // action to fire on change // shadow the passed-in `selection` to avoid // leaking changes to it via a 2-way binding _selection: reads('selection'), actions: { change() { let [selectEl] = this.$('select'); let {selectedIndex} = selectEl; // decrement index by 1 if we have a prompt let hasPrompt = !!this.get('prompt'); let contentIndex = hasPrompt ? selectedIndex - 1 : selectedIndex; let selection = this.get('content').objectAt(contentIndex); // set the local, shadowed selection to avoid leaking // changes to `selection` out via 2-way binding this.set('_selection', selection); this.sendAction('action', selection); } } });