/* Content /ghost/ /* Show/Hide on Mobile // TODO: What the fuck does that mean? /* ---------------------------------------------------------- */ .content-list.show-menu { display: block; } .content-list.show-content { display: none; } .content-preview.show-menu { display: none; } .content-preview.show-content { display: block; } /* Content List (Left pane) /* ---------------------------------------------------------- */ .content-list { position: absolute; top: 0; bottom: 0; left: 0; padding: 15px; width: 33%; border-right: #dfe1e3 1px solid; background: #fff; } @media (max-width: 900px) { .content-list { right: 0; z-index: 500; width: auto; border: none; } } .content-list .content-list-content { position: absolute; top: 0; right: 0; bottom: 0; left: 0; overflow: auto; -webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch; } .content-list .entry-title { font-size: 1.6rem; line-height: 1.4em; font-weight: normal; } .content-list .entry-meta { margin-top: 14px; line-height: 18px; } .content-list .avatar { position: relative; float: left; margin-right: 14px; width: 18px; height: 18px; background-position: center center; background-size: cover; border-radius: 18px; } .content-list .avatar img { position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; opacity: 0; } .content-list .status, .content-list .author { font-size: 1.3rem; font-weight: 300; transition: opacity 0.15s linear; } .content-list .avatar:hover + .author + .status { opacity: 0; } .content-list .avatar:hover + .author { opacity: 1; } .content-list .author { position: absolute; bottom: 22px; left: 56px; opacity: 0; } .content-list .status .draft { color: var(--red); } .content-list .status .scheduled { color: var(--orange); } .content-list ol { margin: 0; padding: 0; list-style: none; } .content-list li { position: relative; margin: 0; padding: 0; border-bottom: #dfe1e3 1px solid; } .content-list li a { display: block; padding: 19px 20px 22px 24px; color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5); } .content-list li a:hover { text-decoration: none; } @media (max-width: 400px) { .content-list li a { padding: 15px; } } @media (max-width: 900px) { .content-list li a { padding-right: 40px; } } @media (min-width: 901px) { .content-list li a:after { display: none; } } @media (min-width: 901px) { .content-list .active a { border-left: var(--blue) 3px solid; } } /* Preview (Right pane) /* ---------------------------------------------------------- */ .content-preview-content .content-preview-title a { position: relative; color: var(--darkgrey); text-decoration: none; } .content-preview { position: absolute; top: 0; right: 0; bottom: 0; overflow: auto; -webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch; padding: 15px; width: 67%; background: #fff; } @media (max-width: 900px) { .content-preview { display: none; overflow: visible; width: 100%; border: none; } } .content-preview .content-preview-content { padding: 5%; word-break: break-word; hyphens: auto; } @media (max-width: 900px) { .content-preview .content-preview-content { position: absolute; top: 0; right: 0; bottom: 0; left: 0; overflow: auto; -webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch; } } .content-preview .content-preview-content .wrapper { margin: 0 auto; max-width: 700px; } .content-preview .post-controls { position: absolute; top: 20px; right: 25px; } .content-preview .post-controls .post-edit { padding-top: 0; padding-right: 0; border: none; font-size: 18px; } .content-preview img { width: 100%; height: auto; } /* Empty State /* ---------------------------------------------------------- */ .no-posts-box { position: relative; z-index: 600; display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center; margin: 0 auto; padding: 0; height: 90%; } .no-posts-box .no-posts { display: flex; flex-direction: column; align-items: center; } .no-posts-box .no-posts h3 { margin-bottom: 20px; color: var(--midgrey); font-size: 2em; font-weight: 200; } /* Keyboard Focus Effects /* ---------------------------------------------------------- */ /* This has to be a pseudo element to sit over the top of everything else in the content list */ .content-list.keyboard-focused:before, .tag-list-content.keyboard-focused:before, .tag-settings.keyboard-focused:before { content: ""; position: absolute; top: 0; right: 0; bottom: 0; left: 0; z-index: 500; animation: keyboard-focus-style-fade-out 1.5s 1 forwards; pointer-events: none; } .content-preview.keyboard-focused { animation: keyboard-focus-style-fade-out 1.5s 1 forwards; }