/*globals describe, it*/ var getExcerpt = require('../../../server/data/meta/excerpt'); describe('getExcerpt', function () { it('should return html excerpt with no html', function () { var html = '<p>There are <br />10<br> types<br/> of people in <img src="a">the world:' + '<img src=b alt="c"> those who <img src="@" onclick="javascript:alert(\'hello\');">' + 'understand trinary</p>, those who don\'t <div style="" class=~/\'-,._?!|#>and' + '< test > those<<< test >>> who mistake it <for> binary.', expected = 'There are 10 types of people in the world: those who understand trinary, those who ' + 'don\'t and those>> who mistake it <for> binary.'; getExcerpt(html, {}).should.equal(expected); }); it('should return html excerpt strips multiple inline footnotes', function () { var html = '<p>Testing<sup id="fnref:1"><a href="#fn:1" rel="footnote">1</a></sup>, ' + 'my footnotes. And stuff. Footnote<sup id="fnref:2"><a href="#fn:2" ' + 'rel="footnote">2</a></sup><a href="http://google.com">with a link</a> ' + 'right after.', expected = 'Testing, my footnotes. And stuff. Footnotewith a link right after.'; getExcerpt(html, {}).should.equal(expected); }); it('should return html excerpt striping inline and bottom footnotes', function () { var html = '<p>Testing<sup id="fnref:1"><a href="#fn:1" rel="footnote">1</a>' + '</sup> a very short post with a single footnote.</p>\n' + '<div class="footnotes"><ol><li class="footnote" id="fn:1"><p>' + '<a href="https://ghost.org">https://ghost.org</a> <a href="#fnref:1" ' + 'title="return to article">↩</a></p></li></ol></div>', expected = 'Testing a very short post with a single footnote.'; getExcerpt(html, {}).should.equal(expected); }); it('should return html excerpt truncated by word', function () { var html = '<p>Hello <strong>World! It\'s me!</strong></p>', expected = 'Hello World!'; getExcerpt(html, {words: '2'}).should.equal(expected); }); it('should return html excerpt truncated by words with non-ascii characters', function () { var html = '<p>Едквюэ опортэат <strong>праэчынт ючю но, квуй эю</strong></p>', expected = 'Едквюэ опортэат'; getExcerpt(html, {words: '2'}).should.equal(expected); }); it('should return html excerpt truncated by character', function () { var html = '<p>Hello <strong>World! It\'s me!</strong></p>', expected = 'Hello Wo'; getExcerpt(html, {characters: '8'}).should.equal(expected); }); });