// # Helper Test Utils
// Contains shared code for intialising tests
// @TODO refactor this file out of existence
// I believe if we refactor the handlebars instances and helpers to be more self-contained and modular
// We can likely have init functions which replace the need for this file

var hbs     = require('express-hbs'),
    _       = require('lodash'),

// Stuff we are testing
    helpers = require('../../../server/helpers'),
    config  = require('../../../server/config'),
    origConfig = _.cloneDeep(config.get()),
    utils   = {};

utils.loadHelpers = function () {
    var adminHbs = hbs.create();

utils.overrideConfig = function (newConfig) {

utils.restoreConfig = function () {

module.exports = utils;
module.exports.config = config;