/*globals describe, beforeEach, afterEach, it*/ /*jshint expr:true*/ var should = require('should'), sinon = require('sinon'), middleware = require('../../../server/middleware').middleware; require('should-sinon'); describe('Middleware: spamPrevention', function () { var sandbox, req, next, error, spyNext; beforeEach(function () { sandbox = sinon.sandbox.create(); error = null; next = sinon.spy(); spyNext = sinon.spy(function (param) { error = param; }); }); afterEach(function () { sandbox.restore(); }); describe('signin', function () { beforeEach(function () { req = { connection: { remoteAddress: '' }, body: { username: 'tester', grant_type: 'password' } }; }); it('calls next if refreshing the token', function (done) { req.body.grant_type = 'refresh_token'; middleware.spamPrevention.signin(req, null, next); next.calledOnce.should.be.true(); done(); }); it ('creates a BadRequestError when there\'s no username', function (done) { req.body = {}; middleware.spamPrevention.signin(req, null, spyNext); should.exist(error); error.errorType.should.eql('BadRequestError'); done(); }); it ('rate limits after 10 attempts', function (done) { for (var ndx = 0; ndx < 10; ndx = ndx + 1) { middleware.spamPrevention.signin(req, null, spyNext); } middleware.spamPrevention.signin(req, null, spyNext); should.exist(error); error.errorType.should.eql('TooManyRequestsError'); done(); }); it ('allows more attempts after an hour', function (done) { var ndx, stub = sinon.stub(process, 'hrtime', function () { return [10, 10]; }); for (ndx = 0; ndx < 10; ndx = ndx + 1) { middleware.spamPrevention.signin(req, null, spyNext); } middleware.spamPrevention.signin(req, null, spyNext); error.errorType.should.eql('TooManyRequestsError'); error = null; // fast forward 1 hour process.hrtime.restore(); stub = sinon.stub(process, 'hrtime', function () { return [3700000, 10]; }); middleware.spamPrevention.signin(req, null, spyNext); should(error).equal(undefined); spyNext.should.be.calledOnce; process.hrtime.restore(); done(); }); }); describe('forgotten', function () { beforeEach(function () { req = { connection: { remoteAddress: '' }, body: { passwordreset: [ {email:'test@ghost.org'} ] } }; }); it ('send a bad request if no email is specified', function (done) { req.body = { passwordreset: [{}] }; middleware.spamPrevention.forgotten(req, null, spyNext); error.errorType.should.eql('BadRequestError'); done(); }); it ('creates an unauthorized error after 5 attempts with same email', function (done) { for (var ndx = 0; ndx < 6; ndx = ndx + 1) { middleware.spamPrevention.forgotten(req, null, spyNext); } middleware.spamPrevention.forgotten(req, null, spyNext); error.errorType.should.eql('TooManyRequestsError'); done(); }); it ('creates an unauthorized error after 5 attempts from the same ip', function (done) { var ndx, email; for (ndx = 0; ndx < 6; ndx = ndx + 1) { email = 'test' + String(ndx) + '@ghost.org'; req.body.passwordreset = [ {email: email} ]; middleware.spamPrevention.forgotten(req, null, spyNext); } middleware.spamPrevention.forgotten(req, null, spyNext); error.errorType.should.eql('TooManyRequestsError'); done(); }); }); describe('protected', function () { var res; beforeEach(function () { res = sinon.spy(); req = { connection: { remoteAddress: '' }, body: { password: 'password' } }; }); it ('sets an error when there is no password', function (done) { req.body = {}; middleware.spamPrevention.protected(req, res, spyNext); res.error.message.should.equal('No password entered'); spyNext.should.be.calledOnce(); done(); }); it ('sets and error message after 10 tries', function (done) { var ndx; for (ndx = 0; ndx < 10; ndx = ndx + 1) { middleware.spamPrevention.protected(req, res, spyNext); } should.not.exist(res.error); middleware.spamPrevention.protected(req, res, spyNext); should.exist(res.error); should.exist(res.error.message); done(); }); it ('allows more tries after an hour', function (done) { var ndx, stub = sinon.stub(process, 'hrtime', function () { return [10, 10]; }); for (ndx = 0; ndx < 11; ndx = ndx + 1) { middleware.spamPrevention.protected(req, res, spyNext); } should.exist(res.error); process.hrtime.restore(); stub = sinon.stub(process, 'hrtime', function () { return [3610000, 10]; }); res = sinon.spy(); middleware.spamPrevention.protected(req, res, spyNext); should.not.exist(res.error); process.hrtime.restore(); done(); }); }); });