var should = require('should'), // Stuff we are testing helpers = require('../../../core/frontend/helpers'); var almostOneMinute = '

Ghost has a number of different user roles for your team

' + '


The base user level in Ghost is an author. Authors can write posts,' + ' edit their own posts, and publish their own posts. Authors are trusted users. If you ' + 'don\'t trust users to be allowed to publish their own posts, you shouldn\'t invite them to Ghost admin.

' + '


Editors are the 2nd user level in Ghost. Editors can do everything that an' + ' Author can do, but they can also edit and publish the posts of others - as well as their own. Editors can also invite new' + ' authors to the site.


The top user level in Ghost is Administrator.' + ' Again, administrators can do everything that Authors and Editors can do, but they can also edit all site settings ' + 'and data, not just content. Additionally, administrators have full access to invite, manage or remove any other' + ' user of the site.

The Owner

There is only ever one owner of a Ghost site. ' + 'The owner is a special user which has all the same permissions as an Administrator, but with two exceptions: ' + 'The Owner can never be deleted. And in some circumstances the owner will have access to additional special settings ' + 'if applicable — for example, billing details, if using Ghost(Pro).

It\'s a good idea to ask all of your' + ' users to fill out their user profiles, including bio and social links. These will populate rich structured data ' + 'for posts and generally create more opportunities for themes to fully populate their design.

'; var almostOneAndAHalfMinute = almostOneMinute + '
' + '

Ghost has a number of different user roles for your team

' + '


The base user level in Ghost is an author. Authors can write posts,' + ' edit their own posts, and publish their own posts. Authors are trusted users. If you ' + 'don\'t trust users to be allowed to publish their own posts, you shouldn\'t invite them to Ghost admin.

' + '


Editors are the 2nd user level in Ghost. Editors can do everything that an' + ' Author can do, but they can also edit and publish the posts of others - as well as their own. Editors can also invite new' + ' authors to the site.


The top user level in Ghost is Administrator.' + ' Again, administrators can do everything that Authors and Editors can do, but they can also edit all site settings ' + 'and data, not just content. Additionally, administrators have full access to invite

' + '
'; describe('{{reading_time}} helper', function () { it('[success] renders reading time for less than one minute text as one minute', function () { var data = { html: almostOneMinute, title: 'Test', slug: 'slug' }, result =; String(result).should.equal('1 min read'); }); it('[success] renders reading time for one minute text as one minute', function () { var data = { html: almostOneMinute + 'This needed about twenty-five more words before passing the one minute reading time, ' + 'since the word count was 250, and the average speed is 275.', title: 'Test', slug: 'slug' }, result =; String(result).should.equal('1 min read'); }); it('[success] renders reading time for just under 1.5 minutes text as one minute', function () { var data = { html: almostOneAndAHalfMinute, title: 'Test', slug: 'slug' }, result =; String(result).should.equal('1 min read'); }); it('[success] adds time for feature image', function () { var data = { html: almostOneAndAHalfMinute, title: 'Test', slug: 'slug', feature_image: '/content/images/someimage.jpg' }, result =; // The reading time for this HTML snippet would 89 seconds without the image // Adding the 12 additional seconds for the image results in a readng time of over 1.5 minutes, rounded to 2 String(result).should.equal('2 min read'); }); it('[success] adds time for inline images', function () { var data = { html: almostOneAndAHalfMinute + '', title: 'Test', slug: 'slug' }, result =; // The reading time for this HTML snippet would 89 seconds without the image // Adding the 12 additional seconds for the image results in a readng time of over 1.5 minutes, rounded to 2 String(result).should.equal('2 min read'); }); it('[failure] does not render reading time when not post', function () { var data = { author: { name: 'abc 123', slug: 'abc123' } }, result =; should.not.exist(result); }); });