var _ = require('lodash'), Promise = require('bluebird'), i18n = require('../../i18n'), db = require('../db'), schema = require('./schema'), clients = require('./clients'); function addTableColumn(tableName, table, columnName) { var column, columnSpec = schema[tableName][columnName]; // creation distinguishes between text with fieldtype, string with maxlength and all others if (columnSpec.type === 'text' && columnSpec.hasOwnProperty('fieldtype')) { column = table[columnSpec.type](columnName, columnSpec.fieldtype); } else if (columnSpec.type === 'string' && columnSpec.hasOwnProperty('maxlength')) { column = table[columnSpec.type](columnName, columnSpec.maxlength); } else { column = table[columnSpec.type](columnName); } if (columnSpec.hasOwnProperty('nullable') && columnSpec.nullable === true) { column.nullable(); } else { column.nullable(false); } if (columnSpec.hasOwnProperty('primary') && columnSpec.primary === true) { column.primary(); } if (columnSpec.hasOwnProperty('unique') && columnSpec.unique) { column.unique(); } if (columnSpec.hasOwnProperty('unsigned') && columnSpec.unsigned) { column.unsigned(); } if (columnSpec.hasOwnProperty('references')) { // check if table exists? column.references(columnSpec.references); } if (columnSpec.hasOwnProperty('defaultTo')) { column.defaultTo(columnSpec.defaultTo); } } function addColumn(tableName, column, transaction) { return (transaction || db.knex).schema.table(tableName, function (table) { addTableColumn(tableName, table, column); }); } function dropColumn(table, column, transaction) { return (transaction || db.knex).schema.table(table, function (table) { table.dropColumn(column); }); } function addUnique(table, column, transaction) { return (transaction || db.knex).schema.table(table, function (table) { table.unique(column); }); } function dropUnique(table, column, transaction) { return (transaction || db.knex).schema.table(table, function (table) { table.dropUnique(column); }); } /** * * createTableIfNotExists can throw error if indexes are already in place */ function createTable(table, transaction) { return (transaction || db.knex).schema.hasTable(table) .then(function (exists) { if (exists) { return; } return (transaction || db.knex).schema.createTable(table, function (t) { var columnKeys = _.keys(schema[table]); _.each(columnKeys, function (column) { return addTableColumn(table, t, column); }); }); }); } function deleteTable(table, transaction) { return (transaction || db.knex).schema.dropTableIfExists(table); } function getTables(transaction) { var client = (transaction || db.knex).client.config.client; if (_.includes(_.keys(clients), client)) { return clients[client].getTables(); } return Promise.reject(i18n.t('', {client: client})); } function getIndexes(table, transaction) { var client = (transaction || db.knex).client.config.client; if (_.includes(_.keys(clients), client)) { return clients[client].getIndexes(table, transaction); } return Promise.reject(i18n.t('', {client: client})); } function getColumns(table, transaction) { var client = (transaction || db.knex).client.config.client; if (_.includes(_.keys(clients), client)) { return clients[client].getColumns(table); } return Promise.reject(i18n.t('', {client: client})); } function checkTables(transaction) { var client = (transaction || db.knex).client.config.client; if (client === 'mysql') { return clients[client].checkPostTable(); } } module.exports = { checkTables: checkTables, createTable: createTable, deleteTable: deleteTable, getTables: getTables, getIndexes: getIndexes, addUnique: addUnique, dropUnique: dropUnique, addColumn: addColumn, dropColumn: dropColumn, getColumns: getColumns };