/*globals describe, beforeEach, afterEach, before, it*/ var fs = require('fs'), path = require('path'), EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter, should = require('should'), sinon = require('sinon'), _ = require('lodash'), helpers = require('../../server/helpers'), filters = require('../../server/filters'), // Stuff we are testing appProxy = require('../../server/apps/proxy'), AppSandbox = require('../../server/apps/sandbox'), AppDependencies = require('../../server/apps/dependencies'); describe('Apps', function () { var sandbox, fakeApi; beforeEach(function () { sandbox = sinon.sandbox.create(); fakeApi = { posts: { browse: sandbox.stub(), read: sandbox.stub(), edit: sandbox.stub(), add: sandbox.stub(), destroy: sandbox.stub() }, users: { browse: sandbox.stub(), read: sandbox.stub(), edit: sandbox.stub() }, tags: { all: sandbox.stub() }, notifications: { destroy: sandbox.stub(), add: sandbox.stub() }, settings: { browse: sandbox.stub(), read: sandbox.stub(), add: sandbox.stub() } }; }); afterEach(function () { sandbox.restore(); }); describe('Proxy', function () { it('creates a ghost proxy', function () { should.exist(appProxy.filters); appProxy.filters.register.should.equal(filters.registerFilter); appProxy.filters.unregister.should.equal(filters.unregisterFilter); should.exist(appProxy.helpers); appProxy.helpers.register.should.equal(helpers.registerThemeHelper); appProxy.helpers.registerAsync.should.equal(helpers.registerAsyncThemeHelper); should.exist(appProxy.api); should.exist(appProxy.api.posts); should.not.exist(appProxy.api.posts.edit); should.not.exist(appProxy.api.posts.add); should.not.exist(appProxy.api.posts.destroy); should.not.exist(appProxy.api.users); should.exist(appProxy.api.tags); should.exist(appProxy.api.notifications); should.not.exist(appProxy.api.notifications.destroy); should.exist(appProxy.api.settings); should.not.exist(appProxy.api.settings.browse); should.not.exist(appProxy.api.settings.add); }); }); describe('Sandbox', function () { it('loads apps in a sandbox', function () { var appBox = new AppSandbox(), appPath = path.resolve(__dirname, '..', 'utils', 'fixtures', 'app', 'good.js'), GoodApp, app; GoodApp = appBox.loadApp(appPath); should.exist(GoodApp); app = new GoodApp(appProxy); app.install(appProxy); app.app.something.should.equal(42); app.app.util.util().should.equal(42); app.app.nested.other.should.equal(42); app.app.path.should.equal(appPath); }); it('does not allow apps to require blacklisted modules at top level', function () { var appBox = new AppSandbox(), badAppPath = path.join(__dirname, '..', 'utils', 'fixtures', 'app', 'badtop.js'), BadApp, app, loadApp = function () { appBox.loadApp(badAppPath); }; loadApp.should.throw('Unsafe App require: knex'); }); it('does not allow apps to require blacklisted modules at install', function () { var appBox = new AppSandbox(), badAppPath = path.join(__dirname, '..', 'utils', 'fixtures', 'app', 'badinstall.js'), BadApp, app, installApp = function () { app.install(appProxy); }; BadApp = appBox.loadApp(badAppPath); app = new BadApp(appProxy); installApp.should.throw('Unsafe App require: knex'); }); it('does not allow apps to require blacklisted modules from other requires', function () { var appBox = new AppSandbox(), badAppPath = path.join(__dirname, '..', 'utils', 'fixtures', 'app', 'badrequire.js'), BadApp, app, loadApp = function () { BadApp = appBox.loadApp(badAppPath); }; loadApp.should.throw('Unsafe App require: knex'); }); it('does not allow apps to require modules relatively outside their directory', function () { var appBox = new AppSandbox(), badAppPath = path.join(__dirname, '..', 'utils', 'fixtures', 'app', 'badoutside.js'), BadApp, app, loadApp = function () { BadApp = appBox.loadApp(badAppPath); }; loadApp.should.throw(/^Unsafe App require[\w\W]*example$/); }); }); describe('Dependencies', function () { it('can install by package.json', function (done) { var deps = new AppDependencies(process.cwd()), fakeEmitter = new EventEmitter(); deps.spawnCommand = sandbox.stub().returns(fakeEmitter); deps.install().then(function () { deps.spawnCommand.calledWith('npm').should.equal(true); done(); }).otherwise(done); _.delay(function () { fakeEmitter.emit('exit'); }, 30); }); it('does not install when no package.json', function (done) { var deps = new AppDependencies(__dirname), fakeEmitter = new EventEmitter(); deps.spawnCommand = sandbox.stub().returns(fakeEmitter); deps.install().then(function () { deps.spawnCommand.called.should.equal(false); done(); }).otherwise(done); _.defer(function () { fakeEmitter.emit('exit'); }); }); }); });