var gulp = require('gulp'), livereload = require('gulp-livereload'), nodemon = require('gulp-nodemon'), shell = require('gulp-shell'), chalk = require('chalk'), runSequence = require('run-sequence'), argv = require('minimist')(process.argv.slice(2)), _ = require('lodash'), exec = require('child_process').exec, submodule = require('gulp-git-submodule'), fs = require('fs'), config, gitBranches, nodemonServerInit, filterParams, getGitBranch, checkDirectoryExistance; // This config is used to store constant values to check against // called options as well as the paths for each repository config = { ghost: { type: 'string', regex: /pr\/\d+/i, path: 'core/server' }, admin: { type: 'string', regex: /pr\/\d+/i, path: 'core/client' }, casper: { type: 'string', regex: /pr\/\d+/i, path: 'content/themes/casper' }, force: { type: 'boolean' }, f: { type: 'boolean' } }; // gitBranches is used to store the currently chosen branch to checkout as well // as the necessary shell command for `gulp setup` gitBranches = { ghost: {}, admin: {}, casper: {} }; submodule.registerTasks(gulp); nodemonServerInit = function () { livereload.listen(); return nodemon({ script: 'index.js', ext: 'js,json,hbs', watch: [ // TODO: these are the files we're watching. These need probably some // adjustment as we go ahead with this. 'core/index.js', config.ghost.path + '**/*.js', config.ghost.path + '**/*.json', config.ghost.path + '**/*.hbs', 'core/built/assets/*.js' ], ignore: [ 'core/client/*', 'core/server/test/*' ], verbose: true }).on('restart', function () {'Restarting Ghost due to changes...')); gulp.src('index.js') .pipe(livereload()); }); }; // Filter against our config (checks the type and the allowed repos that can be // used as parameters, e. b. `--admin`). // Returns an Object which contains only the valid arguments as well as their value filterParams = function (args) { var filteredOptions = {}; _.forEach(args, function (key, value) { key = typeof key === 'string' ? key.toLowerCase().trim() : key; value = typeof value === 'string' ? value.toLowerCase().trim() : value; if (config.hasOwnProperty(value)) { if (config[value].type !== typeof key) {'Invalid usage of "--' + value + '" option.')); return; } filteredOptions[value] = key; } else { if (value !== '_') {'Invalid parameter "--' + value + '".')); } return; } }); return filteredOptions; }; // Creates the shell command to checkout the branch/pr and is verified against // the regex in the config. getGitBranch = function (branch, repo) { if (branch && branch.match(config[repo].regex)) { _.assign(gitBranches[repo], { gitCommand: 'f() { git fetch && git checkout ' + branch + '; }; f', branch: branch }); } else if (branch) { _.assign(gitBranches[repo], { gitCommand: 'git fetch && git checkout ' + branch, branch: branch }); } else { return null; } }; // Checks if a directory exists and returns true if so. This is needed to // check, if the submodule directories exist. checkDirectoryExistance = function (directory) { try { return fs.statSync(directory).isDirectory(); } catch (e) { if (e.code === 'ENOENT') { return false; } else { throw e; } } }; // Delete all dependencies and installs npm modules again (necessary to make gulp // work again 😛). gulp.task('_FFS', shell.task(['rm -rf node_modules && rm -rf core/client/node_modules ' + '&& rm -rf core/client/bower_components && npm cache clean ' + '&& bower cache clean && npm install'])); gulp.task('_checkout_ghost', function (cb) { exec(gitBranches.ghost.gitCommand, function (err, stdout, stderr) {; cb(err); }); }); gulp.task('_checkout_admin', function (cb) { // Check first, if submodule exists and update it, if not. if (!checkDirectoryExistance(config.admin.path)) { exec('gulp submodules', function (err, stdout, stderr) {; exec('cd ' + config.admin.path + ' && ' + gitBranches.admin.gitCommand, function (err, stdout, stderr) {;; cb(err); }); }); } else { exec('cd ' + config.admin.path + ' && ' + gitBranches.admin.gitCommand, function (err, stdout, stderr) {;; cb(err); }); } }); gulp.task('_checkout_casper', function (cb) { // Check first, if submodule exists and update it, if not. if (!checkDirectoryExistance(config.casper.path)) { exec('gulp submodules', function (err, stdout, stderr) {; exec('cd ' + config.casper.path + ' && ' + gitBranches.casper.gitCommand, function (err, stdout, stderr) {;; cb(err); }); }); } else { exec('cd ' + config.casper.path + ' && ' + gitBranches.casper.gitCommand, function (err, stdout, stderr) {;; cb(err); }); } }); gulp.task('_client_deps', shell.task(['npm install && bower install'], { cwd: config.admin.path, env: { FORCE_COLOR: true } })); // Starting the 🚗 to run the server only // No client watch here. gulp.task('server', function () { nodemonServerInit(); }); // Run `gulp dev` to enter development mode // Filechanges in client will force a livereload gulp.task('dev', ['server'], shell.task(['ember build --watch'], { cwd: config.admin.path, env: { FORCE_COLOR: true } })); // Update the submodules with gulp-git-submodule // Will update only for these cases: // 1. admin param is set to master (`--admin master`) // 2. submodule doesn't exist, even if admin param is given // Can be called directly, but will checkout the master branch gulp.task('submodules', function (cb) { var adminBranch = gitBranches.admin.branch || undefined, casperBranch = gitBranches.casper.branch || undefined; if ((!checkDirectoryExistance(config.admin.path) || adminBranch === 'master') || (!checkDirectoryExistance(config.casper.path) || casperBranch === 'master')) {'Updating submodules...')); exec('gulp sm:install', function (err, stdout, stderr) {; cb(err); }); } else {'Nothing to update...')); cb(); } }); // Task to update dependencies for ghost and admin gulp.task('deps', ['_client_deps'], shell.task(['npm install'])); // Task to make repositories ready for development. Can be used in mutliple ways: // // `gulp setup` // Will update dependecies and submodules (if submodule branches are on master) for // currently chosen branches. // // `gulp setup --force` // Will delete all dependencies and install them again, incl. submodules for // currently chosen branches. // // `gulp setup --ghost some-branch --admin some-branch --casper some-branch` // Will checkout the branches for each repository. // Can also be used to checkout only selected branches e. g. // `gulp setup --admin some-branch` // Will leave the current branch for `ghost` and `casper`, but checkout the named // branch for admin. Will also install dependencies. // // `gulp setup --admin pr/123 --ghost pr/1234 --casper pr/123` // Will fetch the named PR of the repository and checkout to this new branch. // Will also install dependencies. NOTE: This works only with an additional fetch line // in the .git/config file for each repository: `fetch = +refs/pull/*/head:refs/remotes/upstream/pr/*`. // See for further information. // // All the combinations above can be executed with the `--force` or `-f` flag, which // will delete the dependencies and install them again, but for the chosen branches. gulp.task('setup', function (done) { var options = filterParams(argv) || {}, force = (options.force || options.f) || undefined; if (options.ghost) { getGitBranch(options.ghost, 'ghost'); runSequence( '_checkout_ghost' ); } if (options.admin) { getGitBranch(options.admin, 'admin'); runSequence( '_checkout_admin' ); } if (options.casper) { getGitBranch(options.casper, 'casper'); runSequence( '_checkout_casper' ); } if (force) { runSequence( 'submodules', '_FFS', 'deps', done ); } else { runSequence( 'submodules', 'deps', done ); } });