// # Frontend Route tests // As it stands, these tests depend on the database, and as such are integration tests. // Mocking out the models to not touch the DB would turn these into unit tests, and should probably be done in future, // But then again testing real code, rather than mock code, might be more useful... const should = require('should'); const sinon = require('sinon'); const supertest = require('supertest'); const cheerio = require('cheerio'); const testUtils = require('../../utils'); const config = require('../../../core/shared/config'); const settingsCache = require('../../../core/shared/settings-cache'); const bridge = require('../../../core/bridge'); describe('Frontend Routing: Email Routes', function () { let request; let emailPosts; before(async function () { sinon.stub(bridge, 'getFrontendApiVersion') .returns('v4'); const originalSettingsCacheGetFn = settingsCache.get; // NOTE: this wacky stubbing can be removed once emailOnlyPosts enters GA stage sinon.stub(settingsCache, 'get').callsFake(function (key, options) { if (key === 'labs') { return { emailOnlyPosts: true }; } return originalSettingsCacheGetFn(key, options); }); await testUtils.startGhost(); request = supertest.agent(config.get('url')); emailPosts = await testUtils.fixtures.insertPosts([{ title: 'I am visible through email route!', status: 'sent', posts_meta: { email_only: true } }, { title: 'I am NOT visible through email route!', status: 'draft', posts_meta: { email_only: true } }]); }); after(function () { sinon.restore(); }); it('should display email_only post', async function () { const res = await request.get(`/email/${emailPosts[0].get('uuid')}/`) .expect('Content-Type', /html/) .expect(200); const $ = cheerio.load(res.text); $('title').text().should.equal('I am visible through email route!'); should.not.exist(res.headers['x-cache-invalidate']); should.not.exist(res.headers['X-CSRF-Token']); should.not.exist(res.headers['set-cookie']); should.exist(res.headers.date); }); it('404s for draft email only post', function () { return request.get(`/email/${emailPosts[1].get('uuid')}/`) .expect(404); }); it('404s known slug', function () { return request.get(`/email/${emailPosts[0].get('slug')}/`) .expect(404); }); it('404s unknown slug', function () { return request.get('/email/random-slug/') .expect(404); }); });