import Ember from 'ember'; import DS from 'ember-data'; const {Controller, RSVP, computed, inject, run} = Ember; const {Errors} = DS; const {alias} = computed; const emberA = Ember.A; export default Controller.extend({ notifications: inject.service(), two: inject.controller('setup/two'), errors: Errors.create(), hasValidated: emberA(), users: '', ownerEmail: alias(''), submitting: false, usersArray: computed('users', function () { let errors = this.get('errors'); let users = this.get('users').split('\n').filter(function (email) { return email.trim().length > 0; }); // remove "no users to invite" error if we have users if (users.uniq().length > 0 && errors.get('users.length') === 1) { if (errors.get('users.firstObject').message.match(/no users/i)) { errors.remove('users'); } } return users.uniq(); }), validUsersArray: computed('usersArray', 'ownerEmail', function () { let ownerEmail = this.get('ownerEmail'); return this.get('usersArray').filter(function (user) { return validator.isEmail(user) && user !== ownerEmail; }); }), invalidUsersArray: computed('usersArray', 'ownerEmail', function () { let ownerEmail = this.get('ownerEmail'); return this.get('usersArray').reject((user) => { return validator.isEmail(user) || user === ownerEmail; }); }), validationResult: computed('invalidUsersArray', function () { let errors = []; this.get('invalidUsersArray').forEach((user) => { errors.push({ user, error: 'email' }); }); if (errors.length === 0) { // ensure we aren't highlighting fields when everything is fine this.get('errors').clear(); return true; } else { return errors; } }), validate() { let errors = this.get('errors'); let validationResult = this.get('validationResult'); let property = 'users'; errors.clear(); // If property isn't in the `hasValidated` array, add it to mark that this field can show a validation result this.get('hasValidated').addObject(property); if (validationResult === true) { return true; } validationResult.forEach((error) => { // Only one error type here so far, but one day the errors might be more detailed switch (error.error) { case 'email': errors.add(property, `${error.user} is not a valid email.`); } }); return false; }, buttonText: computed('errors.users', 'validUsersArray', 'invalidUsersArray', function () { let usersError = this.get('errors.users.firstObject.message'); let validNum = this.get('validUsersArray').length; let invalidNum = this.get('invalidUsersArray').length; let userCount; if (usersError && usersError.match(/no users/i)) { return usersError; } if (invalidNum > 0) { userCount = invalidNum === 1 ? 'email address' : 'email addresses'; return `${invalidNum} invalid ${userCount}`; } if (validNum > 0) { userCount = validNum === 1 ? 'user' : 'users'; userCount = `${validNum} ${userCount}`; } else { userCount = 'some users'; } return `Invite ${userCount}`; }), buttonClass: computed('validationResult', 'usersArray.length', function () { if (this.get('validationResult') === true && this.get('usersArray.length') > 0) { return 'btn-green'; } else { return 'btn-minor'; } }), authorRole: computed(function () { return'role', {reload: true}).then((roles) => { return roles.findBy('name', 'Author'); }); }), _transitionAfterSubmission() { if (!this._hasTransitioned) { this._hasTransitioned = true; this.transitionToRoute('posts.index'); } }, actions: { validate() { this.validate(); }, invite() { let users = this.get('usersArray'); let notifications = this.get('notifications'); let invitationsString, submissionTimeout; if (this.validate() && users.length > 0) { this.set('submitting', true); this._hasTransitioned = false; // wait for 4 seconds, otherwise transition anyway submissionTimeout = run.later(this, function () { this._transitionAfterSubmission(); }, 4000); this.get('authorRole').then((authorRole) => { RSVP.Promise.all( => { let newUser ='user', { email: user, status: 'invited', role: authorRole }); return => { return { email: user, success: newUser.get('status') === 'invited' }; }).catch(() => { return { email: user, success: false }; }); }) ).then((invites) => { let erroredEmails = []; let successCount = 0; let message; run.cancel(submissionTimeout); invites.forEach((invite) => { if (invite.success) { successCount++; } else { erroredEmails.push(; } }); if (erroredEmails.length > 0) { invitationsString = erroredEmails.length > 1 ? ' invitations: ' : ' invitation: '; message = `Failed to send ${erroredEmails.length} ${invitationsString}`; message += erroredEmails.join(', '); message += ". Please check your email configuration, see for instructions"; message = Ember.String.htmlSafe(message); notifications.showAlert(message, {type: 'error', delayed: successCount > 0, key: 'signup.send-invitations.failed'}); } if (successCount > 0) { // pluralize invitationsString = successCount > 1 ? 'invitations' : 'invitation'; notifications.showAlert(`${successCount} ${invitationsString} sent!`, {type: 'success', delayed: true, key: 'signup.send-invitations.success'}); } this.set('submitting', false); run.schedule('actions', this, function () { this.send('loadServerNotifications'); this._transitionAfterSubmission(); }); }); }); } else if (users.length === 0) { this.get('errors').add('users', 'No users to invite'); } }, skipInvite() { this.send('loadServerNotifications'); this.transitionToRoute('posts.index'); } } });