var should = require('should'), sinon = require('sinon'), Promise = require('bluebird'), mail = require('../../../server/mail'), settingsCache = require('../../../server/settings/cache'), configUtils = require('../../utils/configUtils'), i18n = require('../../../server/i18n'), sandbox = sinon.sandbox.create(), mailer, // Mock SMTP config SMTP = { transport: 'SMTP', options: { service: 'Gmail', auth: { user: 'nil', pass: '123' } } }, // test data mailDataNoDomain = { to: '', subject: 'testemail', html: '


' }, mailDataNoServer = { to: '', subject: 'testemail', html: '


' }, mailDataIncomplete = { subject: 'testemail', html: '


' }; i18n.init(); describe('Mail: Ghostmailer', function () { afterEach(function () { mailer = null; configUtils.restore(); sandbox.restore(); }); it('should attach mail provider to ghost instance', function () { mailer = new mail.GhostMailer(); should.exist(mailer);'send'); }); it('should setup SMTP transport on initialization', function () { configUtils.set({mail: SMTP}); mailer = new mail.GhostMailer();'transport'); mailer.transport.transportType.should.eql('SMTP');; }); it('should fallback to direct if config is empty', function () { configUtils.set({mail: {}}); mailer = new mail.GhostMailer();'transport'); mailer.transport.transportType.should.eql('DIRECT'); }); it('sends valid message successfully ', function (done) { configUtils.set({mail: {transport: 'stub'}}); mailer = new mail.GhostMailer(); mailer.transport.transportType.should.eql('STUB'); mailer.send(mailDataNoServer).then(function (response) { should.exist(response.message); should.exist(response.envelope);''); done(); }).catch(done); }); it('handles failure', function (done) { configUtils.set({mail: {transport: 'stub', options: {error: 'Stub made a boo boo :('}}}); mailer = new mail.GhostMailer(); mailer.transport.transportType.should.eql('STUB'); mailer.send(mailDataNoServer).then(function () { done(new Error('Stub did not error')); }).catch(function (error) { error.message.should.eql('Error: Stub made a boo boo :('); done(); }).catch(done); }); it('should fail to send messages when given insufficient data', function (done) { mailer = new mail.GhostMailer(); Promise.all([ mailer.send().reflect(), mailer.send({}).reflect(), mailer.send({subject: '123'}).reflect(), mailer.send({subject: '', html: '123'}).reflect() ]).then(function (descriptors) { descriptors.forEach(function (d) { d.isFulfilled(); d.reason(); d.reason().message.should.eql('Error: Incomplete message data.'); }); done(); }).catch(done); }); describe('Direct', function () { beforeEach(function () { configUtils.set({mail: {}}); mailer = new mail.GhostMailer(); }); afterEach(function () { mailer = null; }); it('return correct failure message for domain doesn\'t exist', function (done) { mailer.transport.transportType.should.eql('DIRECT'); mailer.send(mailDataNoDomain).then(function () { done(new Error('Error message not shown.')); }, function (error) { error.message.should.startWith('Error: Failed to send email'); done(); }).catch(done); }); it('return correct failure message for no mail server at this address', function (done) { mailer.transport.transportType.should.eql('DIRECT'); mailer.send(mailDataNoServer).then(function () { done(new Error('Error message not shown.')); }, function (error) { error.message.should.eql('Error: Failed to send email.'); done(); }).catch(done); }); it('return correct failure message for incomplete data', function (done) { mailer.transport.transportType.should.eql('DIRECT'); mailer.send(mailDataIncomplete).then(function () { done(new Error('Error message not shown.')); }, function (error) { error.message.should.eql('Error: Incomplete message data.'); done(); }).catch(done); }); }); describe('From address', function () { it('should use the config', function () { configUtils.set({ mail: { from: '"Blog Title" ' } }); mailer = new mail.GhostMailer(); mailer.from().should.equal('"Blog Title" '); }); it('should fall back to [blog.title] ', function () { sandbox.stub(settingsCache, 'get').returns('Test'); // Standard domain configUtils.set({url: '', mail: {from: null}}); mailer = new mail.GhostMailer(); mailer.from().should.equal('"Test" '); // Trailing slash configUtils.set({url: '', mail: {from: null}}); mailer.from().should.equal('"Test" '); // Strip Port configUtils.set({url: '', mail: {from: null}}); mailer.from().should.equal('"Test" '); }); it('should use mail.from if both from and fromaddress are present', function () { // Standard domain configUtils.set({mail: {from: '"bar" ', fromaddress: '"Qux" '}}); mailer = new mail.GhostMailer(); mailer.from().should.equal('"bar" '); }); it('should attach blog title if from or fromaddress are only email addresses', function () { sandbox.stub(settingsCache, 'get').returns('Test'); // from and fromaddress are both set configUtils.set({mail: {from: '', fromaddress: ''}}); mailer = new mail.GhostMailer(); mailer.from().should.equal('"Test" '); // only from set configUtils.set({mail: {from: '', fromaddress: null}}); mailer.from().should.equal('"Test" '); // only fromaddress set configUtils.set({mail: {from: null, fromaddress: ''}}); mailer.from().should.equal('"Test" '); }); it('should ignore theme title if from address is Title format', function () { // from and fromaddress are both set configUtils.set({mail: {from: '"R2D2" ', fromaddress: '"C3PO" '}}); mailer = new mail.GhostMailer(); mailer.from().should.equal('"R2D2" '); // only from set configUtils.set({mail: {from: '"R2D2" ', fromaddress: null}}); mailer.from().should.equal('"R2D2" '); // only fromaddress set configUtils.set({mail: {from: null, fromaddress: '"C3PO" '}}); mailer.from().should.equal('"C3PO" '); }); it('should use default title if not theme title is provided', function () { configUtils.set({url: '', mail: {from: null}}); mailer = new mail.GhostMailer(); mailer.from().should.equal('"Ghost at" '); }); }); });