const {URL} = require('url'); const mailgun = require('mailgun-js'); const configService = require('../../config'); const common = require('../../lib/common'); let mailgunInstance; function createMailgun(config) { const baseUrl = new URL(config.baseUrl); return mailgun({ apiKey: config.apiKey, domain: config.domain, protocol: baseUrl.protocol, host:, port: baseUrl.port, endpoint: baseUrl.pathname }); } const config = configService.get('bulkEmail'); if (!config || !config.mailgun) { common.logging.warn(`Bulk email service is not configured`); } else { try { mailgunInstance = createMailgun(config.mailgun); } catch (err) { common.logging.warn(`Bulk email service is not configured`); } } /** * An email address * @typedef { string } EmailAddress */ /** * An object representing an email to send * @typedef { Object } Email * @property { string } html - The html content of the email * @property { string } subject - The subject of the email */ module.exports = { /** * @param {Email} message - The message to send * @param {[EmailAddress]} recipients - the recipients to send the email to * @param {[object]} recipientData - list of data keyed by email to inject into the email * @returns {Promise} A promise representing the success of the email sending */ async send(message, recipients, recipientData) { if (!mailgunInstance) { return; } let fromAddress = message.from; if (/@localhost$/.test(message.from)) { fromAddress = ''; common.logging.warn(`Rewriting bulk email from address ${message.from} to ${fromAddress}`); } try { const messageData = Object.assign({}, message, { to: recipients.join(', '), from: fromAddress, 'recipient-variables': recipientData }); if (config.mailgun.tag) { Object.assign(messageData, { 'o:tag': config.mailgun.tag }); } await mailgunInstance.messages().send(messageData); } catch (err) { common.logging.error({err}); } } };