var _ = require('underscore'), when = require('when'), errors = require('../errorHandling'), api = require('../api'), loader = require('./loader'), // Holds the available plugins availablePlugins = {}; function getInstalledPlugins() { return'installedPlugins').then(function (installed) { installed.value = installed.value || '[]'; try { installed = JSON.parse(installed.value); } catch (e) { return when.reject(e); } return installed; }); } function saveInstalledPlugins(installedPlugins) { return getInstalledPlugins().then(function (currentInstalledPlugins) { var updatedPluginsInstalled = _.uniq(installedPlugins.concat(currentInstalledPlugins)); return api.settings.edit('installedPlugins', updatedPluginsInstalled); }); } module.exports = { init: function (ghost) { var pluginsToLoad; try { // We have to parse the value because it's a string'activePlugins').then(function (aPlugins) { pluginsToLoad = JSON.parse(aPlugins.value) || []; }); } catch (e) { errors.logError( 'Failed to parse activePlugins setting value: ' + e.message, 'Your plugins will not be loaded.', 'Check your settings table for typos in the activePlugins value. It should look like: ["plugin-1", "plugin2"] (double quotes required).' ); return when.resolve(); } // Grab all installed plugins, install any not already installed that are in pluginsToLoad. return getInstalledPlugins().then(function (installedPlugins) { var loadedPlugins = {}, recordLoadedPlugin = function (name, loadedPlugin) { // After loading the plugin, add it to our hash of loaded plugins loadedPlugins[name] = loadedPlugin; return when.resolve(loadedPlugin); }, loadPromises =, function (plugin) { // If already installed, just activate the plugin if (_.contains(installedPlugins, plugin)) { return loader.activatePluginByName(plugin, ghost).then(function (loadedPlugin) { return recordLoadedPlugin(plugin, loadedPlugin); }); } // Install, then activate the plugin return loader.installPluginByName(plugin, ghost).then(function () { return loader.activatePluginByName(plugin, ghost); }).then(function (loadedPlugin) { return recordLoadedPlugin(plugin, loadedPlugin); }); }); return when.all(loadPromises).then(function () { // Save our installed plugins to settings return saveInstalledPlugins(_.keys(loadedPlugins)); }).then(function () { // Extend the loadedPlugins onto the available plugins _.extend(availablePlugins, loadedPlugins); }).otherwise(function (err) { errors.logError( err.message || err, 'The plugin will not be loaded', 'Check with the plugin creator, or read the plugin documentation for more details on plugin requirements' ); }); }); }, availablePlugins: availablePlugins };