var MarkerManager = Ember.Mixin.create({ imageMarkdownRegex: /^(?:\{<(.*?)>\})?!(?:\[([^\n\]]*)\])(?:\(([^\n\]]*)\))?$/gim, markerRegex: /\{<([\w\W]*?)>\}/, uploadId: 1, // create an object that will be shared amongst instances. // makes it easier to use helper functions in different modules markers: {}, // Add markers to the line if it needs one initMarkers: function (line) { var imageMarkdownRegex = this.get('imageMarkdownRegex'), markerRegex = this.get('markerRegex'), editor = this.get('codemirror'), isImage = line.text.match(imageMarkdownRegex), hasMarker = line.text.match(markerRegex); if (isImage && !hasMarker) { this.addMarker(line, editor.getLineNumber(line)); } }, // Get the markdown with all the markers stripped getMarkdown: function (value) { var marker, id, editor = this.get('codemirror'), markers = this.get('markers'), markerRegexForId = this.get('markerRegexForId'), oldValue = value || editor.getValue(), newValue = oldValue; for (id in markers) { if (markers.hasOwnProperty(id)) { marker = markers[id]; newValue = newValue.replace(markerRegexForId(id), ''); } } return { withMarkers: oldValue, withoutMarkers: newValue }; }, // check the given line to see if it has an image, and if it correctly has a marker // in the special case of lines which were just pasted in, any markers are removed to prevent duplication checkLine: function (ln, mode) { var editor = this.get('codemirror'), line = editor.getLineHandle(ln), imageMarkdownRegex = this.get('imageMarkdownRegex'), markerRegex = this.get('markerRegex'), isImage = line.text.match(imageMarkdownRegex), hasMarker; // We care if it is an image if (isImage) { hasMarker = line.text.match(markerRegex); if (hasMarker && (mode === 'paste' || mode === 'undo')) { // this could be a duplicate, and won't be a real marker this.stripMarkerFromLine(line); } if (!hasMarker) { this.addMarker(line, ln); } } // TODO: hasMarker but no image? }, // Add a marker to the given line // Params: // line - CodeMirror LineHandle // ln - line number addMarker: function (line, ln) { var marker, markers = this.get('markers'), editor = this.get('codemirror'), uploadPrefix = 'image_upload', uploadId = this.get('uploadId'), magicId = '{<' + uploadId + '>}', newText = magicId + line.text; editor.replaceRange( newText, {line: ln, ch: 0}, {line: ln, ch: newText.length} ); marker = editor.markText( {line: ln, ch: 0}, {line: ln, ch: (magicId.length)}, {collapsed: true} ); markers[uploadPrefix + '_' + uploadId] = marker; this.set('uploadId', uploadId += 1); }, // Check each marker to see if it is still present in the editor and if it still corresponds to image markdown // If it is no longer a valid image, remove it checkMarkers: function () { var id, marker, line, editor = this.get('codemirror'), markers = this.get('markers'), imageMarkdownRegex = this.get('imageMarkdownRegex'); for (id in markers) { if (markers.hasOwnProperty(id)) { marker = markers[id]; if (marker.find()) { line = editor.getLineHandle(marker.find().from.line); if (!line.text.match(imageMarkdownRegex)) { this.removeMarker(id, marker, line); } } else { this.removeMarker(id, marker); } } } }, // this is needed for when we transition out of the editor. // since the markers object is persistent and shared between classes that // mix in this mixin, we need to make sure markers don't carry over between edits. clearMarkers: function () { var markers = this.get('markers'), id, marker; // can't just `this.set('markers', {})`, // since it wouldn't apply to this mixin, // but only to the class that mixed this mixin in for (id in markers) { if (markers.hasOwnProperty(id)) { marker = markers[id]; delete markers[id]; marker.clear(); } } }, // Remove a marker // Will be passed a LineHandle if we already know which line the marker is on removeMarker: function (id, marker, line) { var markers = this.get('markers'); delete markers[id]; marker.clear(); if (line) { this.stripMarkerFromLine(line); } else { this.findAndStripMarker(id); } }, // Removes the marker on the given line if there is one stripMarkerFromLine: function (line) { var editor = this.get('codemirror'), ln = editor.getLineNumber(line), markerRegex = /\{<([\w\W]*?)>\}/, markerText = line.text.match(markerRegex); if (markerText) { editor.replaceRange( '', {line: ln, ch: markerText.index}, {line: ln, ch: markerText.index + markerText[0].length} ); } }, // the regex markerRegexForId: function (id) { id = id.replace('image_upload_', ''); return new RegExp('\\{<' + id + '>\\}', 'gmi'); }, // Find a marker in the editor by id & remove it // Goes line by line to find the marker by it's text if we've lost track of the TextMarker findAndStripMarker: function (id) { var self = this, editor = this.get('codemirror'); editor.eachLine(function (line) { var markerText = self.markerRegexForId(id).exec(line.text), ln; if (markerText) { ln = editor.getLineNumber(line); editor.replaceRange( '', {line: ln, ch: markerText.index}, {line: ln, ch: markerText.index + markerText[0].length} ); } }); }, // Find the line with the marker which matches findLine: function (resultId) { var editor = this.get('codemirror'), markers = this.get('markers'); // try to find the right line to replace if (markers.hasOwnProperty(resultId) && markers[resultId].find()) { return editor.getLineHandle(markers[resultId].find().from.line); } return false; } }); export default MarkerManager;