/* eslint-disable */ const mockKnex = require('mock-knex'), _ = require('lodash'), debug = require('ghost-ignition').debug('tests:knex-mock'), DataGenerator = require('../fixtures/data-generator'), knex = require('../../../server/data/db').knex; /** * Knex mock. The database is our Datagenerator. * You can either self register queries or you simply rely on the data generator data. * * Please extend if you use-case does not work. * * @TODO: sqlite3 :memory: mode wasn't working for me */ class KnexMock { initialiseDb() { this.db = {}; _.each(_.pick(_.cloneDeep(DataGenerator.forKnex), [ 'posts', 'users', 'tags', 'invites', 'permissions', 'roles', 'posts_authors', 'posts_tags' ]), (objects, tableName) => { this.db[tableName] = []; _.each(objects, (object) => { this.db[tableName].push(object); }); }); } resetDb() { return this.initialiseDb(); } mock(options) { options = options || {autoMock: true}; mockKnex.mock(knex); this.initialiseDb(); this.tracker = mockKnex.getTracker(); this.tracker.install(); if (options.autoMock) { this.tracker.on('query', (query) => { query.sql = query.sql.replace(/`/g, '"'); debug('#### Query start.'); debug(query.sql); // CASE: transactions if (query.sql.match(/BEGIN|COMMIT|ROLLBACK/)) { query.response(); debug('#### Query end.\n'); return; } if (query.method === 'select') { if (query.bindings.length && query.sql.match(/where/)) { // CASE: joins should return e.g. `posts_tags=[tag,tag]` if (query.sql.match(/inner\sjoin/)) { let targetTable = query.sql.match(/inner\sjoin\s(\"\w+\")/)[1], targetAttribute = query.sql.match(/on\s\"\w+\"\.(\"\w+\")/)[1], joinAttribute = query.sql.match(/on\s\"\w+\"\.\"\w+\"\s\=\s\"\w+\"\.(\"\w+\")/)[1], joinTable = query.sql.match(/on\s\"\w+\"\.\"\w+\"\s\=\s(\"\w+\")/)[1], targetIdentifier = query.sql.match(/(\"\w+\")\sin\s\(\?\)/), values = query.bindings, targetEntries, toReturn = []; if (!targetIdentifier) { targetIdentifier = query.sql.match(/where\s\"\w+\"\.\"(\w+)\"\s\=/); } if (!targetIdentifier) { targetIdentifier = query.sql.match(/where\s\"\w+\"\.\"(\w+)\"\s\in\s/); } if (targetIdentifier) { targetIdentifier = targetIdentifier[1]; } targetTable = targetTable.replace(/"/g, ''); targetIdentifier = targetIdentifier.replace(/"/g, ''); targetAttribute = targetAttribute.replace(/"/g, ''); joinTable = joinTable.replace(/"/g, ''); joinAttribute = joinAttribute.replace(/"/g, ''); debug(targetTable, targetIdentifier, targetAttribute, joinTable, joinAttribute); targetEntries = _.filter(this.db[targetTable], ((existing) => { if (values.indexOf(existing[targetIdentifier]) !== -1) { return true; } })); if (targetEntries && targetEntries.length) { _.each(targetEntries, ((target) => { const found = _.cloneDeep(_.find(this.db[joinTable], ((joinEntry) => { if (joinEntry[joinAttribute] === target[targetAttribute]) { return true; } }))); _.each(target, function (value, key) { let match = query.sql.match(new RegExp('\\"' + targetTable + '\\"\\.\\"' + key + '"\\sas\\s(\\"\\w+\\")')); // CASE: e.g. id if (match) { match = match[1]; match = match.replace(/"/g, ''); found[match] = value; } }); if (found) { toReturn.push(found); } })); // @TODO: This is not really generic ;) toReturn = _.orderBy(toReturn, ['_pivot_sort_order'], ['asc']); query.response(toReturn); debug('#### Query end.\n'); } else { query.response([]); debug('#### Query end.\n'); } } else { let tableName = query.sql.match(/from\s\"(\w+)\"/)[1], where = query.sql.match(/\"(\w+)\"\s\=\s\?/), values = query.bindings, dbEntry, wheres = []; // where "users"."id" in ('1') if (!where) { where = query.sql.match(/\"\w+\"\.\"(\w+)\"\sin\s\(\?