/*globals describe, beforeEach, it*/ /*jshint expr:true*/ var should = require('should'), sinon = require('sinon'), middleware = require('../../../server/middleware').middleware; describe('Middleware: Client Auth', function () { var req, res, next; beforeEach(function () { req = {}; res = {}; next = sinon.spy(); }); describe('addClientSecret', function () { it('sets a `client_secret` if not part of body', function () { var requestBody = {}; req.body = requestBody; middleware.api.addClientSecret(req, res, next); next.called.should.be.true; should(req.body).have.property('client_secret'); req.body.client_secret.should.not.be.empty; }); it('does not tamper with `client_secret` if already present', function () { var requestBody = { client_secret: 'keep-it-safe-keep-it-secret' }; req.body = requestBody; middleware.api.addClientSecret(req, res, next); next.called.should.be.true; should(req.body).have.property('client_secret'); req.body.client_secret.should.equal('keep-it-safe-keep-it-secret'); }); }); });