/*globals describe, beforeEach, afterEach, it*/ /*jshint expr:true*/ var sinon = require('sinon'), should = require('should'), uncapitalise = require('../../../server/middleware/uncapitalise'); require('should-sinon'); should.equal(true, true); describe('Middleware: uncapitalise', function () { var sandbox, res, req, next; beforeEach(function () { sandbox = sinon.sandbox.create(); res = sinon.spy(); req = sinon.spy(); next = sinon.spy(); }); afterEach(function () { sandbox.restore(); }); describe('A signup or reset request', function () { it('does nothing if there are no capital letters', function (done) { req.path = '/ghost/signup'; uncapitalise(req, res, next); next.should.be.calledOnce(); done(); }); it('redirects to the lower case slug if there are capital letters', function (done) { req.path = '/ghost/SignUP'; req.url = 'http://localhost' + req.path; res = { redirect: sinon.spy(), set: sinon.spy() }; uncapitalise(req, res, next); next.should.not.be.called(); res.redirect.should.be.calledOnce(); res.redirect.calledWith(301, 'http://localhost/ghost/signup').should.be.true(); done(); }); }); describe('An API request', function () { it('does nothing if there are no capital letters', function (done) { req.path = '/ghost/api/v0.1'; uncapitalise(req, res, next); next.should.be.calledOnce(); done(); }); it('redirects to the lower case slug if there are capital letters', function (done) { req.path = '/ghost/api/v0.1/ASDfJ'; req.url = 'http://localhost' + req.path; res = { redirect: sinon.spy(), set: sinon.spy() }; uncapitalise(req, res, next); next.should.not.be.called(); res.redirect.should.be.calledOnce(); res.redirect.calledWith(301, 'http://localhost/ghost/api/v0.1/asdfj').should.be.true(); done(); }); }); describe('Any other request', function () { it('does nothing if there are no capital letters', function (done) { req.path = '/this-is-my-blog-post'; uncapitalise(req, res, next); next.should.be.calledOnce(); done(); }); it('redirects to the lower case slug if there are capital letters', function (done) { req.path = '/THis-iS-my-BLOg-poSt'; req.url = 'http://localhost' + req.path; res = { redirect: sinon.spy(), set: sinon.spy() }; uncapitalise(req, res, next); next.should.not.be.called(); res.redirect.should.be.calledOnce(); res.redirect.calledWith(301, 'http://localhost/this-is-my-blog-post').should.be.true(); done(); }); }); });