var ClientPasswordStrategy = require('passport-oauth2-client-password').Strategy, BearerStrategy = require('passport-http-bearer').Strategy, GhostOAuth2Strategy = require('passport-ghost').Strategy, passport = require('passport'), Promise = require('bluebird'), authStrategies = require('./auth-strategies'), utils = require('../utils'), errors = require('../errors'), logging = require('../logging'), models = require('../models'), _private = { retryTimeout: 3000, retries: 10 }; _private.registerClient = function (options) { var ghostOAuth2Strategy = options.ghostOAuth2Strategy, url = options.url; return models.Client.findOne({slug: 'ghost-auth'}, {context: {internal: true}}) .then(function fetchedClient(client) { // CASE: Ghost Auth client is already registered if (client) { return { client_id: client.get('uuid'), client_secret: client.get('secret') }; } return ghostOAuth2Strategy.registerClient({clientName: url}) .then(function addClient(credentials) { return models.Client.add({ name: 'Ghost Auth', slug: 'ghost-auth', uuid: credentials.client_id, secret: credentials.client_secret }, {context: {internal: true}}); }) .then(function returnClient(client) { return { client_id: client.get('uuid'), client_secret: client.get('secret') }; }); }); }; _private.startPublicClientRegistration = function startPublicClientRegistration(options) { return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { (function retry(retries) { options.retryCount = retries; _private.registerClient(options) .then(resolve) .catch(function publicClientRegistrationError(err) { logging.error(err); if (options.retryCount < 0) { return reject(new errors.IncorrectUsageError({ message: 'Public client registration failed: ' + err.code || err.message, context: 'Please verify that the url can be reached: ' + options.ghostOAuth2Strategy.url })); } logging.debug('Trying to register Public Client...'); var timeout = setTimeout(function () { clearTimeout(timeout); options.retryCount = options.retryCount - 1; retry(options.retryCount); }, _private.retryTimeout); }); })(_private.retries); }); }; /** * auth types: * - password: local login * - ghost: remote login at */ exports.init = function initPassport(options) { var type = options.type, url = options.url; return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { passport.use(new ClientPasswordStrategy(authStrategies.clientPasswordStrategy)); passport.use(new BearerStrategy(authStrategies.bearerStrategy)); if (type !== 'ghost') { return resolve({passport: passport.initialize()}); } var ghostOAuth2Strategy = new GhostOAuth2Strategy({ callbackURL: utils.url.getBaseUrl() + '/ghost/', url: url, passReqToCallback: true }, authStrategies.ghostStrategy); _private.startPublicClientRegistration({ ghostOAuth2Strategy: ghostOAuth2Strategy, url: utils.url.getBaseUrl() }).then(function setClient(client) { logging.debug('Public Client Registration was successful'); ghostOAuth2Strategy.setClient(client); passport.use(ghostOAuth2Strategy); return resolve({passport: passport.initialize()}); }).catch(reject); }); };