/* jshint expr:true */ import { describe, it, beforeEach, afterEach } from 'mocha'; import { expect } from 'chai'; import Ember from 'ember'; import startApp from '../../helpers/start-app'; import Pretender from 'pretender'; import initializeTestHelpers from 'simple-auth-testing/test-helpers'; initializeTestHelpers(); const {run} = Ember, // TODO: Pull this into a fixture or similar when required elsewhere requiredSettings = [{ created_at: '2015-09-11T09:44:30.805Z', created_by: 1, id: 5, key: 'title', type: 'blog', updated_at: '2015-10-04T16:26:05.195Z', updated_by: 1, uuid: '39e16daf-43fa-4bf0-87d4-44948ba8bf4c', value: 'The Daily Awesome' }, { created_at: '2015-09-11T09:44:30.806Z', created_by: 1, id: 6, key: 'description', type: 'blog', updated_at: '2015-10-04T16:26:05.198Z', updated_by: 1, uuid: 'e6c8b636-6925-4c4a-a5d9-1dc0870fb8ea', value: 'Thoughts, stories and ideas.' }, { created_at: '2015-09-11T09:44:30.809Z', created_by: 1, id: 10, key: 'postsPerPage', type: 'blog', updated_at: '2015-10-04T16:26:05.211Z', updated_by: 1, uuid: '775e6ca1-bcc3-4347-a53d-15d5d76c04a4', value: '5' }, { created_at: '2015-09-11T09:44:30.809Z', created_by: 1, id: 13, key: 'ghost_head', type: 'blog', updated_at: '2015-09-23T13:32:49.858Z', updated_by: 1, uuid: 'df7f3151-bc08-4a77-be9d-dd315b630d51', value: '' }, { created_at: '2015-09-11T09:44:30.809Z', created_by: 1, id: 14, key: 'ghost_foot', type: 'blog', updated_at: '2015-09-23T13:32:49.858Z', updated_by: 1, uuid: '0649d45e-828b-4dd0-8381-3dff6d1d5ddb', value: '' }]; describe('Acceptance: Settings - Navigation', function () { var application, store, server; beforeEach(function () { application = startApp(); store = application.__container__.lookup('store:main'); server = new Pretender(function () { this.get('/ghost/api/v0.1/settings/', function (_request) { var response = {meta: {filters: 'blog,theme'}}; response.settings = [{ created_at: '2015-09-11T09:44:30.810Z', created_by: 1, id: 16, key: 'navigation', type: 'blog', updated_at: '2015-09-23T13:32:49.868Z', updated_by: 1, uuid: '4cc51d1c-fcbd-47e6-a71b-fdd1abb223fc', value: JSON.stringify([ {label: 'Home', url: '/'}, {label: 'About', url: '/about'} ]) }]; response.settings.pushObjects(requiredSettings); return [200, {'Content-Type': 'application/json'}, JSON.stringify(response)]; }); // TODO: This will be needed for all authenticated page loads // - is there some way to make this a default? this.get('/ghost/api/v0.1/notifications/', function (_request) { return [200, {'Content-Type': 'application/json'}, JSON.stringify({notifications: []})]; }); this.put('/ghost/api/v0.1/settings/', function (_request) { var response = {meta: {}}; response.settings = [{ created_at: '2015-09-11T09:44:30.810Z', created_by: 1, id: 16, key: 'navigation', type: 'blog', updated_at: '2015-09-23T13:32:49.868Z', updated_by: 1, uuid: '4cc51d1c-fcbd-47e6-a71b-fdd1abb223fc', value: JSON.stringify([ {label: 'Test', url: '/test'}, {label: 'About', url: '/about'} ]) }]; response.settings.pushObjects(requiredSettings); return [200, {'Content-Type': 'application/json'}, JSON.stringify(response)]; }); }); }); afterEach(function () { Ember.run(application, 'destroy'); }); it('redirects to signin when not authenticated', function () { invalidateSession(); visit('/settings/navigation'); andThen(function () { expect(currentPath()).to.not.equal('settings.navigation'); }); }); it('redirects to team page when authenticated as author', function () { run(() => { let role = store.createRecord('role', {name: 'Author'}); store.createRecord('user', {id: 'me', roles: [role]}); }); authenticateSession(); visit('/settings/navigation'); andThen(function () { expect(currentPath()).to.equal('team.user'); }); }); describe('when logged in', function () { beforeEach(function () { run(() => { let role = store.createRecord('role', {name: 'Administrator'}); store.createRecord('user', {id: 'me', roles: [role]}); }); authenticateSession(); }); it('can visit /settings/navigation', function () { visit('/settings/navigation'); andThen(function () { expect(currentPath()).to.equal('settings.navigation'); // test has expected number of rows expect($('.gh-blognav-item').length).to.equal(3); }); }); it('saves settings', function () { visit('/settings/navigation'); fillIn('.gh-blognav-label:first input', 'Test'); fillIn('.gh-blognav-url:first input', '/test'); triggerEvent('.gh-blognav-url:first input', 'blur'); click('.btn-blue'); andThen(function () { // TODO: Test for successful save here once we have a visual // indication. For now we know the save happened because // Pretender doesn't complain about an unknown URL expect($('.error').length).to.equal(0); expect($('.gh-alert').length).to.equal(0); }); }); it('clears unsaved settings when navigating away', function () { visit('/settings/navigation'); andThen(function () { $('.gh-blognav-label input').val('Test'); expect($('.gh-blognav-label:first input').val()).to.equal('Test'); }); visit('/settings/code-injection'); visit('/settings/navigation'); andThen(function () { expect($('.gh-blognav-label:first input').val()).to.equal('Home'); }); }); }); });