\)/)[1]; } else { // 3 wheres let wheresMatch = query.sql.match(/\"(\w+)\"\s\=\s\?\sand\s\"\w+\"\.\"(\w+)\"\s\=\s\?\sand\s\"\w+\"\.\"(\w+)\"\s\=\s\?/); if (wheresMatch) { wheres.push(wheresMatch[1]); wheres.push(wheresMatch[2]); wheres.push(wheresMatch[3]); } else { // 2 wheres let wheresMatch = query.sql.match(/\"(\w+)\"\s\=\s\?\sand\s\"\w+\"\.\"(\w+)\"\s\=\s\?/); if (wheresMatch) { wheres.push(wheresMatch[1]); wheres.push(wheresMatch[2]); } else { wheres.push(where[1]); } } } values = query.bindings.slice(0, wheres.length); debug(tableName, wheres, values); dbEntry = _.filter(this.db[tableName], ((existing) => { if (_.isEqual(_.values(_.pick(existing, wheres)), values)) { return true; } })); if (dbEntry) { // select fields dbEntry = _.map(dbEntry, (obj) => { let keys = query.sql.match(/select\s(\".*\"\,?)+\sfrom/); if (keys) { keys = keys[1]; keys = keys.replace(/"/g, ''); keys = keys.replace(/\s/g, ''); keys = keys.split(','); return _.pick(obj, keys); } return obj; }); query.response(dbEntry); debug('#### Query end.\n'); } else { query.response([]); debug('#### Query end. Not found\n'); } } } else { const tableName = query.sql.match(/from\s\"(\w+)\"/)[1]; query.response(this.db[tableName]); } } else if (query.method === 'insert') { const tableName = query.sql.match(/into\s\"(\w+)\"/)[1]; let keys = query.sql.match(/\(([^)]+)\)/)[1], entry = {}; keys = keys.replace(/"/g, ''); keys = keys.replace(/\s/g, ''); keys = keys.split(','); _.each(keys, (key, index) => { entry[key] = query.bindings[index]; }); if (!this.db[tableName]) { this.db[tableName] = []; } this.db[tableName].push(entry); query.response(entry); debug('#### Query end.\n'); } else if (query.method === 'update') { let tableName = query.sql.match(/update\s\"(\w+)\"/)[1], where = query.sql.match(/where\s\"(\w+)\"\s\=\s\?/)[1], andWhere = query.sql.match(/where\s\"\w+\"\s\=\s\?\sand\s\"(\w+)\"/), valueWhere, valueAndWhere, dbEntry; if (andWhere) { andWhere = andWhere[1]; valueWhere = query.bindings.slice(1, -1)[0]; valueAndWhere = query.bindings.slice(-1)[0]; } else { valueWhere = query.bindings.slice(-1)[0]; } debug(tableName, where, valueWhere, andWhere, valueAndWhere, query.bindings); dbEntry = _.find(this.db[tableName], ((existing) => { if (existing[where] === valueWhere) { if (andWhere) { if (existing[andWhere] === valueAndWhere) { return true; } } else { return true; } } })); if (!dbEntry) { query.response([]); debug('#### Query end. Can\'t update - not found.\n'); } else { let keys = query.sql.match(/set(.*)where/)[1], entry = {}; keys = keys.match(/\"\w+\"/g).join(','); keys = keys.replace(/"/g, ''); keys = keys.replace(/\s/g, ''); keys = keys.split(','); debug('set', keys); _.each(keys, (key, index) => { entry[key] = query.bindings[index]; dbEntry[key] = entry[key]; }); query.response(entry); debug('#### Query end.\n'); } } else { let tableName = query.sql.match(/from\s\"(\w+)\"/)[1], where = query.sql.match(/where\s\"(\w+)\"\s\=\s\?/)[1], andWhere = query.sql.match(/where\s\"\w+\"\s\=\s\?\sand\s\"(\w+)\"/), valueWhere, valueAndWhere; valueWhere = query.bindings[0]; if (andWhere) { andWhere = andWhere[1]; valueAndWhere = query.bindings[1]; } debug(tableName, where, valueWhere, andWhere, valueAndWhere, query.bindings); this.db[tableName] = this.db[tableName].filter((existing) => { if (existing[where] === valueWhere) { if (andWhere) { if (existing[andWhere] === valueAndWhere) { return false; } else { return true; } } else { return false; } } else { return true; } }); query.response([]); } }); } return this.tracker; } unmock() { this.tracker.uninstall(); mockKnex.unmock(knex); } } module.exports = KnexMock;