import Ember from 'ember'; let {isBlank} = Ember; function paginatedResponse(modelName, allModels, request) { let page = || 1; let limit = request.queryParams.limit || 15; let pages, models, next, prev; allModels = allModels || []; if (limit === 'all') { models = allModels; pages = 1; } else { limit = +limit; let start = (page - 1) * limit, end = start + limit; models = allModels.slice(start, end); pages = Math.ceil(allModels.length / limit); if (start > 0) { prev = page - 1; } if (end < allModels.length) { next = page + 1; } } return { meta: { pagination: { page: page, limit: limit, pages: pages, total: allModels.length, next: next || null, prev: prev || null } }, [modelName]: models }; } export default function () { // this.urlPrefix = ''; // make this `http://localhost:8080`, for example, if your API is on a different server this.namespace = 'ghost/api/v0.1'; // make this `api`, for example, if your API is namespaced // this.timing = 400; // delay for each request, automatically set to 0 during testing /* Authentication ------------------------------------------------------- */'/authentication/token', function () { return { access_token: '5JhTdKI7PpoZv4ROsFoERc6wCHALKFH5jxozwOOAErmUzWrFNARuH1q01TYTKeZkPW7FmV5MJ2fU00pg9sm4jtH3Z1LjCf8D6nNqLYCfFb2YEKyuvG7zHj4jZqSYVodN2YTCkcHv6k8oJ54QXzNTLIDMlCevkOebm5OjxGiJpafMxncm043q9u1QhdU9eee3zouGRMVVp8zkKVoo5zlGMi3zvS2XDpx7xsfk8hKHpUgd7EDDQxmMueifWv7hv6n', expires_in: 3600, refresh_token: 'XP13eDjwV5mxOcrq1jkIY9idhdvN3R1Br5vxYpYIub2P5Hdc8pdWMOGmwFyoUshiEB62JWHTl8H1kACJR18Z8aMXbnk5orG28br2kmVgtVZKqOSoiiWrQoeKTqrRV0t7ua8uY5HdDUaKpnYKyOdpagsSPn3WEj8op4vHctGL3svOWOjZhq6F2XeVPMR7YsbiwBE8fjT3VhTB3KRlBtWZd1rE0Qo2EtSplWyjGKv1liAEiL0ndQoLeeSOCH4rTP7', token_type: 'Bearer' }; }); /* Download Count ------------------------------------------------------- */ let downloadCount = 0; this.get('', function () { downloadCount++; return { count: downloadCount }; }); /* Notifications -------------------------------------------------------- */ this.get('/notifications/', 'notifications'); /* Posts ---------------------------------------------------------------- */'/posts/', function (db, request) { let [attrs] = JSON.parse(request.requestBody).posts; let post; if (isBlank(attrs.slug) && !isBlank(attrs.title)) { attrs.slug = attrs.title.dasherize(); } // NOTE: this does not use the post factory to fill in blank fields post = db.posts.insert(attrs); return { posts: [post] }; }); this.get('/posts/', function (db, request) { // TODO: handle status/staticPages/author params let response = paginatedResponse('posts', db.posts, request); return response; }); /* Roles ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ this.get('/roles/', 'roles'); /* Settings ------------------------------------------------------------- */ this.get('/settings/', function (db, request) { let filters = request.queryParams.type.split(','); let settings = []; filters.forEach(filter => { settings.pushObjects(db.settings.where({type: filter})); }); return { meta: { filters: { type: request.queryParams.type } }, settings: settings }; }); this.put('/settings/', function (db, request) { let newSettings = JSON.parse(request.requestBody); db.settings.remove(); db.settings.insert(newSettings); return { meta: {}, settings: db.settings }; }); /* Slugs ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ this.get('/slugs/post/:slug/', function (db, request) { return { slugs: [ {slug: request.params.slug.dasherize} ] }; }); /* Setup ---------------------------------------------------------------- */'/authentication/setup', function (db, request) { let [attrs] = $.deparam(request.requestBody).setup; let [role] = db.roles.where({name: 'Owner'}); let user; // create owner role unless already exists if (!role) { role = db.roles.insert({name: 'Owner'}); } attrs.roles = [role]; if (!isBlank( { attrs.slug ='@')[0].dasherize(); } // NOTE: this does not use the user factory to fill in blank fields user = db.users.insert(attrs); delete user.roles; return { users: [user] }; }); this.get('/authentication/setup/', function () { return { setup: [ {status: true} ] }; }); /* Tags ----------------------------------------------------------------- */'/tags/', function (db, request) { let [attrs] = JSON.parse(request.requestBody).tags; let tag; if (isBlank(attrs.slug) && !isBlank( { attrs.slug =; } // NOTE: this does not use the tag factory to fill in blank fields tag = db.tags.insert(attrs); return { tag: tag }; }); this.get('/tags/', function (db, request) { let response = paginatedResponse('tags', db.tags, request); // TODO: remove post_count unless requested? return response; }); this.get('/tags/slug/:slug/', function (db, request) { let [tag] = db.tags.where({slug: request.params.slug}); // TODO: remove post_count unless requested? return { tag: tag }; }); this.put('/tags/:id/', function (db, request) { let id =; let [attrs] = JSON.parse(request.requestBody).tags; let record = db.tags.update(id, attrs); return { tag: record }; }); this.del('/tags/:id/', 'tag'); /* Users ---------------------------------------------------------------- */'/users/', function (db, request) { let [attrs] = JSON.parse(request.requestBody).users; let user; if (!isBlank( { attrs.slug ='@')[0].dasherize(); } // NOTE: this does not use the user factory to fill in blank fields user = db.users.insert(attrs); return { users: [user] }; }); // /users/me = Always return the user with ID=1 this.get('/users/me', function (db) { return { users: [db.users.find(1)] }; }); this.get('/users/', 'users'); } /* You can optionally export a config that is only loaded during tests export function testConfig() { } */