var shortcuts = {}, ctrlOrCmd = navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Mac') !== -1 ? 'command' : 'ctrl'; // //General editor shortcuts // shortcuts[ctrlOrCmd + '+s'] = 'save'; shortcuts[ctrlOrCmd + '+alt+p'] = 'publish'; shortcuts['alt+shift+z'] = 'toggleZenMode'; // //CodeMirror Markdown Shortcuts // //Text shortcuts['ctrl+alt+u'] = {action: 'codeMirrorShortcut', options: {type: 'strike'}}; shortcuts[ctrlOrCmd + '+b'] = {action: 'codeMirrorShortcut', options: {type: 'bold'}}; shortcuts[ctrlOrCmd + '+i'] = {action: 'codeMirrorShortcut', options: {type: 'italic'}}; //Headings shortcuts['ctrl+alt+1'] = {action: 'codeMirrorShortcut', options: {type: 'h1'}}; shortcuts['ctrl+alt+2'] = {action: 'codeMirrorShortcut', options: {type: 'h2'}}; shortcuts['ctrl+alt+3'] = {action: 'codeMirrorShortcut', options: {type: 'h3'}}; shortcuts['ctrl+alt+4'] = {action: 'codeMirrorShortcut', options: {type: 'h4'}}; shortcuts['ctrl+alt+5'] = {action: 'codeMirrorShortcut', options: {type: 'h5'}}; shortcuts['ctrl+alt+6'] = {action: 'codeMirrorShortcut', options: {type: 'h6'}}; //Formatting shortcuts['ctrl+q'] = {action: 'codeMirrorShortcut', options: {type: 'blockquote'}}; shortcuts['ctrl+l'] = {action: 'codeMirrorShortcut', options: {type: 'list'}}; //Insert content shortcuts['ctrl+shift+1'] = {action: 'codeMirrorShortcut', options: {type: 'currentDate'}}; shortcuts[ctrlOrCmd + '+k'] = {action: 'codeMirrorShortcut', options: {type: 'link'}}; shortcuts[ctrlOrCmd + '+shift+i'] = {action: 'codeMirrorShortcut', options: {type: 'image'}}; //Currently broken CodeMirror Markdown shortcuts. // Some may be broken due to a conflict with CodeMirror commands. // (see // //shortcuts['ctrl+U'] = {action: 'codeMirrorShortcut', options: {type: 'uppercase'}}; //shortcuts['ctrl+shift+U'] = {action: 'codeMirrorShortcut', options: {type: 'lowercase'}}; //shortcuts['ctrl+alt+shift+U'] = {action: 'codeMirrorShortcut', options: {type: 'titlecase'}}; //shortcuts[ctrlOrCmd + '+c'] = {action: 'codeMirrorShortcut', options: {type: 'copyHTML'}}; export default shortcuts;