/** * Main controller for Ghost frontend */ /*global require, module */ var moment = require('moment'), RSS = require('rss'), _ = require('lodash'), url = require('url'), when = require('when'), Route = require('express').Route, api = require('../api'), config = require('../config'), errors = require('../errorHandling'), filters = require('../../server/filters'), frontendControllers, // Cache static post permalink regex staticPostPermalink = new Route(null, '/:slug/:edit?'); frontendControllers = { 'homepage': function (req, res, next) { // Parse the page number var pageParam = req.params.page !== undefined ? parseInt(req.params.page, 10) : 1, postsPerPage, options = {}; // No negative pages, or page 1 if (isNaN(pageParam) || pageParam < 1 || (pageParam === 1 && req.route.path === '/page/:page/')) { return res.redirect(config().paths.subdir + '/'); } return api.settings.read('postsPerPage').then(function (postPP) { postsPerPage = parseInt(postPP.value, 10); options.page = pageParam; // No negative posts per page, must be number if (!isNaN(postsPerPage) && postsPerPage > 0) { options.limit = postsPerPage; } return; }).then(function () { return api.posts.browse(options); }).then(function (page) { var maxPage = page.pages; // A bit of a hack for situations with no content. if (maxPage === 0) { maxPage = 1; page.pages = 1; } // If page is greater than number of pages we have, redirect to last page if (pageParam > maxPage) { return res.redirect(maxPage === 1 ? config().paths.subdir + '/' : (config().paths.subdir + '/page/' + maxPage + '/')); } // Render the page of posts filters.doFilter('prePostsRender', page.posts).then(function (posts) { res.render('index', {posts: posts, pagination: {page: page.page, prev: page.prev, next: page.next, limit: page.limit, total: page.total, pages: page.pages}}); }); }).otherwise(function (err) { var e = new Error(err.message); e.status = err.errorCode; return next(e); }); }, 'single': function (req, res, next) { var path = req.path, params, editFormat, usingStaticPermalink = false; api.settings.read('permalinks').then(function (permalink) { editFormat = permalink.value[permalink.value.length - 1] === '/' ? ':edit?' : '/:edit?'; // Convert saved permalink into an express Route object permalink = new Route(null, permalink.value + editFormat); // Check if the path matches the permalink structure. // // If there are no matches found we then // need to verify it's not a static post, // and test against that permalink structure. if (permalink.match(path) === false) { // If there are still no matches then return. if (staticPostPermalink.match(path) === false) { // Throw specific error // to break out of the promise chain. throw new Error('no match'); } permalink = staticPostPermalink; usingStaticPermalink = true; } params = permalink.params; // Sanitize params we're going to use to lookup the post. var postLookup = _.pick(permalink.params, 'slug', 'id'); // Query database to find post return api.posts.read(postLookup); }).then(function (post) { if (!post) { return next(); } function render() { // If we're ready to render the page but the last param is 'edit' then we'll send you to the edit page. if (params.edit !== undefined) { return res.redirect(config().paths.subdir + '/ghost/editor/' + post.id + '/'); } filters.doFilter('prePostsRender', post).then(function (post) { api.settings.read('activeTheme').then(function (activeTheme) { var paths = config().paths.availableThemes[activeTheme.value], view = post.page && paths.hasOwnProperty('page.hbs') ? 'page' : 'post'; res.render(view, {post: post}); }); }); } // If we've checked the path with the static permalink structure // then the post must be a static post. // If it is not then we must return. if (usingStaticPermalink) { if (post.page === 1) { return render(); } return next(); } // If there is any date based paramter in the slug // we will check it against the post published date // to verify it's correct. if (params.year || params.month || params.day) { var slugDate = [], slugFormat = []; if (params.year) { slugDate.push(params.year); slugFormat.push('YYYY'); } if (params.month) { slugDate.push(params.month); slugFormat.push('MM'); } if (params.day) { slugDate.push(params.day); slugFormat.push('DD'); } slugDate = slugDate.join('/'); slugFormat = slugFormat.join('/'); if (slugDate === moment(post.published_at).format(slugFormat)) { return render(); } return next(); } render(); }).otherwise(function (err) { // If we've thrown an error message // of 'no match' then we found // no path match. if (err.message === 'no match') { return next(); } var e = new Error(err.message); e.status = err.errorCode; return next(e); }); }, 'edit': function (req, res, next) { req.params[2] = 'edit'; return frontendControllers.single(req, res, next); }, 'rss': function (req, res, next) { // Initialize RSS var pageParam = req.params.page !== undefined ? parseInt(req.params.page, 10) : 1, feed; // No negative pages, or page 1 if (isNaN(pageParam) || pageParam < 1 || (pageParam === 1 && req.route.path === '/rss/:page/')) { return res.redirect(config().paths.subdir + '/rss/'); } // TODO: needs refactor for multi user to not use first user as default return when.settle([ api.users.read({id : 1}), api.settings.read('title'), api.settings.read('description'), api.settings.read('permalinks') ]).then(function (result) { var user = result[0].value, title = result[1].value.value, description = result[2].value.value, permalinks = result[3].value, siteUrl = config.urlFor('home', null, true), feedUrl = config.urlFor('rss', null, true); feed = new RSS({ title: title, description: description, generator: 'Ghost v' + res.locals.version, feed_url: feedUrl, site_url: siteUrl, ttl: '60' }); return api.posts.browse({page: pageParam}).then(function (page) { var maxPage = page.pages, feedItems = []; // A bit of a hack for situations with no content. if (maxPage === 0) { maxPage = 1; page.pages = 1; } // If page is greater than number of pages we have, redirect to last page if (pageParam > maxPage) { return res.redirect(config().paths.subdir + '/rss/' + maxPage + '/'); } filters.doFilter('prePostsRender', page.posts).then(function (posts) { posts.forEach(function (post) { var deferred = when.defer(), item = { title: _.escape(post.title), guid: post.uuid, url: config.urlFor('post', {post: post, permalinks: permalinks}, true), date: post.published_at, categories: _.pluck(post.tags, 'name'), author: user ? user.name : null }, content = post.html; //set img src to absolute url content = content.replace(/src=["|'|\s]?([\w\/\?\$\.\+\-;%:@&=,_]+)["|'|\s]?/gi, function (match, p1) { /*jslint unparam:true*/ p1 = url.resolve(siteUrl, p1); return "src='" + p1 + "' "; }); //set a href to absolute url content = content.replace(/href=["|'|\s]?([\w\/\?\$\.\+\-;%:@&=,_]+)["|'|\s]?/gi, function (match, p1) { /*jslint unparam:true*/ p1 = url.resolve(siteUrl, p1); return "href='" + p1 + "' "; }); item.description = content; feed.item(item); deferred.resolve(); feedItems.push(deferred.promise); }); }); when.all(feedItems).then(function () { res.set('Content-Type', 'text/xml'); res.send(feed.xml()); }); }); }).otherwise(function (err) { var e = new Error(err.message); e.status = err.errorCode; return next(e); }); } }; module.exports = frontendControllers;